Network Meeting 2015, Budapest

The meeting was attended by approx 12 network members and the conference venue, number of sessions, quality of sessions and number of attendees were discussed.  The network felt that the Conference has been very well organized in every aspect. The meeting discussed the  facilities and convenors felt that these were good and allowed lots of space for meetings although there was a lack of seating available and this was found to be problematic and not conducive to ongoing discussions. In general members of the network were happy with the presentation rooms and found that these were large enough for the number of attending delegates. There were some computer issues regarding logging on and interpreting the Hungarian on the screen at login but these were overcome through the use of volunteers staff who were very helpful. However it was difficult at times to find such help. 

The link tranisition link convenor for session 2014/15 was fully elected as link convenor. The network meeting discussed the use of a new website and the management of this along with the production of network newsletters - it was decided to keep using these this coming session and continue to evaluate their effectiveness on a yearly basis.

NW 11 runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to nw11-subscribe(at)

Interview with Link Convenor 2019

Subthemes for submissions

  • Approaches, theories and models of quality and its incidence on educational institutions, agencies and initiatives
  • Supra national and international agencies contributing to education and its effectiveness or quality
  • European approach and materialization of educational effectiveness and quality
  • Quality of educational systems
  • Quality and effectiveness assurance at district, region or country level
  • Quality of educational institutions
  • Organization, planning and other factors determining quality of education and of its institutions