'Reconnecting EERA' 23 - 28 August Online

*Keynotes, Panels and Network Activities*

Thank you #ReconnectingEERA participants

Thank you #ReconnectingEERA participants!
EERA would like to warmly thank all who participated in #ReconnectingEERA.
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Keynote Speakers

Recorded presentations available beginning 23 August

Joyce L Epstein

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Joyce L. Epstein, Ph.D. in sociology, is professor of education and director of the Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships at Johns Hopkins University. In 1995, she established the National Network of Partnership Schools (NNPS), which guides educators to develop research-based programs of family and community engagement.

Joyce's keynote is entitled "Imperative Connections: Using Research to Develop Programs of School, Family, and Community Partnerships for Student Success in School".

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Ramon Flecha

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Ramon Flecha is Doctor Honoris Causa of the West University of Timişoara and Professor of Sociology at the University of Barcelona. The main conclusion of the first project he led from the European Union’s Framework Program (FP5), WORKALÓ, The creation of new occupational patterns for cultural minorities: The gypsy case was unanimously approved by the European Parliament giving rise to various European and Member States policies.

Ramon's keynote is entitled "How Dialogic Educational Research Reconnects Communities".

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Isabel Menezes

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Isabel Menezes has a degree and a PhD in Psychology and a habilitation in Educational Sciences from the University of Porto, where she is a Full Professor in the Department of Educational Sciences. She is a member of CIIE, research center in educational research and intervention, and teaches in the fields of Educational Research, Educational and Community Intervention, Political Education and Political Psychology.

Isabel's keynote is entitled "On the Significance of Connecting and Dissenting for Political Education: An ecological-situated view of schools as communities within communities".

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Riyad A. Shahjahan

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Riyad A. Shahjahan is an Associate Professor of Higher, Adult and Life Long Education (HALE) at Michigan State University. He is also a core faculty member of Muslim Studies, Chicano/Latino Studies, Asian Studies Center, and Center for Advanced Study of International Development.

Riyad's keynote is entitled "On a 'Calculating Way of Being': The Perils of Datafication on Re/Connecting Communities".

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YouTube Playlist

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On the EERA YouTube Channel you can find a playlist of all 2020 keynotes, interviews with network link convenors and keynote videos from previous years.
Link to #ReconnectingEERA playlist

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Keynote Panel | Friday, 28 August | 16:00 CET (Berlin time)

At the centre of the 'Reconnecting EERA' week will be a series of recorded presentations by ECER 2020 keynote speakers. The videos will be available on YouTube throughout the week.

On Friday, 28 August a live Keynote Panel Discussion featuring the keynote speakers Joyce L Epstein, Ramon Flecha, Isabel Menezes and Riyad A. Shahjahan and hosted by the EERA president Joe O'Hara will be held at 16:00 CET Central European (Berlin) Time.
Link to Time Zone Converter

Please note that there will be a pre-registration for the webinar.
Link to register for the Panel Discussion Webinar

'Reconnecting EERA' | Network Activities

Emerging Researchers' Group (ERG) | 24 August

Support and development opportunities for EERA’s Emerging Researchers

Monday, 24 August, 10.00- 11.00 (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
Time Zone Converter

This session is free of charge. It provides an opportunity for EERA’s emerging researchers, their supervisors and research leaders to engage in interactive discussions which support:

  • broadening professional development opportunities and research dissemination experiences internationally;
  • exchanging experiences and ideas about research and researcher development;
  • actively participating in an European research community for Emerging Researchers.

Eventbrite link with further details: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/support-development-opportunities-for-eeras-emerging-researchers-tickets-114934403896 (Please note that registration is mandatory to enable planning for breakout group activities via a secure Zoom connection)

ERG Zoom Guide for Partcipants

NW 04. Inclusive Education | 26 - 28 August

Over three mornings (26-28 August), the online meeting will offer presentations of papers, posters and symposia submitted to ECER 2020, Network 4 - Inclusive Education. Three parallel sessions addressing various topics related to inclusive education will be held every morning. Attendance at the meeting is free of charge.

