Session Information
10 SES 11 A, Symposium: Making the Implicit Explicit
As Luhmann (2002, p. 149 [transl. KP]) points out, pedagogical practice contours as an unspecific "mediating role" which centers around an intended transformation through learning – "from uneducated to educated". Against the background of a lack of direct intervention, this takes place under conditions of uncertainty. In consequence, the knowledge of the professions consists less in rules than in the availability of a sufficiently large number of complex routines (ibid.). It is precisely that underdetermination which characterises professional practice and which creates the space for appropriate actions with a view to the pupils’ (learning) needs. Herein the interaction system of teaching gains its complexity. As Bohnsack (2020, p. 38 [transl. KP]) exposes, this interactive practice is contoured in difference to its environment with its norms. On the other hand, however, these norms are brought back into the interactive system – as an "orientation framework in the broader sense". While the handling of the tension between norm and interactive practice, between propositional logic and performative logic, is a characteristic of every situation, this is exacerbated in areas with the claim of professionalised pedagogical action, since here – in addition to the general norms and expectations – the programs codified by school as well as the identity and role expectations processed therein must also be dealt with (ibid., p. 39). Further intensification arises when teaching practices are organised in the co-presence of two or more professionals. For this case, Bohnsack (2020, p. 21 [transl. KP]) highlights the challenge that "in cooperation in the area of professional acting with its compulsion to decide, there can ultimately only be one joint practice that routinely 'enforces' junctions". The present contribution uses the empirical data collected within the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) supported project "Primary Schools Caught between Inclusion and Educational Standards” (“Primarschulen im Spannungsfeld von Inklusion und Bildungsstandards”) (2020-2024) to analyse how this (cooperative) practice takes shape. Based on classroom video recordings, which are being analysed as part of a dissertation project (Papke, 2021) and using the Documentary Method (Bohnsack, Pfaff & Weller, 2010; Sturm, Wagener & Wagner-Willi, 2024), the aim is to examine how (regular) teachers, special needs teachers and social pedagogues jointly deal with the above-mentioned tension in situ. This will be pursued against the background of the programs of educational standardisation and inclusion/integration implemented in the area of Northwestern Switzerland (Köpfer, Wagner-Willi & Papke, 2021; Papke & Wagner-Willi, 2024).
Bohnsack, R. (2020). Professionalisierung in praxeologischer Perspektive. Zur Eigenlogik der Praxis in Lehramt, Sozialer Arbeit und Frühpädagogik. UTB. Bohnsack, R., Pfaff, N., & Weller, W. (eds.) (2010). Qualitative Analysis and Documentary Method in International Educational Research. Budrich. Köpfer, A., Wagner-Willi, M., & Papke, K. (2021). Dokumentarische Methode und inklusive Schulentwicklung. In E. Zala-Mezö, J. Häbig & N. Bremm (eds.), Die Dokumentarische Methode in der Schulentwicklungsforschung (p. 77-96). Waxmann. Luhmann, N. (2002). Das Erziehungssystem der Gesellschaft. Suhrkamp. Papke, K. (2021). ‚Organisierte Inklusion?‘ Description of the dissertation project. Available under Papke, K., & Wagner-Willi, M. (2024). Professionalisierte Unterrichtsmilieus. Zur Herstellung und Bearbeitung einer konstituierenden Rahmung in unterrichtlichen Kooperationen. In R. Bohnsack, T. Sturm & B. Wagener (eds.), Konstituierende Rahmung und professionelle Praxis. Pädagogische Organisationen und darüber hinaus (p. 135-162). Budrich. Sturm, T., Wagener, B., & Wagner-Willi, M. (2024). Inclusion and Exclusion in Classroom Practices: Empirical Analyses of Conjunctive Spaces of Experience in Secondary Schools. In G. Rissler, A. Köpfer & T. Buchner (eds.), Space, education, and inclusion. Interdisciplinary approaches (p. 142-160). Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
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