Network: 10. Teacher Education Research
10 SES 01 D, Preparing Pre-School Teachers for Family School Partnerships: International perspectives
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 13:15-14:45, Room: C0.04, Chair: Martijn Willemse
- Preparing Pre-School Teachers For Family School Partnerships: International Perspectives.
- Preparation for family-school partnerships within initial teacher education programmes in England
- Small-Scale Curriculum changes for Improving Pre-Service Teachers’ Preparation for Family-School Partnerships
- Measuring parent-teacher communication competences in teacher education: The design of a valid and reliable video-based instrument
- Parent University Curricula as Sources of Knowledge for Teacher Education
Trevor Mutton Martijn Willemse Ian Thompson Erica de Bruïne Karen De Coninck Ruben Vanderlinde Michael Evans Unn-Doris K. Bæck Katharine Burn Joel Malin
Trevor Mutton Ian Thompson Katharine Burn
Erica de Bruïne Martijn Willemse
Karen De Coninck Ruben Vanderlinde
Michael Evans Joe Malin
10 SES 01 B, Professional Learning and Reflection
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 13:15-14:45, Room: D0.03, Chair: Itxaso Tellado
- Title of proposal: Making space for identity development in initial teacher education: Strengthening professional identity through arts-based reflection
- “If I Would Have Known…” Work-Family Conflict and Facilitation Attitudes among Teachers in Israel and Switzerland
Loraine McKay
Ina Ben-Uri Francesco Arcidiacono Giuseppe Melfi Antonio Bova
10 SES 01 C, Talking about Teacher Education and Identity
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 13:15-14:45, Room: C0.03, Chair: Ainat Guberman
- The Position of Positioning Theory in Research on Teacher Identity: Theory, Methodology and Opportunities
- Novice Teachers talk about their training
- In The Need for Dialogic Pedagogy and Deliberative Democracy in Turkey: How Pre-service Teachers Experience Democracy?
Eline Vanassche
Rinat Arviv Elyashiv Katya Rozenberg Dafna Hammer-Budnaro
Tuba Gokmenoglu Fatma Altintug
10 SES 01 A, Teaching for Social Justice
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 13:15-14:45, Room: D0.02, Chair: Jane Abbiss
- ‘This changes everything’: Media Pedagogy and Teacher Education
- Understanding of educational pre-conditions. Preparing student teachers during practice for social justice.
- Learning from an expert teacher of immigrant youth in a U.S. urban school: Teaching for social justice
ML White
Laila Niklasson
A. Lin Goodwin Rebecca Stanton
10 SES 01 E, Learning from Practice
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 13:15-14:45, Room: C0.06, Chair: Paola Dusi
- Tensions Between Professional Practice and Academia in Teacher Education
- Missing Pedagogical Opportunities
- Strengthening the Experiences of Student Teachers and Mentor Teachers in the VFU.
Ola Strandler Catarina Player Koro Lisa Asp-Onsjö Malin Brännström
Oguzhan Dogan Hulya Kilic Sena Simay Tun Nil Arabaci
Sally Windsor Annika Lilje
10 SES 02 B, Supporting Teacher Reflection through New Technologies
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: D0.03, Chair: Anna Beck
- Lights, Tablets, Reflection, ePortfolio 2.0: Evaluation of the use of ePortfolios as a conduit for collaboration and reflection on teaching and learning.
- A Study on the Effect of Utilization of e-Portfolio in Lesson Studies on Teacher’s Professional Development
- Developing Reflective Trainee Teacher Practice With 360-Degree Video
Rachel Farrell
Wakio Oyanagi
Nicola Walshe Paul Driver
10 SES 02 C, Motivations and Considerations on Becoming a Teacher
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: C0.03, Chair: Michael Beck
- Teacher training in international comparison. Analysis of the structures and approaches of the teacher education.