The meetings will be managed through a secured Zoom connection via the links below:

Meeting room 1 (Plenary sessions; Sessions A, D and G):
Meeting ID: 648 5223 5513
Passcode: 517148

Meeting room 2 (Sessions B, E and H):
Meeting ID: 860 7750 5229
Passcode: 768583

Meeting room 3 (Sessions C, F and I):
Meeting ID: 937 7571 1792
Passcode: 128470

The complete meeting programme is available at the following link:

Time Zone Converter

Wednesday, 26 August, 09.00- 09.30 (BST - UK Time zone)
PLENARY: Zoom set-up, Welcome

Wednesday, 26 August, 09.30 (BST - UK Time zone)
Paper Session
A.1 Starting fair: Inclusion in early childhood
B.1 Widening the conversation on inclusion in Higher Education
C.1 Professional implications: educators and pedagogues on inclusion

Wednesday, 26 August, 10.30 (BST - UK Time zone)
Paper Session
A.2 Decolonising inclusive education: what are the challenges?
B.2 Beyond classroom management: An inclusive perspective
C.2 Participative approaches to inclusion: Cultivating democracy in education

Wednesday, 26 August, 11.30 (BST - UK Time zone)
Paper Session
A.3 Advocating for inclusive justice in education
B.3 Speaking of disability: new challenges, new strategies
C.3 Research on SEN: What's next?

Wednesday, 26 August, 12.30 (BST - UK Time zone)
Poster Session

Thursday, 27 August, 09.00 (BST - UK Time zone)
Paper Session
D.1 "I call it a lesson learned": On becoming inclusive teachers
E.1 Doing research on inclusive education: A critical overview
F.1 Teachers beliefs and attitudes towards inclusive education

Thursday, 27 August, 10.00 (BST - UK Time zone)
Paper Session
D.2 Tailoring interventions to help students learning and thrive
E.2 Learning to teach inclusively: the pre-service teachers' experience
F.2 Self-efficacy, perception and sense of belonging

Thursday, 27 August, 11.00 (BST - UK Time zone)
Paper Session
D.3 Teaching science inclusively
E.3 Looking at STEM through an inclusive lens
F.3 Understanding teachers attitudes and competences regarding inclusion

Thursday, 27 August, 12.00 (BST - UK Time zone)
Paper Session
D.4 Contributions to the coming inclusive community
E.4 Fostering inclusive practices  through  innovative methods
F.4 Adults with disability: Different paths to inclusion

Friday, 28 August, 09.00 (BST - UK Time zone)
Paper Session
G.1 What leadership for an inclusive school? Reflections from the field
H.1 Voicing inclusive relationships: A dialogic view
I.1 Imaging and building shared spaces for inclusion

Friday, 28 August, 10.00 (BST - UK Time zone)
Paper Session and Symposium
G.2 Delving into the special educational needs perspective
H.2 What is the role of collaboration and engagement in inclusive settings?
Symposium A: Autonomy Rights and Children with Special Needs: Cross-national perspectives

Friday, 28 August, 11.00 (BST - UK Time zone)
Paper Session and Symposium
G.3 Taking charge of promoting inclusion in school: reviewing professional roles
H.3 Valuing cultural differences from an inclusive perspective
Symposium B: A dialogue between the south and the north on early childhood inclusion: from teachers' perspective

Friday, 28 August, 12.00 (BST - UK Time zone)
PLENARY: Network business meeting

NW 07. Social Justice and Intercultural Education | 27 August

Thursday, 27 August, 14:00 - 15:00 (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
Network Meeting
All (future) members and friends of network 07 are invited to the network meeting from 14:00 to 15:00 on Thursday, 27 August, which will also take place virtually via zoom.

