Time | Tuesday, 04/Sep/2018: 13:30 - 15:30 |
Location | D1.01 |
Speakers | Professor Shosh Leshem (Kibbutzim College of Education, Israel, Oranim Academic College of Education, Israel, and Research Associate, Stellenbosch University, South Africa) and Professor Emeritus Vernon Trafford (Anglia Ruskin University, UK, and Research Associate, Stellenbosch University South Africa) |
How examiners use certain identifiable features to judge the merits of theses are critical success factors and their importance should be recognised and used by candidates and supervisors through the doctoral journey. Knowing what these features are, provide a practical framework from which to approach and undertake doctoral research: how to think, how to write and how to present and submit your thesis. These features must be visible, explicit and accounted for in the thesis, so that scholarship of the thesis can be acknowledged by examiners. This recognition applies equally whether a thesis is defended by a candidate in a face to face defence with examiners or when formal panels use examiner reports to undertake at a summative assessment without author/candidates attending. In both cases, the quality of the thesis almost always determines the assessment outcome.
The workshop will introduce inescapable pre-requisites for a thesis to become doctorally- worthy. It will provide insights and strategic tools to help candidates appreciate:
- The ‘whole’ and the’ parts’ that form ‘synergy’ between the account of the research, that has been undertaken and the written text.
- The high quality of conceptualisation expected from a doctoral thesis and recognized by presentation of argument and structure, which make the thesis a coherent piece of research.
The presentation will include both theory and practice where participants will be able to interact with each other and discuss issues regarding their own research.
Submission formats
The Emerging Researchers' Conference welcomes the submission of 3 types of presentations: Papers, Posters and Pecha Kuchas. Workshops and Panels are reserved for invited sessions only.