2024 - NW 15 Special Call - A
"Partnerships for the goals: Partnerships in education and the SDGs"
2024 - NW 15 Special Call - B
"The nature of partnerships in education in Erasmus+ projects"
2023 - Network meeting: Reflecting on risk in partnerships in education.
The purpose was to support NW15 participants to meet and discuss and support each other in the preparation of a publication for EERJ. Dinner, the evening before the ECER 2023 conference started.
2023 - NW 15 Special Call - A
"The nature of partnerships in education in Erasmus+ projects"
2023 - NW 15 Special Call - B
"The role of partnerships in the transitions to sustainable development in education"
2021 - Project
A Network Development Project already planned in 2019 and approved in 2020 with the title "Network meeting: Reflecting on risk in partnerships in education” had to be postponed to 2021 due to the Covid 19 crisis.
2020 - Network Meeting during #ReconnectingEERA week
On Friday, 28 August, the Network 15 Annual General Meeting was held online.
2019 - Special Call
NW 15 offered the special call at ECER 2019: Reflecting on risk in partnerships in education
2018 - Change in Link Convenor
After ECER 2018, Kathrin Otrel-Cass (Aalborg University, Denmark) took over as new Link Convenor from Philippe Masson.
2011 - Interview with Link Convenor
At ECER 2011 "Urban Education" in Berlin, Graham Attwell and his colleagues from Pontysysgu interviewed the link convenor Philippe Masson.
2008 - Change in Link Convenor
Since 2008, the main convenor is Philippe Masson (Fr) with the help of Miranda Pilo (It).
2000 - Change in Link Convenor
Since 2000 Danielle Zay acted as Link Convenor for network 15.
1996 - Network Founded
Considering partnership in education as an object of research is relatively new in Europe. Overseas, even though the term was already present in 1969 (Landry and Mazalon, 1997), it was not until the late 90s that the concept was a thematic issue in the French magazine “Education Permanente”.
In Europe, Professor D. Zay gave it a space of recognition in 1996 through the creation of sub-network F of the TNTEE (Thematic Network In Teacher Education in Europe). This was followed by the creation of a space dedicated solely to this issue within the network 15 (Research Partnership in Education) of the EERA (European Educational Research Association) that Pr. D. Zay led until 2007 and currently has researchers around the world. The first co-convenors were Miranda Pilo (It) and Lorraine Savoie-Zajc (Ca).
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