Here the access data: https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/j/96484282871?pwd=SjNYWXo4WjhhakVKRzlBTDg5UjlFZz09

  • Meeting ID: 964 8428 2871
  • Password: 195544

NW 07. Social Justice and Intercultural Education and NW 17. Histories of Education | 27 August

Thursday, 27 August, 9:00 - 12:15 (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
Time Zone Converter

Virtual Forum of Network 07 “Social Justice and Intercultural Education” and Network 17 “Histories of Education” on the joint special call 'Refugees in/and Education throughout Time in Europe: Re- and Deconstructions of Discourses, Policies and Practices in Educational Contexts' 

Location/access data
Meeting-ID: 935 7886 0400
Passwort: 758272

The Zoom meeting will be hosted by Lisa Rosen and Fenna tom Dieck (University of Cologne). Please contact us if you have any questions about the technical process (lisa.rosen(at)uni-koeln.de or f.tomdieck(at)uni-koeln.de).

(Please note that the presentations in the sessions each last a maximum of 15 minutes!)

09:00-09:15: Meet and Greet
Welcome by Iveta Kestere (link convenor of network 17 “Histories of Education”) and Lisa Rosen (link convenor of network 07 “Social Justice and Intercultural Education”)

Introduction by Susanne Spieker and Anke Wischmann, initiators of the joint special call 'Refugees in/and Education throughout Time in Europe: Re- and Deconstructions of Discourses, Policies and Practices in Educational Contexts'

09:15-10:30: Parallel (Breakout) Sessions – Part I

A: Voicing Practices of/from Refugees in Educational Institutions
Chair: Lisa Rosen (University of Cologne)

  1. “I Am from Islam and Korean Pop”: Counter-narratives from refugee youth in Poland (2138) Presented by Aleksandra Olszewska (University of Florida)
  2. Brazilian University Students in Portugal: Towards an intersectional analysis of the coloniality of power (661)      
    Presented by Rovênia Amorim Borges and Almerindo Janela Afonso (University of Minho)
  3. Empowering Women from Ethnic Minorities Through Social Enterprises: Social Entrepreneurial Activity Across Europe (1600)
    Presented by Sakir Cinkir (Ankara University) and Alina Boutiuc Kaiser (Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg)
  4. Rethinking Higher Education Through Attention to International and Refugee-Background Women Students’ Accounts of Mobile Lives (1835)   
    Presented by Vivienne Anderson (University of Otago)

B: Unaccompanied Minors: Educational Policies in France and Italy
Chair: Geert Thysen (Western Norway University for Applied Sciences)

  1. From “poor refugees” to “good old niger”: Reflexions on UAM figures (530)  
    Presented by Patricia Mothes and Sandra Cadiou (Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès)
  2. Unaccompanied Minors: Educational Critical Events (1614)           
    Presented by Luca Agostinetto and Lisa Bugno (University of Padua)
  3. Competences, Educational Professionality and Reception of Unaccompanied Minors (1274)        
    Presented by Lorena Milani and Federica Matera (University of Turin)

10:30-10:45 Come Together

10:45-12:00: Parallel (Breakout) Sessions – Part II

A: School Cultures and Educational Approaches in Working with Refugees
Chair: Susanne Spieker (UniversitätKoblenz-Landau)/Anke Wischmann (Europa-Universität Flensburg)

  1. Where Does ‘School-Based Birthday Celebration’ Fit into the History of Migrant Students in the Danish Educational System? (2865)
    Presented by Søren Sindberg Jensen (University of Southern Denmark)
  2. What Happens during Important Moments in the Everyday Life of an Intercultural School? Zooming in on Play. (823)
    Presented by Mervi Kaukko (Tampere University) and Jane Wilkinson (Monash University)
  3. The Status of Refugees and Their Teachers at Primary Schools in Turkey and Italy: An Example of SWOT Analysis (769)     
    Presented by Dilara Yilmaz (Kocaeli University)
  4. Seeing the Cases of Syrian Refugee Students in Turkey through the Prism of Equity: Voices of Principals (1326)     
    Presented by Gökhan Arastaman and Pınar Ayyıldız (Hacettepe University)

