General Activities
The EERA funded project Ecologies of Teacher Induction and Mentoring in Europe (TIME) is making excellent progress with one meeting held in Iceland in 2022. The project is coordinated by Hannu Heikkinen, together with Eva Bjerkholt from University of South-Eastern Norway, Helle Plauborg from Aarhus University, Denmark and Michelle Helms-Lorenz form University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
Sally Windsor will be the Network 1 link with the Emerging Researchers conference as well as overseeing the evaluation of posters submitted to the Network. Sally has also set up a google drive space for network 1 convenors to communicate outside meetings and events.
Network Publications
Network 1 is linked with the Taylor & Francis academic journal Professional Development in Education. Two members of the convenor team have had articles published in PDiE in the last three years and Link Convenor Ken Jones is chair of the journal’s editorial board.
As indicated in the Annual Report, two books are being published with links to network 1 activities. The first will emanate from the Ecologies of Teacher Induction and Mentoring in Europe (TIME) project. This will be a European anthology published by Brill in September 2024 with 10 or more chapters. It is planned to submit a proposal for a symposium again next year. The second book, Innovation in Teacher Professional Learning in Europe: Research, Policy and Practice, edited by Ken Jones, Giorgio Ostinelli and Alberto Crescentini, was published by Taylor & Francis in September 2023. This contains an overview of professional learning policy and practice in 14 European countries. Chapter authors have presented in symposia at ECER conferences over the past 3 years and EERA is acknowledged in the book.
Future Plans
Convenors Sally Windsor and Amanda Ince are editing a Network Newsletter, the first of which is due to be published online in December. This will be for NW 1 members to celebrate articles, publications and updates and to interact as researchers in a professional learning community.
The Network 1 meeting at ECER in Glasgow had a record attendance of over 50 people. The interactive part of this meeting was very effective in getting participants to share their professional learning interests and in highlighting priorities for the coming year. A number of people requested a networking opportunity at the beginning of the ECER conferences, so this will be integrated as a social networking event, probably on the first morning of the conference and following the TIME project workshop. EERA funding will be requested to enable this.
NW 01 runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to nw01-subscribe(at)