Important Dates ECER 2025
01.12.2024 | Submission starts |
31.01.2025 | Submission ends |
01.04.2025 | Registration starts |
01.04.2025 | Review results announced |
15.05.2025 | Early bird ends |
25.06.2025 | Presentation times announced |
30.06.2025 | Registration Deadline for Presenters |
08.09.2025 | ERC First Day |
09.09.2025 | ECER First Day |
Conference Venue
Main Building (Check-in etc):
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Philology
Studentski trg 3
Ed Research in Serbia
While preapring for ECER 2025, read the Blog Post introducing some specifics of educational research in Serbia.
Towards reconnecting within and beyond the educational research community in Serbia