B: Hidden Curricula in Refugee Education throughout Time
Chair: Iveta Kestere (University of Latvia)

  1. Representations of Refugees in Polish Children's Literature (2965)           
    Presented by Marta Pietrusińska (University of Warsaw)
  2. The Latvian Gymnasium in Münster (West-Germany) as the Center for Socio-political Activities of the Latvian Exile Community (1975-1981) (1169)   
    Presented by: Mārtiņš Marsons (National Archives of Latvia)
  3. Diversity, Resistance and the Hidden Curriculum for Indigenous Ju|'hoan Learners in Namibia (2014)           
    Presented by Velina Ninkova (University of Tromsø, the Arctic University of Norway)

12:00-12:15: Conclusion
Closing comment by Susanne Spieker and Anke Wischmann, initiators of the joint special call 'Refugees in/and Education throughout Time in Europe: Re- and Deconstructions of Discourses, Policies and Practices in Educational Contexts.'

We would very much welcome your participation and look forward to the opportunity for a scientific exchange during the #Reconnecting EERA week despite the cancellation of ECER 2020.

NW 09. Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement | 27 August

Time Zone Converter

Thursday, 27 August, 13:00 - 14:00 (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
Network Meeting
You are cordially invited to the annual Network Business Meeting of Network 9. As an announcement for this meeting, Eugene Gonzalez, Martin Goy, Sarah Howie and Jana Strakova (co-convenors of Network 9) nominate Monica Rosén (co-convenor and interim acting Link Convenor) for appointment as the new Link Convenor of Network 9.
Link to join (via Microsoft Teams):

Network Meeting

Thursday, 27 August, 14:00 - 15:30 (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
Network 9 Annual Keynote 2020 by Peter Tymms
The convenors of Network 9 are delighted to announce that Professor Peter Tymms (Durham University) will present the 2020 network keynote address. The keynote will be on the theme of ‘Standards Over Time at National and International Levels’.* The keynote will be followed by a live session for questions and discussion with Peter Tymms.
Link to join (via Microsoft Teams):

Network Keynote

* Keynote abstract: Enormous efforts have been made to increase attainment in education across the world in the last few decades. There have been parallel attempts to monitor levels of attainment in some countries and internationally. Some of these attempts have been plagued by grade inflation, but some stand out as being remarkable in their ability to maintain test integrity. A careful analysis of the data suggests that levels of attainment have remained remarkably stable over the last few decades. This holds within and across countries. The optimism of 20 years ago was indeed unfounded. The talk will outline reasons for this stability and will suggest ways forward, which not so much remedy the problem as work with it.

NW 10. Teacher Education Research | 24 - 26 August

Time Zone Converter

Monday, 24 August, 9:00 - 10:30 (CET Central European (Berlin) Time)
Writing your abstract for ECER 2021
In this webinar we will host a discussion on preparing your abstract for ECER. Join us to discuss your ideas and find collaborators.
Presenters: ML White and Susann Hofbauer

Tuesday, 25 August, 11:00 - 13:30 (CET Central European (Berlin) Time)
NW 10 Network Meeting
All are welcome to join!

Wednesday, 26 August, 11:00 - 13:30 (CET Central European (Berlin) Time)
Talking #TeacherEducation: policy and practice across Europe in dialogue with the convenor group
In this webinar we will share the experience of our own contexts - policy responses and the practices that have been impacted by the COVID 19 crisis. Over the past 100 days throughout Europe and beyond important questions about education have been raised and we will each present a brief overview of our experiences before engaging in dialogue. We will use break out groups in order that you join a discussion on the area that you are most interested in.

