
2024 - Summer School

EERA’s Network 28 has organized another Summer school for PhD students and post-docs. This year, the event was held from the 1st to the 5th of July at the Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences Humaines Alsace (MISHA), University of Strasbourg. More than 40 international PhD candidates and research fellows, as well as more than 20 researchers from all over the world - China, Brazil and several European Universities, attended the event. Further information about the attendees as well as the programme and activities are available on the website: https://www.strasbourgsusees.fr/

2024 - NW 28 Online Webinar Series

  • 14 March | A Critical Look in the Educational Aims and Imperatives in the Future-proof Era | Professor Kristiina Brunila (University of Helsinki)
  • 11 April | Beyond Hope and Despair: The Radical Imagination as a Collective Practice for Uprising | Dr. Elke Van dermijnsbrugge (NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences) and Discussant Prof. Dr. Felicitas Macgilchrist (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg)
  • 25 April | The Future of Education, the Time of the School , the Role of the Teacher and the Question of Authority | Prof. Gert Biesta (Professor of Educational Theory and Pedagogy at the Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh, UK, and Professor of Public Education at Maynooth University, Ireland)
  • 16 May | Possibility and the Temporal Imagination | Professor Keri Facer (University of Bristol)
  • 6 June | Higher education timescapes: temporal understandings of students and learning | Professor Rachel Brooks (University of Surrey)

2024 – NW 28 Special Call

"Social imaginaries of the future: the making and unmaking of certainty in education"

2023 - Season School

The 2023 edition of SUSEES (Summer School in European Education Studies) was held at the Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, Portugal, from 19 - 22 June 2023.

2023 - Webinar Series

  • 17 April | Return of the Nation? Sociologies of education in an era of rising nationalism and populism | The launch of the special issue of the European Education Research Journal
  • 15 May | Reparative Futures of Education|Professor Arathi Sriprakash (University of Bristol)
  • 20 June | The hidden costs of Educational Upward Mobility Among First-in-Family Roma and Non-Roma Graduates in Hungary|Dr Judit Durst – Dr Zsanna Nyírő – Dr Julianna Boros

2023 - NW 28 Special Call

"Diversity and Diversification: One World, Partial Common, or More Worlds of Education?"

2022 - Online Seminar

The Leading Education and Democratic Schools (LE@DS) European research network, EERA Network 28, and the International Critical Education Policy Collaboration between the Universities of Manchester and Western Australia organized an online seminar "Investigating the public in public education services" on 21 March 2022.

2022 - NW 28 Special Call

"(Cross)Borders. Challenging, Decentring and Provincialising Sociologies of European Education"

2021 - NW 28 Special Call

"Sociologies of Learning: Spaces, Knowledge, Technologies and Ontologies "

2021 - Season School

The Network 28 Season School  "SUSEES – Summer School in European Education Studies" at KU Leuven, Belgium, which was already planned in 2019 and approved in January 2020, had to be postponed until further notice due to the Covid 19 crisis.

2019 - Special Call

NW 28 offered the special call at ECER 2019: Retuning Sociology of Education up?

2017 - Season School

The Season School "3rd SUSEES Summer School on Sociologies of Education" took place 3-7 July 2017 in the University of Napoli ‘Federico II’, Italy.

2016 - Season School

The Season School "2nd SUSEES Summer School on Sociologies of Education" took place 4-7 July 2016 in the University of Napoli ‘Federico II’, Italy.

2015 - Season School

The 1st SUSEES Summer School in Sociologies of Education was held 21-24 August at the University of Strasbourg, France.

2012 - Change in Link Convenor

After ECER 2012, Paolo Landri (Italy) was new elected Link Convenor of the network 28.

2010 - 2011 - Project

A New European Sociology of Education: a Network for ECER . EERA funded accommodation and flights and lunches for Emerging Researchers.

2010 - Network Founded

The Sociologies of Education network developed out of a meeting held in Oxford in April 2010 with Jean-Louis Dérouet and Romuald Normand from UMR Education & Politiques, INRP/ Université Lyon II, Sotiria Grek and Martin Lawn from the University of Edinburgh Adel Kiss from the Hungarian University of Transylvania, Paolo Landri from CNR-IRPPS, Rome, Eric Mangez from the Université Catholique de Louvain, Eszter Neumann from Eotvos Lorand University and Jenny Ozga from the University of Oxford.

NW 28 runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to nw28-subscribe(at)lists.eera-ecer.de

Interview with Link Convenor 2019