- Considerations on an Initial Teacher Education Program
- Motivations For Becoming A Teacher: The Role Of Pluralistic Scholarship Systems—The Example Of Germany
Gernot Herzer
Daisy B. Rezende Thaiara M. Pereira Caian C. Receputi Marcos Vogel
Martin Drahmann Samuel Merk Colin Cramer
10 SES 02 A, Becoming a Teacher
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: D0.02, Chair: Utkun Aydin
- Learning To Teach: ‘It’s Like My Whole Life Is Before Me’
- Becoming a Teacher: Stories of Austrian Student Teachers
- “A brave new step”: Exploring resilience of mature age students during transition into teacher education
Alaster Douglas
Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer
Loraine McKay Kathy Gibbs
10 SES 02 D, Inclusivity and Inclusive Practice
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: C0.04, Chair: Pete Boyd
10 SES 02 E, Teacher Educators for Just and Equitable Education: Learning from research across three continents
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: C0.06, Chair: A. Lin Goodwin
- Teacher Educators for Just and Equitable Education: Learning from Research Across Three Continents
- Understanding Diversity for Equity within the Teacher Educator Profession: An Australian Perspective
- Literacy Teacher Educators Teaching for a Just and Equitable Education
- Social Justice Teacher Educators: What Kind Of Knowing Is Needed?
A. Lin Goodwin Simone White Clare Kosnik Clive Beck Kelsey Darity
Simone White
Clare Kosnik Clive Beck
A. Lin Goodwin Kelsey Darity
10 SES 03 B, Teacher Education and Teacher Quality
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: D0.03, Chair: Graciela Cordero Arroyo
- Online and on-campus student teachers in Iceland. Background, experience of theory-practice relations, and commitment to teachers’ profession
Amalia Bjornsdottir Thuridur Johannsdottir
10 SES 03 A, Reflexivity, Engagement and Becoming a Teacher
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: D0.02, Chair: Paul Cammack
- The Role of Research in Teacher Education: A Conceptual Approach to Foster Reflexivity in Dealing with Heterogeneity
- The Power to Engage: Effects of Co-Curricular Service-Learning in Teacher Education
- The Notion of Taste in Teacher Education: Becoming a Teacher in the Danish Gymnasium
May Jehle Nadine Heiduk Maria Theresa Meßner
Brittany Harker Martin
Henriette Duch
10 SES 03 C, Collaboration, Reading Literacy and Model-based Teaching
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: C0.03, Chair: Marita Cronqvist
- Collaboration Between ITE students in Practicum: A Case Study of Learning communities at one Swedish Teacher Education Program.
- Contribution of Teacher Practices to Reading literacy in Serbia - Lessons from PISA 2009 We Missed
- Model-based Teaching in Science Teacher Education
Sandra Jederud
Sonja Banjac Smiljana Jošić
Samia Khan
10 SES 03 D, Inclusive Education
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: C0.04, Chair: Stephen Day
- A Teacher Education For The 21st Century - A Case Study Of Inclusive School-based Teacher Education
- How to Prepare Student Teachers for Inclusive Education? The Beliefs of Student Teachers about Inclusive Practices In Serbia And Slovenia
- Making Schools Inclusive Spaces through Embedded Teacher Education Experiences
Des Hewitt Brittany Wright
Suncica Macura Mojca Peček Čuk Ivan Čuk
Catherine Compton-Lilly Rocío García-Carrión Itxaso Tellado Eliza Braden Michele Myers Elizabeth White
10 SES 03 E, Professional Knowledge and Teacher Qualification
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: C0.06, Chair: Rose Dolan
- Phenomenological Research On Professional Knowledge And Educational Relationship Building
- Enthusiasm for teaching English as a foreign language in primary school: differences by teacher qualification
Diego Martín Alonso Nieves Blanco García
Raphaela Porsch Eva Wilden
10 SES 04 B, The Educational Values Priority Game: A dialogue about good education
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: D1.01, Chair: Paola Aiello
- The Educational Values Priority Game; A Dialogue About Good Education
Carlos van Kan Fedor de Beer
10 SES 04 C, Narratives and Global Consciousness in Teacher Education
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: C0.03, Chair: Letitia Fickel
- Exploring the Curriculum of Care: Thinking Narratively with the Stories of a Teacher in a Canadian Kindergarten Classroom
- Construction Of Experiential Knowledge Through Writing Stories Of Experience In Teacher Education
- Nurturing Global Consciousness through Internationalization in Teacher Education
Emma Quiles-Fernández
Diego Martín Alonso Laura Pañagua Domínguez Nieves Blanco García
Mette Helleve
10 SES 04 D, The Role of Research and The Teacher Education Curriculum
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: C0.04, Chair: Sandra Girbés-Peco
- Educational Research on Kosovo Education: A Systematic Literature Review 1970-2017
- What do We Know about Research on Initial Teacher Preparation in Taiwan? A Systematic Review
- The Initial Training Of The Teacher Profession In Spain
Blerim Saqipi Armend Tahirsylaj
Pi-Ju Wu
Judit Ruiz Lázaro Coral González Barbera
10 SES 04 A, Teacher Inquiry and Engagement when Learning to Teach
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: D0.02, Chair: Paola Dusi
- The Student Engagement Continuum Model: Using mobile technologies for teacher professional learning
- Didactic Reflections Through The Use Of Video Observation
- Learning as Nomadic Experience of Being Affected
Jeanne Allen Glenda McGregor Michelle Ronksley-Pavia Donna Pendergast
Marita Cronqvist Richard Baldwin
Maria Domingo-Coscollola Juana M Sancho-Gil Sara Carrasco
10 SES 04 E, Cooperative learning and Career Satisfaction
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: C0.06, Chair: A. Lin Goodwin
- Initiative Existence and Produce of Meaning—a Study On The Lack of Teacher's Meaning About Career Llfe
- Working Cooperatively Across University And School Settings. A Narrative Of One Journey.
