ECER 2025 - Call for Proposals & Network Calls

The ECER 2025 Theme is 'Charting the Way Forward: Education, Research, Potentials and Perspectives'. However, EERA welcomes contributions from the broad range of educational research.

In addition to the general call, some networks would like to encourage discussion on specific thematic topics and have therefore issued a special call. However, they will remain open for all other submissions within their area.

You will find an overview of all the Network Special Calls below. In order to submit to one of the Special Calls, select the network first and then choose the topic "NW XX Special Call" when you make your submission.

Network Special Calls

NW 04/06/16 : Inclusion, Digital Media, and Education: Challenges, Opportunities, and Ethical Considerations

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Inclusion, Digital Media, and Education: Challenges, Opportunities, and Ethical Considerations
NW 04. Inclusive Education, NW 06. Open Learning: Media, Environments and Cultures and NW 16. ICT in Education and Training

Technology is ubiquitous in education and its potential is rapidly evolving. The use of digital media can foster opportunities for ALL learners but can impact chances of exclusion. The purpose of this joint special call issued by networks 4, 6, and 16 is to explore opportunities as well as challenges of the application of digital media in education with respect to inclusion of various student groups.

This call invites contributions that explore the intersections between inclusion and digital media, addressing how technological advancements and their use both enable and challenge ways forward towards more equitable education.

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NW 07/20/29: Arts-based research and education: School and Community Engagement, Participation, Innovation and Power-Sharing

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Arts-based research and education: School and Community Engagement, Participation, Innovation and Power-Sharing
NW 07. Social Justice and Intercultural Education, NW 20. Research in Innovative Intercultural Learning Environments and NW 29. Research on Arts Education

Arts-Based Educational Research (ABER) uses inventive, sensory and relational methods to deepen understanding of experience. Similarly, participatory research (PR) methods invite active co-creation of knowledge, challenging traditional research dynamics and valuing marginalised perspectives. Arts-based techniques provide accessible, non-verbal means for participants to share their insights, supporting culturally sensitive and contextually relevant research. These approaches encourage researchers to be reflexive and ethically sensitive in addressing power asymmetries throughout the research process. With this joint special call, we invite educational researchers to present how they practice ABER and PR and strive for school and community engagement, participation, innovation and power sharing.

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NW 01: Ecologies of Teacher Induction and Mentoring in Europe: Practices for Learning and Development of New Teachers

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Ecologies of Teacher Induction and Mentoring in Europe: Practices for Learning and Development of New Teachers
NW 01 Professional Learning and Development

This special call for proposals for the ECER 2025 conference is organised by the European network Ecologies of Teacher Induction and Mentoring in Europe (TIME), which has been part of EERA's Network 1 "Professional Learning and Development" since 2021. The network aims to bring together scholars interested in researching the support of new teachers during the induction phase. The network has organised various research meetings to promote collaboration between researchers working on mentoring and induction practices. We now extend an open invitation to researchers working on the professional learning and development of new teachers to propose a paper for the ECER 2025 conference.

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NW 12: Transfer and Open Science. Forward thinking in research, practice, and infrastructure

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Transfer and Open Science. Forward thinking in research, practice, and infrastructure

NW 12 Open Research on Education

Knowledge transfer is a key issue in educational research, but how to effectively exchange research-generated knowledge in practice remains a challenge. Open Science and Open Educational Practices provide a framework to address this by promoting accessible, inclusive and collaborative scientific knowledge and fostering dialogue between communities of practice in education. It highlights the need to improve the way knowledge is organised, produced, communicated and disseminated. This raises questions about the conditions necessary for successful knowledge transfer, particularly in relation to Open Science, between individuals, organisations and policy-making processes.

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NW 13: Special Call for LONG PAPERS

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As of this academic year we have started a new initiative to promote the submission of long papers to Network 13 (Philosophy of Education) at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER). Although we still welcome short papers, symposia and workshops, the convenors of Network 13 would like to encourage colleagues to submit long papers (4000 up to 6000 words) which adopt a philosophical approach to the ECER 2025 theme «Charting the Way Forward: Education, Research, Potentials and Perspectives»

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NW 14: Charting the Way Forward: School-community Relationships and Educational Research

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Charting the Way Forward: School-community Relationships and Educational Research

NW 14 Communities, Families and Schooling in Educational Research

Respecting the conference theme, “Charting the Way Forward: Education, Research, Potentials and Perspectives”, ECER/EERA Network 14 invites contributions aiming to shape future school-community relationships in all locations, in particular those involving families and schools in the socio-educational development of the community. For example: How can educational research best support the charting of the way forward in terms of school-community relationships? How is artificial intelligence shaping new school-community relationships? How might collaborative relationships between families and schools be created based on current realities and future hopes?

