ECER 2023
session provided by 07. Social Justice and Intercultural Education
Teaching and Learning in (inter)national Diversity Contexts: Challenging Perceptions of Culture, Language and Nation
07 SES 13 A
- Teaching and Learning in (inter)national Diversity Contexts: Challenging Perceptions of Culture, Language and Nation
Helena Dedecek Gertz Sara Fürstenau Lisa Rosen
- Teacher Education with the Anti-Bias Approach
Helena Dedecek Gertz Nadezda Strunk Sara Fürstenau Mechtild Gomolla
- WITHDRAWN Returning from a German School Abroad: A Case Study on Teachers’ Professionalisa-tion for Refugee Education
Helena Dedecek Gertz Lisa Rosen Fenna tom Dieck
- Language as a Distinction of Difference in the Migration Society – Analyses and Findings from Different Countries
Helena Dedecek Gertz İnci Dirim Sabine Guldenschuh
- Learning from mobility experiences: Challenges and Potentials
Helena Dedecek Gertz Carola Mantel
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