Session Information
07 SES 13 A, Teaching and Learning in (inter)national Diversity Contexts: Challenging Perceptions of Culture, Language and Nation
Two transfer projects apply the anti-bias approach and explore their outcomes/their effectiveness: a university teacher training programme (1) and a training programme for in-service teachers (2) in order to enable the participants to reflect on and (re)design classroom and organizational practices with goals of social justice and discrimination critique in mind. The DiCoT project (Diversity Contexts in Teacher Education) at the University of Hamburg supports critical thinking about discrimination among prospective teachers through a self-reflexive approach (Iwers & Yilmaz, 2021, p. 221). The goal of employing the anti-bias approach is not only to impart knowledge but also to strengthen future teachers in their professional roles. They should be enabled to create educational spaces in which diversity and anti-discriminatory action are explored at the same time (Gomolla 2022, p. 11). In a preparatory seminar, future teachers are prepared for an internship in Germany or abroad where they can experience different diversity contexts. The accompanying qualitative research investigates the extent to which critical reflection processes are initiated. In the symposium, we will present excerpts from observation protocols (seminars) and interviews with students. We will analyse stereotypes about cultural behaviour and discuss how students can be encouraged to question deeply rooted assumptions about culture and nation. The Advisory Centre for Intercultural Education at the Hamburg State Institute for Teacher Training and School Development offers training for in-service teachers, also based on the anti-bias approach (Panesar, 2022). In a two-year training, participants learn about basic fields of school development (curricula and classroom practice, organizational development and staff structure) and anti-bias pedagogy in externally offered modules. The development and implementation of initial practical projects in the schools are advised and accompanied by the framework of the training programme. An in-depth analysis of qualitative data (interviews, document analysis, semi-structured questionnaire) from a perennial formative evaluation study of the in-service training programme (Gomolla, 2019) provides insights into the learning and professionalisation processes of the participants as well as into the dynamics of implementing discrimination-critical school development in some of the participating organisations.
Iwers, T., Yilmaz, S. M. (2021). Entwicklung von Reflexionsmodalitäten inklusiven Unterrichts durch die Fallreflexion in sieben Schritten. In T. Iwers, U. Graf (Eds.), Vielfalt thematisieren: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede gestalten. Bad Heilbrunn, 220-231. Gomolla, M. (2022). Vorwort zum Buch ‚Gerechte Schule. Vorurteilsbewusste Schulentwicklung mit dem Anti-Bias-Ansatz‘ von Rita Panesar. Göttingen, 8-16. Gomolla, M. (2019). Evaluationsstudie „Qualitätsentwicklung von Schule in der Migrationsgesellschaft: Fortbildung zur interkulturellen Koordination“. Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management (ZDfm), 4(1-2), 117-123. Panesar, R. (2022). Gerechte Schule. Vorurteilsbewusste Schulentwicklung mit dem Anti-Bias-Ansatz. Göttingen.
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