General Activities
- A ‘NW21 Spring Meeting’ has been organized in March 31 & April 1st in Paris 8 University for link and co convenors of the Network in order to work on our common planned research and publications. That meeting has also been the opportunity to strengthen the Network activities by organizing some academic exchanges. The first one was an invitation of a Link-convenor for a Summer Semester at Vienna University.
- During the 2022 Cliopsy International Conference ‘Education and training: lineages and affiliations facing uncertainty’ (October 14 & 15) at Paris 8 University, a symposium ‘Education, training and psychoanalysis, international approach’ with contributions from 6 NW 21 members from Austria, France, Germany and United Kingdom took place.
- During Spring 2024, a Conference will be held at Vienna University, focusing on the links between Education and Psychoanalysis. Some NW 21 members should attend this conference during which they should present and share their research with Europeans colleagues and students.
- Existing journal in link with NW21: Cliopsy, French journal of the psychoanalytically oriented approach in Education and Training – An interview of a prominent figure in the field of Education and Psychoanalysis in Europe is planned to be realized and published in 2024.
- Three chapters written by NW 21 link-convenors or network members in a book edited by D. Zimmermann, co-convenor of NW21:
- Dubois, A. and P. Geffard, P. (2023). Die institutionelle Online-Pädagogik während der Covid-Krise. In D. Zimmermann, L. Dietrich, J. Hofman & J. Hokema (Eds.), Soziale Krisen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Familien, pädagogische Professionalität und Organisationen (pp. 161-176). Leverkusen: Budrich.
- Dose, L. (2023). Interventionsforschung int Kontext eines soziokulturellen Zentrums in Frankreich. Unterstützung der (Re-)Subjektivierung im Diensle des sozioprofessionellen Handelns. In D. Zimmermann, L. Dietrich, J. Hofman & J. Hokema (Eds.), Soziale Krisen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Familien, pädagogische Professionalität und Organisationen (pp. 177-190). Leverkusen: Budrich.
- Weber, J.-M. (2023). Zur Krise der Übernahme von Verantwortung. Sind der arendtsche Ungehorsam und das lacanianische Begehren die zwei Seiten ainer “Medaille”. In D. Zimmermann, L. Dietrich, J. Hofman & J. Hokema (Eds.), Soziale Krisen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Familien, pädagogische Professionalität und Organisationen (pp. 221-235). Leverkusen: Budrich.
- A special issue of Cliopsy journal, focusing on clinical approach in Education, is planned to be published in 2025 (in English).
- Before and during ECER 2023, NW 21 Link-convenors have been contacted by Bloomsbury editions about a project of a handbook focusing on Education and Psychoanalysis. A positive answer will be done soon and NW 21 co-convenors and members should join the project, while new European contributors will be solicited.
Future Plans
- Since first talks during Convenors Meeting in Berlin in 2022, we are working on a project with NW 19, ‘Ethnography’. The idea being to share and confront our respective approaches through a discussion centered on a common ‘material’ (video, paper, observation notes, etc.). Different topics could be the subject of joint symposia: links between the researcher and the topic of his/her research; observation as a scientific method. Those ideas need to be discussed further with NW 19 link convenors: why not during a joint meeting in ECER 2024? Another project has been evoked during ECER 2023: a possible collaboration with NW 5 ‘’Children and Youth at Risk and Urban Education’ since one of the NW21 convenors has already some links with NW 5 Link-convenor. The ways some common activity could be engaged has still to be worked out.
- We have no plans to apply for funding this year, but we are considering a Network Summer (or Spring) School project for 2025.
NW 21 runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to (nw21-subscribe(at)