We need to talk about Europe! Amplifying the voices of refugees
Friday, 11 September, 14:00 - 15:00
Chairs: Eric Mangez (University of Louvain) and Maarten Simons (University of Leuven)
Location: III. Elöadóterem (Main)
Educational research and educational researchers need public places and spaces of unrestricted communication. The EERJ Moot aims to create a space where an intergenerational discussion and debate among researchers can take place.
Our plan for this year is to re-orient the Moot and try and hold a collective public reflection on how we as education researcher can relate to the ongoing European situation. This is a proposal to think about what we are doing as (European) educational researchers while being confronted with what happens in Europe or in the name of Europe. This is not about a particular country, but about education and educational research(ers) in relation to Europe and Europeanization.
For more information: <link https: refugeesecer2015.wordpress.com _blank>refugeesecer2015.wordpress.com
Chair: Eric Mangez and Maarten Simons
ECER 2015