- WITHDRAWAL: Motivation and Career Satisfaction Among Student Teachers
Lijuan Wang
Julie Anderson Cath Gristy
Katrine Nesje Jon Strype
10 SES 05.5 PS, General Poster Session - NW 10
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 12:00-13:30, Room: C & D corridor, Chair:
- Teacher Efficacy and Job Satisfaction
- Inclusion or Exclusion – Challenges of Navigating in Complex Classroom practic
- Inquiry-based learning through practitioner research projects: Teacher students‘ topics and motives
- Gaining and Reflecting Teaching Performance concerning Misconceptions in the Physics Teaching-Learning-Lab
- Professionalization through develomental tasks in the History Lab
- Developing reflective skills of English language teacher trainees in the English Lab
- Inquiry-based Learning Of Preservice Teachers For Primary Schools In The Teaching And Learning Laboratory
- What pre-service student teachers learn throughout school support internship program? : An empirical analysis of students’ viewpoint of and support skills for children with special needs.
Chiungjung Huang
Catharina Tjernberg Carin Roos Karin Forsling
Marlies Matischek-Jauk Katharina Heissenberger Gerda Kernbichler Sabine Reissner Clara Obrecht
Daniel Rehfeldt Christiane Klempin Volkhard Nordmeier David Seibert Tobias Mehrtens
David Seibert Tobias Mehrtens
Christiane Klempin Daniel Rehfeldt
Tobias Mehrtens David Seibert Hilde Köster
Masafumi Ohnishi Aiko Hirosawa Asami Oda Shizuka Suzuki Miku Sasahara Kenichi Matsuki
10 SES 06 A, Professional Learning for European Teacher Educators: Addressing issues of inclusion/exclusion in teacher education
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: D0.02, Chair: Simone White
- Professional Learning for European Teacher Educators: Addressing Issues of Inclusion/Exclusion in Teacher Education
Jean Murray Paul Conway Geert Kelchtermans Marit Ulvik Ainat Gubermann Ann McPhail
10 SES 06 B, Inquiry and Action Research for Teacher Learning: Examples from Netherlands, Turkey and Finland
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: D1.01, Chair: Yve Posner
- Developing Teachers’ Multiperspectivity in Multicultural Vocational Education Classrooms Using Teacher Inquiry: A Case Study Of Dutch Senior Secondary Vocational Education
- Challenges Pre-Service Teachers Face Implementing Inquiry For Activities In Early Childhood Education.
- Subject Teachers’ Experiences of Action Research-based Projects in Initial Teacher Education in Finland
Kennedy Tielman Quinta Kools Perry Den brok
F. Caglin Akillioglu Canan Avci
Marina Bendtsen Michaela Pörn
10 SES 06 C, Teacher engagement, assessment practices and strategic partnership
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: C0.03, Chair: Graeme Hall
- Primary Education Students’ Engagement with Socio-scientific Discussion as an Approach to Learning for Sustainability.