NW 13. Philosophy of Education | 26 - 27 August

NW 13 - Special Call ‘Education and psychoanalysis’
Due to COVID-19, this year’s conference has been canceled. We decided, in agreement with Network 13 Convenors and EERA office, to propose an online conference gathering the papers accepted in response to the Special Call ‘Education and psychoanalysis’. This year, 5 papers, 3 long papers and 5 symposia were accepted: some of the researchers have agreed to contribute to this online conference. We warmly thank them.

Link to events: This online conference will take place on Adobe Connect: https://connect.univ-rouen.fr/duboiarn/
Link to complete online meeting timetable
Time Zone Converter

Wednesday, 26 August, 10:00 - 11:30 (GMT+2 / CET - Berlin time)
Introduction and Symposium ‘Being in Contact with Oneself to be in Contact with Others: how to make (Re)connections in Educational Relationships and Research’

Wednesday, 26 August, 11:45 - 12:30 (GMT+2 / CET - Berlin time)
Long Paper ‘When It Doesn’t Read’

Wednesday, 26 August, 14:00 - 15:30 (GMT+2 / CET - Berlin time)
Paper Session: ‘Schizoanalysis, Deterritorialization and Transversality: Creating Non-Hierarchic
Communication in the Classroom’; ‘The Experience of Music by Deaf Children: What Possible Mediations in Education?’; ‘Common Experience of Circulation in Cities for Teenage Girls : Repetition and Subjectivation’

Thursday, 27 August, 11:00 - 12:30 (GMT+2 / CET - Berlin time)
Symposium ‘The Community as a Question of Identity during and beyond Adolescence'

Thursday, 27 August, 14:00 - 15:30 (GMT+2 / CET - Berlin time)
Long Papers: ‘Psychoanalysis with Education: Affecting constructions for thinking’; ‘Conveying an Ability to Practise a Linking Function when faced with Attacks on Linking in a Socio-Educational Institution’

NW 14. Communities, Families, and Schooling in Educational Research | 27 August

Thursday, 27 August, 12:00 - 15:00 (GMT +2 / CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
Time Zone Converter

Network 14 (Communities, Families and Schooling in Educational Research) will have an informal gathering on Thursday 27 August from 12 noon (GMT + 2 / CET - Central European (Berlin) Time).

The first part of the meeting (12:00 - 13.30) will be open to all Network 14 members and/or people whose submissions to Network 14 have been accepted to ECER 2020. This will allow us to come together and give us the opportunity to discuss our research activities around our Network’s main research themes:

  • Schooling in rural and urban settings.
  • Place based and place conscious education – the community active school and environmental sustainability.
  • School related transitions within a life course perspective (between home and school, phases of school or school and community/ adult life)
  • Family education and parenting – cultural, technological and multicultural aspects of school-family-community partnerships.
  • Policies and actions related to co-operation and dialogue among social actors to promote school-family-community links.

Please register for this part of the event by completing the online form available at: https://forms.gle/uTp5aiwkhTV9bXRaA

  • The link to the event will be sent to all registered participants nearer the time.    

If you are not a member of the Network and/or your submission to Network 14 has not been accepted to ECER 2020 and you wish to join the event, please contact the link convener: Laurence Lasselle (laurence.lasselle(at)st-andrews.ac.uk).

The second part of the meeting (14:00 – 15:00) will be for all Network 14 current reviewers and convenors only. We will then discuss the traditional business of the Network and focus on the preparation of the various Network 14 activities over the forthcoming months.

