After controlling for children’s prior academic achievement, parent-teacher involvement significantly predicted children’s current Chinese scores (β=.087, p=.049, F(2, 256)=153.372, p=.000, ΔR2 =.007). Parent-teacher involvement significantly predicted children’s peer relationships, including popularity (β=.293, p=.000, F(2, 253)=18.014, p=.000, ΔR2 =.16.6), rejection (β=.-.333, p=.000, F(2, 253)=18.792, p=.000, ΔR2 =.173), pick fights (β=.-.249, p=.000, F(2, 253)=7.124, p=.000, ΔR2 =.067).
In summary, results suggest that parent-teacher involvement is related to positive outcomes of children in international families. Future studies could explore differences between parent-teacher involvement of Taiwanese-born parents and foreign-born parents and their relations to child outcomes. In addition, in-depth interviews might be conducted to better understand foreign-born parents’ thoughts regarding parent-teacher involvement.
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