- Investigation of the Use of Digital Storytelling as a Means of Professional Self-Understanding
- Micropolitical Dimensions of Teacher Educators’ Assessment Practices: Examining Authority and Influence in Two Countries
- Teaching Schools Delivering The School Direct Programme: How The Nature Of The Strategic Partners Influences The Provision
Stephen Day Louise Scott-McKie Andrew Killen
Hatice Cirali Sarica Yasemin Kocak Usluel
Nathan Brubaker
Anne Parfitt Monica Mincu
10 SES 06 E, Evidence Based Knowledge for Teachers
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: C0.06, Chair: Linda la Velle
- Evidence Based Knowledge for Teachers
Linda la Velle Maria Assunção Flores Clemens Wieser Tanya Ovenden-Hope
10 SES 07 A, Teacher-Research from an International Perspective (Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands)
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: D0.02, Chair: Stephen Day
- Teacher-Research From An International Perspective (Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands)
Rose Dolan Anna Beck Marco Snoek Anthony Malone Christel Verberg
10 SES 07 C, ICT Competence and Teaching for Equity
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: C0.03, Chair: Yve Posner
- Meet the Neighbours across Ireland’s border: Discovering Pre-service Initial Teacher Education Tutors’ ICT Competence.
- Emerging Practice for Equity: Complex Journeys Through Initial Teacher Education
Pamela Cowan Stephen Roulston Martin Brown Joe O'Hara Roger Austin
Fiona Ell Marilyn Cochran-Smith Mavis Haigh Mary Hill Lexie Grudnoff Larry Ludlow
10 SES 07 E, Beginner Teacher Narratives and Visual Cartographies
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: C0.06, Chair: Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer
- Exploring the Influence of ‘Normative Scripts’ of Teaching and Educational Theory on Pre-service Teachers’ Recollections of Past Teachers.
- Time And Space In Teacher Learning In And Outside School
Oliver McGarr Guillermina Gavaldon
Paulo Padilla-Petry Fernando Hernández-Hernández Joan-Anton Sánchez-Valero
10 SES 07 D, Language and Teacher Education
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: C0.04, Chair: Alan Huang
- Multilayered Motivation of Becoming English Teachers in Thailand: Beyond Intrinsic, Extrinsic, and Altruistic Reasons
- English Language Teachers’ Beliefs about Critical Thinking in Kazakhstan
- “I’m no longer a stranger when I speak my language”: Young learner attitudes towards the use of the mother tongue in EFL learning contexts in the UK and Norway
Denchai Prabjandee
Xeniya Tursunbayeva
Georgios Neokleous Mario Moya
10 SES 07 B, Preparing Teachers for Inclusion
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: D1.01, Chair: Des Hewitt
- Initial Training of Future Education Professionals: Are You Prepared for Inclusion?
- Support Needed for Inclusion in the Induction Phase – Newly Qualified Teachers’ and Principals’ Perceptions
- Inclusion And Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders: Reflections From A Pilot Study
Purificación Pérez-García Amelia Morales-Ocaña Ana Martín-Romera Inmaculada García-Martínez
Vilhelmiina Harju Hannele Niemi
Diana Di Gennaro Paola Aiello Laura Girelli
10 SES 08 E, Inclusion and the Exclusion in Teacher Education
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: C0.06, Chair: Katerina Vlckova
- Who Is Included And Excluded In The Definition Of A Teacher Educator And Why It Matters?
- Course Literature In The Field Of Tension Between Academic And Professional Practice: What Is Included And What Is Excluded?
- Is Teacher Education Different? Predictive Utilities of Determinants of Academic Achievement in a Three-Year Longitudinal Study
Simone White
Djamila Fatheddine Miranda Rocksén Charlotte Nilsson Elisabeth Ohlsson
Georg Krammer Barbara Pflanzl
10 SES 08 A, Professional Learning and Leadership
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: D0.02, Chair: Ingrid Helleve
- ELT Teachers` Professional Learning in Turkey.
- Student Teachers' Reflections after Participating in Mini-Lectures of Self-Regulated Learning
- Leadership for new models of Higher Education to support academic efficacy: A comparative study
Zeynep Butun
Astrid Sølvberg Karen Birgitte Dille
Katherine Main Jo Tondeur Sarah Prestridge
10 SES 08 B, Inclusive Education: Teacher attitudes, self-efficacy and professional learning
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: D1.01, Chair: Linda la Velle
10 SES 08 D, Professional Identity, Understanding Wellbeing and Care and Responsibility
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: C0.04, Chair: Paola Dusi
- Building Preservice Teacher Capacity and Professional Identity Using Metaphor and Critical reflection As Tools To Illuminate Beliefs, Identity and Practice
- Developing Student Teachers’ Understandings of Wellbeing and Care through A Critical Contemplative Pedagogy
- Trainee Primary Teachers and what Responsibility Means for Adults
Deborah North
Maeve O'Brien
Antonia De Vita Paola Dusi
10 SES 08 C, Quality, Assessment and Teacher Training
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: C0.03, Chair: Trish Lewis
- Developing A Context-Appropriate Framework For Measuring Quality In ITE
- Assessment Education in Pre-service Teacher Education Programs of Kazakhstan
- Development and evaluation of an advanced training programme on inclusive education for practicing educational staff: ‘Schule tatsächlich inklusiv (StiEL)’
Aileen Kennedy
Zhadyra Makhmetova
Jürgen Gerdes Andreas Köpfer Martin Dege Uwe H. Bittlingmayer Paulo Pinheiro Katja Scharenberg
10 SES 08.5, NW 10 Networking Breakfast
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 08:00-09:00, Room: C0.06, Chair: Anna Beck
- NW 10 Networking Breakfast
Anna Beck
10 SES 09 C, Beyond Mainstream Education and Becoming a Teacher
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: C0.03, Chair: Loraine McKay
- Looking Beyond Mainstream Education: The Need To Prepare Teachers For Alternative Settings
- “I would still want to become a teacher”. How teacher students decide to change their subjects or to drop out.
