Theo Wubbels is emeritus professor of Educational Sciences at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. His research interests developed in his career from the pedagogy of physics education, via problems and supervision of beginning teachers and teaching and learning in higher education to studies of learning environments and especially interpersonal relationships in education. During his career among others he was a physics teacher in a Montessori High school, and served as Director of Teacher Education, Dean of the Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Admissions Dean and Vice-rector for Teaching and Learning of Utrecht University. He was treasurer (2009 - 2013) and president of the European Educational Research Association (2014 - 2018). He published over 200 international journal articles and edited several books in Dutch and English. He is fellow of the American Educational Research Association.
How Can Young Scholars Survive and Build a Career in Academia?
Coming to a conference like the European Conference on Educational Research is one way to contribute to building a career in academia. Presenting a paper is another and even better one. Many emerging researchers pursue a career in academia: becoming an assistant professor and the steps beyond. Universities have fewer positions available than they supply PhD graduates who want to have such a position. To get such a position you first of all will have to survive during your PhD, to work productively with your supervisor and other young and experienced colleagues. Furthermore, you will have to make your CV as competitive as possible.
For those who are theoretically interested in a model that helps understand the pressures and opportunities for young researchers is available. In relation to this model I will present what young researchers can (or should?) do to build a career in academia. I will also approach the criteria that govern institution’s decisions on hiring and promotion of staff from a critical stance and point to some developments in these criteria.
Submission Formats
The Emerging Researchers' Conference welcomes the submission of 3 types of presentations: Papers, Posters and Ignite-Talks. Workshops and Panels are reserved for invited sessions only and are centrally organised .