NW 15. Research on Partnerships in Education | 28 August

Friday, 28 August, 14:30 - 15:00 (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
NW 15 Network Meeting
Network 15 will hold its AGM also on Friday, August 28th (14:30-15:00 CEST/Berlin time). The meeting is kept to a very short time frame so that as many of you will have a possibility to join. We will be using a password secured Zoom video platform – on the day, please click on the link below and take note of the Password – perhaps copy this part of the message into your calendar entry for ease of remembering:
Link to meeting: https://aaudk.zoom.us/j/67548445349
Meeting ID: 675 4844 5349
Passcode: 835986
Time Zone Converter

NW 17. Histories of Education | 26 August

As you have already been informed, due to COVID-19, ECER 2020 in Glasgow has been canceled. However, NW17 (Histories of Education) is alive and active, and ready to meet on-line on 26 August during the 'Reconnecting EERA' week for some informal sessions and NW17 meeting.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to give the floor to everyone who submitted a paper proposal for NW17’s sessions this year. Therefore we invited some colleagues who have been engaged in NW17 for many years and/or whose experience has been sought out especially for ECER 2020 to informally and briefly (max. 10 to 15 minutes) present their thoughts on one of the three topics, followed by disscussions.  

Time Zone Converter

Wednesday, 26 August, 10:15 - 15:00 (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)

  • 10:15-10:25 Gathering in Zoom room
  • 10:25-10:30 Welcome (Iveta Kestere, NW17 Link Convenor)
  • 10:30-11:30 Session 1
  • 11:30-11:45 Break
  • 11:45-12:30 Session 2
  • 12:30-12:45 Break
  • 12:45-13:45 Session 3
  • 13:45-14:00 Break
  • 14:00-approx.15:00 Network Meeting

1. Understanding Communities in Europe and beyond by (Re)Connecting with Histories of Education, following the Special Call of NW17.
Introduction: Geer Tyssen (Liverpool John Moores University, UK) and Christian Ydesen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Presenters: Wolfgang Göderle (University of Graz, Austria)  and Yoonmi Lee (Hongik University, South Korea)

2. Refugees in/and Education throughout Time in Europe: Re- and Deconstructions of Discourses, Policies and Practices in Educational Contexts, following the joint Special Call of NW17 and NW07. Chair: Pieter Verstraete (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Presenters: Susanne Spieker (Uni-Landau, Germany) and Anke Wischmann (Europa-Universität Flensburg, Germany)

3. History of Education Research “In Quarantine”? 
Introduction: Sarah Van Ruysekensvelde (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Presenters: Susannah Wright (Oxford Brookes University, UK) and Marc Depaepe (KU Leuven, Belgium and University of Latvia)

4. Network Meeting
The sessions will be held on Wednesday, August 26 starting from 10.30 (CET (Berlin) time).

If you are interested to participate, please find the on-line form below. Of course, your co-authors and colleagues are very welcome. The Zoom link will be sent to all who register closer to the date.

We emphasize once again that this will be an informal gathering for our own enjoyment, just to come together, not lose touch and see each other, at least virtually.

We look forward very much to meeting you. If you have any questions, please contact NW17 LC Iveta Kestere: iveta.kestere(at)lu.lv

NW 18 Research in Sport Pedagogy | 27 August

Thursday, 27 August, 17:00 - 18:30 CET - Central European (Berlin) Time (4pm-5.30pm BST - please join from 3:50pm BST so we can have a prompt start)
SERA Connects and EERA Network 18 Research in Sport Pedagogy

Although we cannot meet in person for the ECER conference this year, to mark that Glasgow would have been hosting the conference, the Scottish Physical Education Network (ScotPERN) are linking with EERA Network 18 Research in Sport Pedagogy to hold an online symposium.

Title: Scottish Physical Education within the context of health and wellbeing: Researching the challenges and opportunities. 

 In 2010, a new curriculum was introduced in Scotland, Curriculum for Excellence (Scottish Government 2004). As a result, physical education (PE) moved from the Expressive Arts to a new position within the curricular area of Health and Wellbeing. This move presented both challenges and opportunities for teachers, and a rich context in which teacher learning during this time of change could be researched. This symposium is made up of four presentations that explore the ways in which PE teachers, both in-service and pre-service, have navigated and managed these policy developments in Scotland.  