- Teacher Students´ Constructions of Relational Agency in a University-School Cooperation Project
Daniela Acquaro Shane Duggan
Tatjana Atanasoska Barbara Neunteufl
Leena Lestinen Ulla Maija Valleala
10 SES 09 A, Teacher Knowledge, Perception and Competence
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: D0.02, Chair: Zhadyra Makhmetova
- Core Competencies and High Leverage Practices of the Beginning Teacher: A Synthesis of the Literature
- Pre- and In-Service Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Thinking Techniques of Pedagogic Problem Solving
- A Longitudinal Analysis of Pre-Service Teachers’ Perception of their Development of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Competences
Joanne O'Flaherty
Judit Orgoványi-Gajdos
Laura Pons Seguí Elena Cano
10 SES 09 B, Increasing Diversity within Schools: Pedagogy, values and teacher learning
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: D1.01, Chair: Anthony Malone
- Seeking a reflexive epistemic space for teaching to and about diversity: Emergent properties of enablement and constraint for teacher educators
- Identification of values in the Physical Education curriculum
- Inclusive Education of Special Needs and Culturally Diverse Students: (Prospective) Teachers’ Attitudes and Self-Efficacy Beliefs
Mary Ryan
Lilyan Vega Ávalos Mª Alejandra Zarco Pablo
Hildegard Schaeper Thorsten Euler Claudia Menge Andreas Ortenburger
10 SES 09 D, Teacher Educators: Identity and Professional Development Needs
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: C0.04, Chair: Jean Murray
- What Makes An Effective Initial Teacher Educator?
- Frameworks to Measure the Effectiveness of Teacher Professional Development and Implementation Fidelity
- The Professional Development of Higher Education Based Teacher Educators in Three Countries: Ireland, Israel and Norway
Georgina Merchant Sara Bubb
Sirikanya Srichom
Ainat Guberman Ann MacPhail Marit Ulvik
10 SES 10.5, Network Meeting - NW 10
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 12:00-13:30, Room: D0.02, Chair: ML White
- Network Meeting - NW 10
ML White
10 SES 11 D, Student Voice, and Perceptions of Teacher Effectiveness
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 13:30-15:00, Room: C0.04, Chair: Ainat Guberman
- The Potential Of The Student Voice In Pre-Service Teacher Education
- The influence of students' perception about their teachers' effectiveness on behavioral and emotional engagement. Analysis by subjects
Raposo Manuela Parrilla Angeles Martínez-Figueira Mª Esther Sierra Martínez Silvia
Mercedes Inda-Caro Omar García-Pérez Carmen-María Fernández-García José-Vicente Peña-Calvo María-Teresa Iglesias-García Lindsay Martínez
10 SES 11 A, Academic Reading, Coherence and PCK in Teacher Education
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 13:30-15:00, Room: D0.02, Chair: Aileen Kennedy
- Academic Reading Seminars as a Boundary Activity in Teacher Education
- Identifying Coherence in Teacher Education
Hilde Wågsås Afdal Reidun Hoff-Jenssen Kari Spernes
Tom Wikman Jonathan Lilliedahl Sven-Erik Hansén
10 SES 11 B, Education for All: Developing an inclusive classroom
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 13:30-15:00, Room: D1.01, Chair: Oguzhan Hazir
- Primary Schools Teachers’ Training Needs: an Italian research on the Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Imagining Inclusive Education for Pupils Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Implementing School Based Teacher Training: The Case Study of Departments of Education for Intellectually Disabled Students in Turkey
Roberta Sala Ilaria Folci Luigi d'Alonzo Elena Zanfroni Paola Molteni
Anne Lindblom Eija Kärnä Mark T. Carew Sue Soan Katja Dindar Carin Roos
Oguzhan Hazir
10 SES 11 C, Teacher Efficacy, the Change Laboratory and Online Learning
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 13:30-15:00, Room: C0.03, Chair: Anna Beck
- Design And Redesign: Investigating Mathematics Teacher Efficacy In Primary Initial Teacher Education