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NW 15 - A: Supporting children’s futures through partnerships

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Supporting children’s futures through partnerships
NW 15 Research on Partnerships in Education

Empowering students to play an active role in their own learning process has become a fundamental goal in education. Consequently, educational researchers seek ways to make students’ voices heard when working together, which ultimately leads to a special form of partnership between the students and the researcher. Although it may be argued that partnerships are based on equality, student-researcher partnerships are never really even. We are seeking contributions that critically discuss how researchers can establish meaningful partnerships, to consider if or how it might be possible to empower students, and highlight how to acknowledge and address mutual limitations.

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NW 15 - B: The nature of partnerships in education in Erasmus+ projects

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The nature of partnerships in education in Erasmus+ projects
NW 15 Research on Partnerships in Education

The European Commission provides funding to support and sustain different types of partnership projects. In this special call we invite proposals from projects that have been or are currently funded through the Erasmus+ initiative and share their critical reflection on the nature of partnerships that are forged. Proposals should examine how strategic cooperations in the field of education and training, form and describe the conditions that shape the coming together of different practitioners. We invite reflections that consider theories and methodologies that examine the nature of these partnerships in education.

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NW 17: Charting the way forward. Integrating historical perspectives and inquiries into contemporary educational debates

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Charting the way forward. Integrating historical perspectives and inquiries into contemporary educational debates
NW 17 Histories of education

Education is a future-oriented enterprise, implying possibilities, and potentially uto-pian ideals of what a positive future should look like. Educational theory and prac-tice are thus a bridge between the lived present and desired future. But education is also an enterprise firmly rooted in the past. In this special call we invite reflec-tion on the overall conference theme, ‘charting the way forward’, from perspectives informed by the past. We invite methodologically and theoretically focused contri-butions which draw on historical evidence and historical/interdisciplinary approach-es to interrogate the extent to which education can and should direct and inform our futures.

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NW 18: Visions for the Future of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy: Charting the Way Forward for a Socially-Just Future

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Visions for the Future of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy: Charting the Way Forward for a Socially-Just Future
NW 18 Research in Sport Pedagogy

Physical education and sport pedagogy stand at a critical juncture, facing unprecedented challenges – but also opportunities – in an increasingly complex global landscape (Stirrup & Hooper, 2021). As the first quarter of the 21st century draws to a close, traditional approaches to physical education and sport pedagogy require a reimagining in order to address issues of social justice, equity, and inclusion. This special call for abstracts invites all those within the field to contribute to a future-oriented discourse that examines innovative approaches and transformative practices in physical education and sport pedagogy.

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NW 21: Charting the Way Forward between Beliefs and Uncertainty

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Charting the Way Forward between Beliefs and Uncertainty
NW 21 Education and Psychoanalysis

ECER 2025 theme could be an opportunity to focus on key issues linking Education and Psychoanalysis such as the threat of ideological injunctions; the necessity to think how a researcher is related to his research object or the importance of creating devices that allow the study of unconscious phenomena at stake in educational situations.

Psychoanalysis has been contested all around the world over the last decade, probably because its approach of the human subject is at the heart of those debates. Taking into account the complexity of the subject seems to be crucial to enlight contemporary phenomena in Education.


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NW 24: Charting the Future of Mathematics Education: Technology and Equity

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Charting the Future of Mathematics Education: Technology and Equity

NW 24 Mathematics Education Research

Mathematics education research has the potential to address emerging global challenges by integrating innovative technologies and promoting equitable learning environments. Reflecting the ECER 2025 theme, this special call invites contributions that explore how the interplay of technology and equity can reshape mathematics education. Topics include leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and other tools to foster engagement and understanding, addressing barriers to participation for underrepresented or diverse groups, and designing inclusive, culturally responsive practices in mathematics education.

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NW 25: Reimagining the Aims of Education Through Children’s Rights: Critical Perspectives for Uncertain Times

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Reimagining the Aims of Education Through Children’s Rights: Critical Perspectives for Uncertain Times
NW 25. Research on Children's Rights in Education Name

This special call engages with the importance of education in relation to children’s human rights, beyond just the right to education. The aims of education are outlined in international treaties such as UNCRC, Article 29, which includes the development of children’s personalities, respect for human rights, cultural identity, and the environment. However, the latters remain underexamined in rights scholarship. This call invites researchers to consider whether the aims of education, from rights perspectives, remain relevant, applicable, and useful in uncertain times. It welcomes critical and controversial perspectives, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue to advance educational children’s rights research.