 Chair: Dr. Shirley Gray (University of Edinburgh)

Paper 1: Dr. Andrew Horrell (University of Edinburgh)
Title: School-Based Curriculum Development in Physical Education and Curriculum Leaders

Paper 2: Prof. David Kirk, Ms Cara Lamb, Dr.  Eishin Teraoka (University of Strathclyde)
Title: Exploring and developing pedagogies of affect in Scottish secondary schools

Paper 3: Mrs Elaine Wotherspoon (University of the West of Scotland)
Exploring PE graduates perceived preparedness for HWB:  ‘As I understand more the less prepared I feel.’

Paper 4: Dr. Mike Jess, Dr.  Paul McMillan, Dr. Nicola Carse and Mrs. Karen Munro (University of Edinburgh)
Title: Understanding the Complex Nature of Teachers’ Professional Vision in Physical Education

To register for the event please follow this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sera-connects-and-eera-network-18-research-in-sport-pedagogy-tickets-115760584023


@seraconf    #SERAConnects

NW 22. Research in Higher Education | 27 August

On the 27th of August Network 22. Research in Higher Education will hold a network meeting (open to everyone) from 11:00 to 12:00 and there will be paper presentations in the afternoon. Please see the schedule below.
Time Zone Converter

Thursday, 27 August, 11:00 – 12:00 (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
Network Meeting

Thursday, 27 August, 13:00 – 18:00  (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
Paper Presentations
Information for presenters: Everyone who filled in the qualtrics link will able to present, according to the following instructions:

  • Please note that we request you to limit your presentation to 15 minutes, with about 5 to 10 minutes for presentation and 5 to 10 for discussion.
  • Please focus on the results of your research, and use a limited number of slides (between 5 and 7).
  • All times are Berlin/Amsterdam times (one hour later than London).

You can find the complete list of the presenters and titles of presentations here.

13:00 – 14:30  (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
1. Teaching, learning and assessment in higher education
Session 1A Chair: Chris Kubiak (focus on skills and learning)
6 paper presentations

Session 1B Chair: Georgeta Ion (focus on teaching)
6 paper presentations

13:00 – 15:00  (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
2. Student transitions and graduate employability
Chair: Cristina Devecchi
8 paper presentations

15:00 – 16:45  (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
3. Academic work and professional development
Chair: Patrick Baughan
6 paper presentations

14:45 – 16:45  (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
4. Policy, management and governance in higher education
Chair: Rosemary Deem
8 paper presentations

16:30 – 18:00  (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
5. Inclusion and diversity in higher education settings
Chair: Serap Emil
4 paper presentations

16:30 – 18:15  (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
6. Internationalisation in Higher Education
Chair: Monne Wihlborg
7 paper presentations

NW 23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education | 26 August

Wednesday, 26 August, 16:00 - 17:00 (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
Network 23 Annual Business Meeting
You are invited to the EERA Network 23 Annual Business Meeting.

You can access the meeting via the following Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 927 6430 8932
Passcode: 464694
Time Zone Converter

NW 25. Research on Children's Rights in Education | 25 August

Tuesday, 25 August, 10:00 – 12:30 (GMT +2 / CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)

Network 25 (Children’s Rights in Education Network) are holding a virtual event focused on, “Wicked Problems in Children’s Rights in Education” on Tuesday, 25 August from 10:00 -12:30 (GMT + 2 / CET - Central European (Berlin) Time) as part of a Network development project supported by EERA.

We aim to bring together education researchers interested in children’s rights from across the world to meet to share, discuss, and draw attention to the ‘wicked’ problems in children’s rights in education. We are excited to have children and young people participating at this event, via various modes, who will also be focusing on the ‘wicked problems’ they face regarding children’s rights and education.