- Teacher In-Service Training in a Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship Through the Change Laboratory
- Perceptions of teachers about online learning as a tool for teacher training. An empirical study including Germany, Italy, and Poland
Siún Nic Mhuirí Lorraine Harbison Aisling Twohill
Daniele Morselli Annalisa Sannino
Matthias Pilz Christian Hofmeister
10 SES 11 E, Autonomy, Dialogue and the Psychosocial
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 13:30-15:00, Room: C0.06, Chair: Ayşegül Bayraktar
- Psychosocial School Environment Between Aspiration and Reality. Investigating the interplay of education politics and teacher education in Norway
- Outlining Relational Skills In The Contest Of Education To Dialogue: Eric Berne's Transactional Analysis As A Framework In Teacher Education
- Examining Preservice Teachers’ Asked Questions and Given Feedback
Gro Lorentzen
Marina Sartor
Aysegul Bayraktar Seher Yalcin
10 SES 12 A, Research and Teacher Education
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: D0.02, Chair: Ping Ren
- Collaboration Between Researcher and Teacher Communities: Implications for Pre-service Teachers Education
- The Teacher Educator as Teacher and Researcher in Ireland: The Challenge of Being an Active User and Producer of Research
Dragica Pavlovic Babic Aleksandar Baucal Francesco Arcidiacono Nevena Budjevac Sanja Blagdanic
Ann MacPhail
10 SES 12 C, Assessment and The European Doctorate in Teacher Education
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: C0.03, Chair: Rachel Shanks
- SOFA: A Study In Outward Facing Assessment In Further Education Teacher Training Programmes In Ireland
- Teacher Candidates’ Opinions on Teacher Performance Assessment System
- The European Doctorate in Teacher Education (EDiTE): Insights and Potentials of a European Joint Doctorate
Anne Graham Cagney Tracy Irwin Anne O'Mahony Carol Yelverton-Halpin
Ali Kış İsmail Şan Nuri Erdemir
Vasileios Symeonidis Helena Kovacs
10 SES 12 D, Emotional Knowledge, Emotional Experience and Dimensions of Burnout
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: C0.04, Chair: Itxaso Tellado
- Learning To Teach With Emotional Knowledge: a Framework for School Placements
- Teacher Educators’ Emotions: A Phenomenological Study of University Teachers’ Emotional Experiences
- The Impact Of Students’ Ethnic Composition On The Three Dimensions Of Burnout: What role does ethnic prejudice, experience and teachability play?
Eamonn Pugh
Başak Çalık Ali Yıldırım
Ama Amitai Mieke Van Houtte
10 SES 12 E, Experience, Diversity and Critical Thinking
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: C0.06, Chair: Marit Ulvik
- Secondary-School Teachers' Practices And Considerations Concerning Dealing With Cultural Differences In Their Classes
- The Development of Critical Thinking in Student Teachers' Transition to the Practice of Teaching
- Group supervision. A tool for equivalent education?
Brigitte Theeuwes - De Bock Nadira Saab Eddie Denessen Wilfried Admiraal
Ngoc Trang (Anna) Hoang David Crabbe
Pia Åman
10 SES 12 B, The Roles of School-based Mentors in Initial Teacher Training
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: D1.01, Chair: Erika Marie Pace
- The Role of the School Based Mentor as Seen From Their, and Student Teachers’ Perspectives, in Ireland and the UK
- The Hybrid Mentoring Program (1st Phase): educating novice teachers´ futures mentors
- The Syllabus of Norwegian Training of School Mentors for Teacher Training and Newly Qualified Teachers
Mary Isobelle Mullaney
Aline Reali Ana Paula Gestoso de Souza Andrea Moruzzi Cármen Passos Fabiana Marini Braga Rosa Maria Moraes Anunciato
Kaare Skagen Andreas Reier Jensen
10 SES 13 C, Teacher Motivations, Preparation and Pedagogical Knowledge
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: C0.03, Chair: Paola Aiello
- Motivations and Perceptions of Finnish and German Teacher Students for Choosing Teaching Career
- Topography Of Teachers – What Kinds Of Teachers Are We Graduating From Initial Teacher Education?
