It has long been known: “there is nothing as practical as a good theory” (Lewin, 1952, p. 169). This applies to the social sciences but certainly also to educational research, a field that ideally…
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Current Members
in order of countries: Armenia (ERAS) Austria (ÖFEB) Azerbaijan (AzERA, candidate) Belarus (IE) Belgium (VFO and ABCEduc) Bulgaria (Candidate) Croatia (CERA) Cyprus (CPA…
Association Belge des Chercheurs en Education Belgium
Association des Enseignants et Chercheurs en Sciences de l'Education France
In 2011, EERA Council started an initiative to invite member associations to report on their activities and the situation for educational research in their respective countries. There are two types…
Educational research in French-speaking Belgium
Presentation at EERA council 2014 Eric Mangez, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Belgium* has often been described as a consociational…
The State of Educational Research in Italy
Maria Grazia Riva Società Italiana di Pedagogia (SIPED) SIPED – Italian Society of Pedagogy March 2016, Berlin Educational research is carried out in Italy…
Short overview:
Founded in 1930 by first Estonian professor of education Peeter Põld. During the Soviet time association was closed, but was refounded again in May, 1989.
We are voluntary…
The State of Educational Research in the Netherlands
Theo Wubbels President Netherlands Educational Research Association (Vereniging voor Onderwijs Research, VOR) Spring 2011
Educational research…
The State of Educational Research in Switzerland
Katharina Maag Merki President Swiss Society for Research in Education (SSRE) Spring 2012
The Swiss Society for Research in Education ( SSRE)…