Network: 26. Educational Leadership
26 SES 01 A, Valuing the Context: External Consultancy as a Resource for School Leaders and Schools in Challenging Situations
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair:
- Valuing the Context: External Consultancy as a Resource for School Leaders and Schools in Challenging Situations
- Multi-professional Consulting Teams as Catalyst for Schools’ Turnarounds from the Perspective of Austrian School Leaders at Schools facing Challenging Circumstances
- School Improvement Consultancy at Schools serving Disadvantaged Communities in Germany: Design and Perceptions of Collaboration between School Leaders and Consultants
- The Role of Advisers in Supporting Schools in Challenging Circumstances: Some Lessons from England
Livia Jesacher-Roessler Jana Gross Ophoff Esther Dominique Klein
Livia Jesacher-Roessler Gabriele Rathgeb Bettina Dimai Christine Reiter
Livia Jesacher-Roessler Isabel Dean Laura Beckmann Kathrin Racherbäumer
Livia Jesacher-Roessler Mel Ainscow
26 SES 01 B, School Improvement and Development Through the Lens of Educational Leadership
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: Joseph Black Building, C407 [Floor 4], Chair: Joan Conway
- Autonomy in Educational Leadership: Elements Opening and Closing Decision-making in Quality Assessment and -Development
- Exploring the Relationship between Principal Retention and School Improvement: First Evidence from Public Schools in Chile
- Leading school development: A systematic review
- The Principal’s Visionary Commitment to Action: One School System Case Study
Rikke Axelsen Sundberg
Sergio Galdames Álvaro González Gonzalo Ruz Paulina Morales
Fred Carlo Andersen Marit Aas Kirsten Vennebo Erlend Dehlin
Joan Conway Dorothy Andrews
26 SES 02 A, Controversial Issues and Dilemmas in Educational Leadership (Part 1)
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair: Björn Ahlström
- School Leaders' Descriptions of Challenges Linked to the Leadership of Curriculum Implementation
- Controversial Issues in Preschool Principals’ Leadership
- Influence of Multifarious Factors on Circuit Manager Support to Principals During Education Change
- Leading Systemwide Improvement in Primary School Science Education: A Comparative Study of System Leaders Managing Dilemmas of Education System Building
Anne Mette Karlsen Jan Gilje
Anna Rantala Björn Ahlström Ulf Leo Magnus Larsson Pär Poromaa-Isling
Molly Patricia Fuller Chris Steyn
James Spillane Emily Seeber Christa M. Haverly Xiaoyu Yin Weiyu Quan
26 SES 02 B, School Leadership and Teacher Efficacy
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: Joseph Black Building, C407 [Floor 4], Chair: Jean-Claude Couture
- The Diverse Futures Orientations of Teachers and School Leaders: A collaborative research study
- School Leader Trust and Collective Teacher Innovativeness - Individual and Organisational Ambidexterity as a Mediator
Jean-Claude Couture Guðrún Ragarsdóttir Anne Looney Roar Grottvik Jón Torfi Jónasson Penelope Stiles
Kathrin Dedering Marcus Pietsch
26 SES 02 C, Exploring Relational, Emotional and Affective Leadership Skills in Schools: A Participative Approach
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: Joseph Black Building, B419 LT [Floor 5], Chair: Niamh Lafferty
- Exploring Relational, Emotional and Affective Leadership Skills in Schools: A Participative Approach
Niamh Lafferty Hege Fimreite Øyvind Glosvik Nina Grieg Viig Patricia Mannix - McNamara Nicolaas Blom
26 SES 03 A, School Leadership Training Programs for School Leaders’ Professional Development
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair: Kirsten Foshaug Vennebo
- School Leadership Training Programs for School Leaders’ Professional Development
- A Review of Empirical Research on School Leadership Training Programs
- School Leadership Training Program: Group Discussions in the Extension of a Lecture
- Digital Coaching between School Leader Students, their Leaders and University Professors
- Group Goaching to Enhance Leadership Development and Performance
Kirsten Foshaug Vennebo Ulf Leo
Kirsten Vennebo Fred Carlo Andersen Marit Aas
Kirsten Foshaug Vennebo Ann Margareth Gustavsen
Kirsten Foshaug Vennebo Brit Ballangrud Elisabeth Stenshorne
Kirsten Foshaug Vennebo Åse Slettbakk Marit Aas
26 SES 03 B, School Leadership and Inclusive Education: Future Perspectives
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: Joseph Black Building, C407 [Floor 4], Chair: Antonios Kafa
- Mapping School Principals’ Leadership Styles on Implementing Inclusive Education in Cyprus