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NW 27: Teaching and learning in times of uncertainty. Didactics, societal demands and individual needs in a changing world

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Teaching and learning in times of uncertainty. Didactics, societal demands and individual needs in a changing world
NW 27 Didactics - Learning and Teaching

The general theme of the ECER 2025, “Charting the Way Forward: Education, Research, Potentials and Perspectives”, encourages debate and dialogue connected to education, its central role in society, the way in which educational research should shape the future of educational practice as well as promote a better understanding of the contemporary and future world of education.

This special call in Network 27 would like to explore the challenges that teachers and students face in the context of rapid societal changes and the emergence of new social and individual needs, especially with regard to times of uncertainty.

We invite contributions from scholars whose work deals with the aspects of uncertainty concerning didactics, teaching and learning. The network will highlight four dimensions of educational research: teachers’ coping with uncertainty, students’ development and the enhancement of life skills, consequences of societal change and uncertainty for didactic, its teaching and learning, and the impact of uncertainty to theoretical frameworks and research methodology.


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NW 30: From the Margins to the Mainstream (or) when every education becomes an environmental education

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From the Margins to the Mainstream (or) when every education becomes an environmental education
NW 30. Environmental and Sustainability Education Research

What happens to the identity of a field when the topics it explores become relevant to all fields? How does our research respond to and feel the effects of the movement of our work from the margins to the mainstream? Linking to this year’s theme of looking forward, we encourage you to consider your research in light of how its methods and findings traverse the boundaries and borders of the field, linking to and emerging in other areas of research and topics of study.

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NW 31: Reading, Writing and Learning Additional Languages

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Reading, Writing and Learning Additional Languages
NW 31 Language and Education

Reading and writing are necessary societal skills, but also an essential part of learning additional languages. The PISA assessment has shown a significant decrease in reading competence in first languages in many OECD countries (OECD, 2023). Reading and writing competence is important in a person´s first language, but as the majority of the world´s population is multilingual (Crystal, 2006), reading and writing competence in additional languages is also of vital importance. However, many language learners find both reading and writing challenging. Thus, there is a need for more research on how to support reading and writing especially in additional languages.

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NW 32: Charting the Way Forward: Organizational Education, Research, Potentials and Perspectives

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Charting the Way Forward: Organizational Education, Research, Potentials and Perspectives
NW 32 Organizational Education

The special call of organizational education broadly addresses the challenges of our time and the tensions that organizations are facing today, necessitate, affect, and are addressed by organizational education practice and research. Interested in the multiple ways that organizations ‘chart’ ways forward, the call explores the role of organizational education for a variety of organizational future-oriented practices, including, but not exclusive to, organizational strategy, intra- and entrepreneurship, managerial and collaborative foresight, intuition, judgment, experimentation, improvisation, design, organizing, partnering, and decision-making.

By this, the network will explore how organizations and organizing practices can be positioned to effectively address current and future challenges, encompassing both societal problems and individual well-being. As we navigate uncharted territories such as digitalization, emerging technologies, artificial intelligence, climate change, and tensions surrounding demography and democracy, organizational education invites scholars to discuss current and emerging landscapes. Within an intra- and interdisciplinary dialogue, we are interested in discussing existing and upcoming challenges, the future of organizations, shaping organizing practices, and transforming organizations to tackle these challenges effectively.


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NW 33: Reconceptualising Gender(s) for Contemporary and Future European Educational Research

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Reconceptualising Gender(s) for Contemporary and Future European Educational Research

NW 33. Gender and Education

We seek papers exploring the question of how 21st century education researchers should (and perhaps are) defining gender(s). As societies, and educational systems and institutions, introduce more complex gender categorisations, feminist and gender researchers are forced to engage with conceptual, political and social issues that arise from these changes. This includes the important question regarding how increased gender categories (men, women, transgender, gender non-conforming and so forth) are integrated into educational research, theorising, policy and practice. Arguably this additional complexity arises at a time when intersectional gender thinking is not as yet sufficiently integrated into research and practice.

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Learn more about how to submit to ECER and ERC and which presentation formats are available.
Submission deadline was 31 January 2025.
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Upcoming ECERs

ECER'25, Belgrade
ECER'26, Tampere
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Important Dates ECER 2025

Submission starts
Submission ends
Registration starts
Review results announced
Early bird ends
Presentation times announced
Registration Deadline for Presenters
ERC First Day
ECER First Day
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Conference Venue marg

Main Building (Check-in etc):
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Philology
Studentski trg 3

Ed Research in Serbia

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Towards reconnecting within and beyond the educational research community in Serbia

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