Session Information
22 SES 05 D, Students in Transition and Their Values
Paper Session
According to some scholars work values belong to the parts of value preferences however the opinion of some researchers is that these values constitute a special value-field (Abu-Saad – Isralowitz 1997). If we try to compare the normal value preferences with the work values in the same sample, we find different shapes and emphases (Bocsi 2014). The intrinsic work values belong to the inner motivation and self-fulfillment. The bases of the extrinsic work values are material and the balancing work, family and free-time is also important (Schwartz 1999, Ester – Braun – Vinken 2006). The phenomenon of the work values can provide ground for comparative research in Europe and we can identify the different poles of the patterns: for example the intrinsic profile is more typical in Northern Europe (Ester – Braun – Vinken 2006). The work values are shaped by several factors, for example the economic situation, the whole system of the culture, the religious orders and the political situation. The ideal socialist man was work-centered in the party state, and the state ideology had got a strong effect on the mindset of the Hungarian people (Füstös – Szakolczai 1999). After the regime changed, people in this area had to cope with several social and economic problems (for example unemployment), and people had to gain new skills in the labour market. Moreover, the pattern of the work values in Hungary seem to be more extrinsic.
Higher education can be linked to the system of the work-values. For example the disciplines and the faculties have got special characteristics (such as social, rational or achievement-oriented) (Knafo and Sagiv 2004), but the position of the majors in the labour market can form the preferences of the students or the employment opportunities can attract students with pragmatic thinking and specific ideas about higher education. The work-values of the Hungarian students are more extrinsic (Keller 2009) and the expectations from the higher education are more pragmatic and practical nowadays in Hungary (Veroszta 2010).
After 1990 several research have been carried about cross-border Hungarian communities. These research show that the national minority status is a most specific social status (Gereben 1999, Beregszászi et al. 2001, Szarka 2008, Papp Z. 2010, Márkus 2015). The cross-border minority Hungarians communities live in a multiethnic and multicultural social context (eg.: religious, economic status and education). Due to the different contexts of people in minority status special responses are given. We compare work values of minority and majority Hungarian and Romanian students in Partium. Empirical findings show that it is worth analysing this communities in cultural context as well.
We suppose when analysing the patterns of the work values of Hungarian minority students, different emphases can be shown. In the minority situation the social and community items are highly appreciated. It seems to be questionable that we will be able to show this orientation in the field of work values or not. The profile of the Hungarian minority higher educational institutions in Romania is unique because there is a lack of science departments (for example engineering departments). The Hungarian minority students and the Romanian subsample live in similar economic enivironment, but the effect of the cultural context can be more significant and this difference can generate a distance between the work values of Romanian and Hungarian minority students.
Expected Outcomes
Abu-Saad, Ismael – Isralowitz, Richard E. (1997): Gender as a Determinant of Work Values among University Students in Israel. The Journal of Social Psychology. 137:6. 49-763. Beregszászi Anikó – Csernicskó István – Orosz Ildikó (2001): Nyelv, oktatás, politika. Kárpátaljai Magyar Tanárképző Főiskola: Beregszász. Bocsi Veronika (2014): Töredezettség vagy összefonódás? Értékek a felsőoktatásban. Habilitation thesis. University of Debrecen, Educational Sciences Doctoral Progam: Debrecen. Duffy, Ryan – Sedlacek, William E. (2007): The Work-Values of First Year College Students: Exploring Group Differences. The Career Development Quarterly. 59. June. 359-364. Ester, Peter – Braun, Michael – Vinken, Henk (2006) Eroding Work Values? In: Ester, Peter – Braun, Michael – Mohler Peter (eds.): Globalization, Value Change and Generations. Brill: Leiden. 89-114. Füstös László – Szakolczai Árpád (1999): Kontinuitás és diszkontinuitás az értékpreferenciákban (1977-1998), Sociological Review. 9:3. 54-73. Keller Tamás (2009): Magyarország helye a világ értéktérképén. TÁRKI: Budapest. Khasawneh, Samer (2010) Work Values of Human Resources in Jordan: A Vocational Approach for Predicting Student Success in the Workplace. International Journal of Research in Education. 27:15-36. Knafo, Ariel – Sagiv, Lilach (2004): Values and Work Environment: Mapping 32 Occupations. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 19:3. 255-273. Kozma Tamás (2006): Regionális átalakulás és térségi visszhang. A „partiumi” felsőoktatás esete. In: Juhász Erika (ed): Régió és oktatás. Doktoranduszok Kiss Árpád Közhasznú Egyesülete: Debrecen. 13−25. Márkus Zsuzsanna (2015): Romániai többségi és kisebbségi hallgatók tanulmányi elkötelezettsége. In: Pusztai Gabriella, Kovács Klára (eds.): Ki eredményes a felsőoktatásban? Partium Press: Nagyvárad. (in progress) Papp Z. Attila (2010): Itt és ott: integrációs kihívások a magyarországi kisebbségi és a határon túli magyar oktatásban. Régió. 21:4. 73-108. Pusztai Gabriella – Torkos Katalin (2001): Roma gyerekkor a Partium területén. Educatio 10:3. 584−594. Schwartz, Shalom. H. (1999): A Theory of Cultural Values and some Implications for Work. Applied Psychology: An International Review. 48:1. 23-47. Süli-Zakar István (2010): A Partium régió esélyei a csatlakozás után. In Juhász Erika (szerk.): Harmadfokú képzés, felnőttképzés és regionalizmus. Center for Higher Education and Development Hungary: Debrecen. 15−25. Szarka László (2008): Útkeresés, önszerveződés a rendszerváltás éveiben (1989-1991). In: Bárdi Nándor – Fedinec Csilla– Szarka László (eds.): Kisebbségi magyar közösségek a 20. században. Gondolat Kiadó – MTA Kisebbségkutató Intézet: Budapest. Veroszta Zsuzsanna (2010): Felsőoktatási értékek – hallgatói szemmel. A felsőoktatás küldetésére vonatkozó hallgatói értékstruktrúrák feltárárása. PhD Thesis. Corvinus University of Budapest, Sociological Doctoral School: Budapest.
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