General Activities
In June 2025, the network held a successful SUSEES summer school in Lisbon for PhD students interested in the sociologies of education. Leading up to the annual conference, addressing the theme of diversity and diversification, between April and June 2023, the network convened a webinar series of three presentations.
The network works in close cooperation with the European Education Research Journal. A journal recently published a special issue (Vol. 22. no. 5) on the ' Return of the nation: Education in an era of rising nationalism and populism', the collection is the result of the network special call from a previous ECER conference.
Future Plans
We would like to continue with the webinar series connected to the theme of the annual conference and the network special call in Spring-Summer 2024. We will probably apply for EERA funding for organizing the webinars and to offer a symbolic fee for the presenters.
NW 28 runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to nw28-subscribe(at)