Network Meeting 2019, Hamburg

ERG annual meeting: The ERG meeting covered the annual activities of the ERG and projects for the future. As is now practice during the ERG meeting, following the introduction about the goals and activities of the ERG, all the participants broke up into small groups. Each subgroup was facilitated by a co-convenor who facilitated discussion about ERC participants’ experiences, including the elements of the ERC that have been useful so far, as well as suggestions for specific areas of development and further initiatives that can meet participants’ needs. The following themes were mentioned multiple times as positive elements of the ERC:

  • Opportunities for receiving formative feedback by the chairs/mentors
  • Ignite talks
  • Informative and useful lunchbreak sessions
  • A positive and inclusive atmosphere – with diversity across participants and content

The themes most common regarding proposed suggestions for the future were as follows:

  • Making networks/connecting with colleagues and co-convenors ahead of the ERC itself and more opportunities for this during the ERC
  • More opportunities to network and meeting the wider EERA network convenors
  • Further discussions on research ethics, experiences, challenges and situations

Specific suggestions that are possible to address, such as developing networks and connecting further with emerging researchers ahead of the ERC; more opportunities to meet the wider EERA network convenors; a pre-conference workshop on academic writing that is longer than 2 hours; and having sessions in relation to research ethics shall be considered for the ERC 2020. 

The Emerging Researchers' Group runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to erg-subscribe(at)

Join the ERG platform "EERA Emerging Researchers' Group" on LinkedIn This space for the ERG has the purpose of being a more interactive platform where members can contact each other directly and where they may exchange information and resources. It will also provide information about the ERG activities.

ERG on the EERA Blog

Learn more about the Emerging Researchers' Group on the EERA Blog

What is ERG?

Interview with Link Convenor 2019 - Part 1

Interview with Link Convenor - Part 2