- Intentional Narratives to Develop Pedagogical Knowledge in an Urban Teacher Residency
Jani Ursin Michael Goller Katja Vähäsantanen Christian Harteis Dagmar Festner
Elaine McCulloch
Colleen Horn Kelsey Darity A. Lin Goodwin
10 SES 13 B, Preparing Pre-School Teachers for Family School Partnerships: International perspectives
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: D1.01, Chair: Oonseng Tan
- Teacher Education Innovation: Experiences of Switzerland, New Zealand, and Singapore
- Pathways to A Meaningful ‘Glocalisation’ in Teacher Education
- Second Career Teachers’ Workplace Learning – An Innovative Model of Teacher Training
- The NIE e-Portfolio in Initial Teacher Preparation
Bee Leng Chua Christine Bieri Esther Kamm . . Oonseng Tan Carola Mantel Mirjam Kocher Andrea Keck Frei Simone Biaggi-Schurter
Esther Kamm Carola Mantel
Christine Bieri Buschor Mirjam Kocher Andrea Keck Frei Simone Biaggi-Schurter
Bee Leng Chua Oon Seng Tan
10 SES 13 D JS, Citizenship Education and the Child's Best Interest
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: C0.04, Chair: Sally Windsor
- How do the Young People in Finland See themselves as Citizens and as Europeans?
- Legal literacy of teachers
- The Child’s best interest in Secondary School – school leaders as interpreters of the law
Ulla Kiviniemi Marjo Autio-Hiltunen Leena Lestinen
Kurt Willems Laura Vanduffel
Camilla Herlofsen Marianne Klungland Bahus
10 SES 13 A, Developing Adaptive Expertise in Future Teachers: International perspectives on innovations in initial teacher education
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: D0.02, Chair: Anne Sliwka
- Developing Adaptive Expertise in Future Teachers: International Perspectives on Innovations in Initial Teacher Education
- Meaningful Learning Experiences over the Course of Teacher Education Studies
- Investigating Situated Judgement Tests for Evaluating Non-academic Attributes in Australia.
- Developing Partnerships for Collaborative Teaching: Principals’ and Teachers’ Perspectives on Preparing Pre-service Teachers for Innovative Learning Environments
Anne Sliwka Lindsey Conner Emma Kostiainen Johanna Pöysä-Tarhonen Sweeney Trudy-Ann Letitia Fickel n. n. Fletcher Jo
Emma Kostiainen Johanna Pöysä-Tarhonen
Conner Lindsey Sweeney Trudy-Ann
Fickel Letitia Fletcher Jo
10 SES 13 E, Emotion in Teacher Education –From Theory to Practice
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: C0.06, Chair: Hily Rosenblum
- Emotion In Teacher Education –From Theory To Practice
- Emotion Based Professional Development Training and Teachers Attitudes Towards Students’ Inclusion
- On the Possibility Of Measuring The Emotional Experience Of Lessons In Elementary School Students
- Class Efficiency Of Problem-Based And Lecturing –Based Teaching –Cognitive And Emotional Parameters
- The Power of Emotions: A Qualitative Exploration of Teachers’ Emotions in Syrian Refugee Schools in Turkey Ministry of National Education
Hily Rosenblum Dušan Ranđelović Kristina Ranđelović Gülnur Ak Küçükçayır Sima Zach Varda Inglis Ofra Walter Predrag Živković Jelena Jovanović Jovanović Jelena Babić-Antić
Dr. Hily Rosenblum Sima Zach Varda Inglis Ofra Walter
Dusan Randjelovic Predrag Živković
Jelena Jovanović Jovanović Kristina Ranđelović Ranđelović Jelena Babić Antić
Gülnur Ak Küçükçayır
10 SES 14 B, Mentoring Student and Early Career Teachers: The role of teachers as teacher educators
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: D1.01, Chair: Jeana Kriewaldt
- Does Mentoring Make Novice Teachers Self-Directed? : Functions of Mentoring as Support for Novice Teachers in Elementary School
- Mentoring Primary Education Student Teachers: Perceptions of the Use of Formative Assessment within the Mentoring Process
- Perspectives On How Pre-Service Teachers Develop Clinical Judgement Within An Employment-Based Teacher Education Program
Ikuko Goto Takumi Yada
Lorele Mackie
Jeana Kriewaldt Sally Windsor Kira Clarke Andrea Truckenbrodt Teresa Angelico