Adult panellists:

  • Professor Laura Lundy (Co-Director Centre for Children’s Rights, Queen’s University, Belfast)
  • Professor Philip D. Jaffé (Member UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and Professor in the Centre for Children’s Rights Studies, University of Geneva, Switzerland),
  • Dr Patricio Cuevas-Parra (Director for Child Participation and Rights, World Vision International) 
  • Assistant Professor Gabriela Martinez Sainz (Ad Astra Fellow, UCD and Co-founder Centre for Human Rights Studies, Mexico)
  • Mr Samson Oladejo (PhD Researcher focusing on discourses of risk that obfuscate educational access for young people in urban poor areas of Lagos, Nigeria)
  • Professor Ann Quennerstedt (Professor of Education, Orebro University, Sweden and Link Convenor of N25 Research on Children’s Rights in Education EERA Network)

Following the presentations from all panellists, there will be an open discussion about how we, as an education community, might be able to approach or seek to resolve these ‘wicked problems’ together.

The event will be 'live-tweeted' by #ChildRightsChat, and summarised by way of a graphic recording which will be made available after the event via the EERA Network 25 webpage and Twitter account.

We plan to extend the chat activity on Zoom for 30 minutes after the main part of the event is completed, for those you wish to and who are available. This will give us the opportunity to continue the discussions and network together.

Please register for the event using the link below:

If you have any questions, please contact the event conveners:
Dr Zoe Moody (zoe.moody(at)unige.ch )
Dr Jenna Gillett-Swan (jenna.gillettswan(at)qut.edu.au )

NW 33. Gender and Education | 27 August

(Re)connecting feminist, queer and trans* (FQT*) communities through educational research: solidarity, resistance and hope

Thursday, 27 August, 11:00 - 12:30 (CET - Central European (Berlin) Time)
Time Zone Converter
Link to join: https://ulimerick.gl.reu1.blindsidenetworks.com/rua-4nn-q96

This roundtable aims to address concerns often marginalized in mainstream gender perspectives by bringing together scholars and educators, activists and allies to discuss the theme of (re)connecting feminist, queer and trans* (FQT*) communities through educational research. Confirmed speakers include EJ Renold (Wales), Declan Fahie (Ireland), José Oriol Rios Gonzalez (Spain), and René_ Rain Hornstein (Germany).

In bringing this diverse group of international scholars together the roundtable will embrace FQT* educational research and foreground its radical potential to creatively reimagine what education could be like. Yet, these theoretical, empirical and methodological contributions will also critically examine the challenges and barriers that FQT* people, practices and theories face within educational spaces. In so doing, the roundtable will contribute to building a community of practice capable of developing critical educational alternatives and reflecting on doing-being-becoming.

EERA President Joe O'Hara on 'Reconnecting EERA'

Why the title 'Reconnecting EERA'?

As part of its ongoing commitment to providing opportunities for educational researchers throughout Europe and beyond to share their work, ideas and experiences, EERA is organising a week of online events in August 2020. The title chosen for this series of events is 'Reconnecting EERA" and it is one that seeks to connect to the theme of the sadly canceled ECER 2020 in Glasgow. It also recognises the need for a focal point for the different constituencies that make up EERA - Networks, National Associations, EERJ etc which will allow them to maintain the conversation that is at the heart of the work of the Association.

What will be happening during the week?

At the centre of the 'Reconnecting EERA' week will be a series of recorded presentations by the ECER 2020 keynote speakers. These will be streamed throughout the week and on Friday a live Keynote Panel discussion hosted by the EERA President and including all participating keynotes will be held. In addition to these presentations and conversations, EERA networks will host a series of seminars and other online fora throughout the week. EERA hopes that these events will provide a platform for educational researchers to engage with new ideas, connect with EERA and its networks and ultimately to continue the process of engaging in research for the benefit of society.

All are welcome, and all events are free of charge.

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Playlist #ReconnectingEERA

Isabel Menezes - Riyad A. Shahjahan - Ramon Flecha - Joyce L Epstein

Keynote Panel

With keynote speakers Ramon Flecha, Isabel Menezes and Riyad A. Shahjahan