Session Information
04 ONLINE 24 A, Designing a “School of Tomorrow”: Inclusive Teaching Practices as a Pioneering Strategy to Combat Educational Inequality
MeetingID: 878 1412 7956 Code: 97rhXz
When talking about designing “A School for Tomorrow”, a variety of aspects must be considered. This contribution starts, on the one hand, with a brief description of the inclusive school system in Italy and the main steps for improvement (Ianes, Demo& Dell’Anna, 2020). On the other hand, aspects and actions in the field of inclusive teacher training are highlighted (Panvone&Galanti 2020; Ianes 2015). Starting from this point, reflections are embedded in the tasks of an inclusive teacher figure, including parental work, more specifically the school-family partnership, which aims to maintain the communication triangle (relation between school, parents and students) described by Sacher (2014). Due to the pandemic and the first school closures in March 2020 in Italy, there was a sudden interruption of regular teaching and learning routines. Furthermore, teacher-parent interactions as well as the inclusion of students with disabilities (Ianes D., Bellacicco R., 2020) were heavily impacted. However, working with parents is a good example that also gives an indication of the school's lines of developing towards inclusion and is focused on “say something, when you see something, and to do something against inequalities” (Canevaro, 2014). Data collection took place during a professional training for lower secondary education teachers between April and June 2020. Based on the text production of 68 students, the participating teachers addressed the following questions: a) Is there a change in the understanding of school (do to the homeschooling experiences), b) what changes have occurred in teaching and learning in the relationship with students, c) which fundamental aspects should be rethought in working with parents (crises and highlights in an online-situation). Using MAXQDA, texts were analyzed and clustered according to the most frequently mentioned aspects. The findings are consistent with other research (for example Walper, 2021, Huber et al.2020) and suggest that parents in many ways represent untapped, dormant potential that is under-considered and ignored in the effort to provide students with the best education possible. During the COVID-19 crisis, parents gained deeper insight into school operations, working in part with students at home. Alongside with the myriad new ways of interacting with the school, some families also struggled with downsides (e.g. lack of technical resources, illness, excessive demands), that showed negative effects on the collaboration between different actors within the educational sector. Strategies to prevent negative dynamics with "hard-to-reach parents" need urgent discussion.
Canevaro A. (2014). Scuola inclusiva e mondo più giusto. Trento: Erickson. Ianes D. (2015), L’evoluzione dell’insegnante di sostegno (nuova edizione). Verso una didattica inclusiva. Trento: Erickson. Huber, S. G., Günther, P. S., Schneider, N., Helm, C., Schwander, M., Schneider, J. A., & Pruitt, J. (2020). COVID-19 – aktuelle Herausforderungen in Schule und Bildung. In Erste Befunde des Schul-Barometers in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Münster: Waxmann. Retrieved May 26, 2020, from www. Ianes, D., & Bellacicco, R. (2020). Didattica a distanza durante il lockdown. L’impatto percepito dagli insegnanti sull’inclusione degli studenti con disabilità. Integrazione Scolastica e Sociale, 19(3), 25-47, Doi: 10.14605/ISS1932004 Ianes, D., Demo, H., & Dell’Anna, S. (2020). Inclusive education in Italy: Historical steps, positive developments, and challenges. Prospects: Comparative Journal of Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment, 49(3-4), 249-263. Doi: 10.1007/s11125-020-09509-7 Pavone, M., & Galanti, A. (2020). Didattiche da scoprire. Linguaggi, diversità, inclusione. Mondadori Università. Sacher, W. (2014). Elternarbeit als Erziehungs- und Bildungspartnerschaft. Grundlagen und Gestaltungsvorschläge für alle Schularten. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt. Walper, S. (2021). Eltern und Schule – Chancen der Zusammenarbeit besser nutzen! Die deutsche Schule, 113(3), 336-347. Doi: 10.25656/01:23443
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