10 SES 14 C, Partnerships and Communities of Practice
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: C0.03, Chair: Anna Beck
- School and University in Partnership: A Shared Enquiry into Teachers' Collaborative Practices
- Communities of Practice (CoPs) as Sites of Collaboration between Teacher Educators and Policymakers – A Multiple Case Study
- Perceptions of Beginning Teachers About ICT in Classrooms
Catriona Oates Carole Bignell
Ainat Guberman Orit Avidov-Ungar Orit Dahan Ruth Serlin
Anthony Jones
10 SES 14 A, Getting Published in the Journal of Education for Teaching (JET)
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: D0.02, Chair: ML White
- Getting published in the Journal of Education for Teaching (JET)
ML White Linda la Velle Jean Murray
10 SES 14 D, Research on Professional Knowledge & Identity in Teacher Education: Difference and disability
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: C0.04, Chair: Anja Tervooren
- What is dyslexia? An exploration of the relationship between teachers’ understandings of dyslexia and their training experiences
- Becoming a teacher with disabilities:From teacher education to the work-field of primary school and kindergarten
- Social Constructions Of Difference And Disability In The Discourse Of Inclusive School Reform. Findings Of Group Discussions With Teacher Training Students
Cathryn Knight
Vanessa Macchia Marisa Rosalba Pavone Alessia Farinella Rosa Bellacicco
Anja Tervooren Kerstin Rabenstein Susanne Gottuck Marian Laubner
10 SES 14 E, Being Uncomfortable and Embodied Learning
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: C0.06, Chair: Angelika Paseka
- Controversial, Sensitive and Uncomfortable Issues in Education
- The Embodied Learning of Teachers: Exploring Affections and Movements through Visual Cartographies
Åse Røthing
Sara Carrasco Segovia Fernando Hernández-Hernández
10 SES 16 A, Student Teachers and Professional Identity
Friday, 2018-09-07, 13:30-15:00, Room: D0.02, Chair: Lorele Mackie
- Negotiating PE Teacher Professional Identity Outside The Formal Contexts Of Teacher Training
- Student Teacher Identity Development: transformation, consolidation or rejection?
- Student Teachers’ Development of Bildung: Conceptualization and Empirical Results from a Longitudinal Study
Jukka Virta Päivi Hökkä Anneli Eteläpelto Helena Rasku-Puttonen
Deborah Seward
Marc Esser-Noethlichs
10 SES 16 C, Self-Study, Supervision and Practice-Focussed Research
Friday, 2018-09-07, 13:30-15:00, Room: C0.03, Chair: Zeynel Amac
- Case based Teaching – a Collective Self-study
- Practice-focused Research in Initial Teacher Education
Marit Ulvik Ingrid Helleve
Jane Abbiss Eline Vanassche
10 SES 16 D, Early Childhood Teacher Education
Friday, 2018-09-07, 13:30-15:00, Room: C0.04, Chair: Itxaso Tellado
10 SES 16 E, Policy Making and School Reform
Friday, 2018-09-07, 13:30-15:00, Room: C0.06, Chair: Paola Dusi
- The Impact of Politics on the Work of Literacy/English Teacher Educators
- The Neo-performative Teacher: School Reform, Entrepreneurialism and the Pursuit of Educational Equity
- Values, Imaginaries and Policy-Making for Teacher Education: a discourse-historical analysis of the Russian Federation Context
Clare Kosnik Clive Beck
Chris Wilkins
Elena Revyakina Conor Galvin
10 SES 16 F JS, Teach for All in Europe and Beyond: Examining the emergence and impact of a globally-marketed education policy
Friday, 2018-09-07, 13:30-15:00, Room: C2.01, Chair: Moira Hulme
- Teach For All in Europe and Beyond: Examining the Emergence and Impact of a Globally-marketed Education Policy (PART 1)
- Teach For America vs. Teach First: Examining the first transfer and reinvention of the foundational model behind Teach For All
- Teach First Norway
- Teach for Austria Initiation: scope, target, achievements, and criticism of the programme
Emilee Rauschenberger Katrine Nesje Seyda Subasi n n Moira Hulme
Emilee Rauschenberger
Katrine Nesje
Seyda Subasi
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