- Towards a more inclusive Education? Pedagogical leadership in Early childhood education in Norway
- Leadership Autonomy in Inclusion Policies: Principals’ Task Allocations in Policy Documents in Germany and Norway
- Is This Co-Creation? Making Sense of School Leadership Roles Under Changing Management Regimes
Antonios Kafa Petros Pashiardis Aimilia Stavrou
Hilde Lund
Carolina Dahle
Sigrunn Tvedten
26 SES 03 C, School Leadership and COVID-19: The Aftermath Experiences
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: Joseph Black Building, B419 LT [Floor 5], Chair: Lauri Heikonen
- Principal Efficacy for Leadership and Turnover Intentions After COVID-19
- Crisis Leadership: School Principals’ Metaphors During Covid-19
- Supporting the Wellbeing of the School Community in the Recovery Phase of Covid-19 – Challenges and Opportunities for Aspiring Headteachers
- The Institutional Nature of Upper Secondary Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: Changed Agency of School Leaders
Lauri Heikonen Raisa Ahtiainen
Mowafaq Qadach Rima'a Da'as Chen Schechter
Joan G Mowat
Guðrún Ragarsdóttir
26 SES 04 A, International Perspectives on the Improvement of Schools Facing Challenging Circumstances
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair: Paul Armstrong
- International Perspectives on the Improvement of Schools Facing Challenging Circumstances
- Leading Organisational Learning in Chilean Schools Facing Challenging Circumstances in Times of Disruption
- Adaptation and Innovation in Times of Disruption: The Pursuit of Educational Change and equity in a Challenging Urban Context
- Adaptation and Innovation in Times of Disruption: Impacts of Leadership Practice on School Development in Challenging Circumstances
- WITHDRAWN Adaptation and Innovation in Times of Disruption: How Schools Working in Challenging Circumstances Overcame Failing Inspection Trajectories?
Christopher Chapman Paul Armstrong Carmen Montecinos
Christopher Chapman Álvaro González Jonathan Santana Valenzuela
Christopher Chapman Mel Ainscow Kevin Lowden Stuart Hall
Christopher Chapman Heinz Günter Holtappels Lisa Brücher
Christopher Chapman Bernardita Munoz Chereau Jo Hutchinson
26 SES 04 B, School Improvement and Quality Through the Lens of Educational Leadership
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: Joseph Black Building, C407 [Floor 4], Chair: Helen Goode
- Quality And Benefits Of Interventions And Their Effects On The Quality Of Schools
- From Road Map for Teacher Quality to an Integrated Approach
- The Role of the Critical Friend in Supporting Principals to Lead School Improvement
Jane Pruitt Stephan Gerhard Huber Gregor Steinbeiß Christoph Helm Rolf Strietholt Marius Schwander
Helen Goode Lawrie Drysdale David Gurr
Ryan Dunn
26 SES 05.5 A, General Poster Session
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 12:15-13:15, Room: Gilbert Scott, Hunter Halls [Floor 2], Chair:
- International Study of Teacher Leadership: Culmination of Cross-Cultural Findings
Cornelius Van der Vyver Joan Conway Molly Patricia Fuller Clelia Pineda-Báez
26 SES 06 A, Successful Leadership Research: New Directions for the International Successful School Principalship Project
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair: Rose Ylimaki
- Successful Leadership Research: New Directions for the International Successful School Principalship Project
- A Synthesis of ISSPP Publications: Similarities and Differences in Successful School Principalship
- Successful School Principalship in the United States
- What We Know about Successful School Leadership from Australian Cases
- Future Directions for ISSPP
Qing Gu Rose Ylimaki Christopher Day
Qing Gu Jingping Sun Rong Zhang Huaiyue Zhange Ting Huang
Qing Gu Betty Merchant Joseph Martin Juan Manuel Niño Michael Schwanenberger Robyn Conrad Hansen
Qing Gu David Gurr Lawrie Drysdale Helen Goode
Qing Gu Christopher Day Rose Ylimaki
26 SES 06 B, Teacher Leadership Development in the Educational Context (Part 1)
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: Joseph Black Building, C407 [Floor 4], Chair: Miao Liu
- Emerging Teacher Leader Roles in Upper Secondary School – Elite Teachers Leading Colleagues’ Professional Learning in Subject Departments
- Do Teachers Wish to Be Agents of Change?
- Teacher Leadership Capability and Narrative Methodology – Implications for a Potential Professional Development Model
Hedvig Abrahamsen Kristin Helstad
Ahmet Aypay Murat Özdemir Yasin Avan
Elena Seghedin Ovidiu Gavrilovici
26 SES 06 C, Researching Educational Leadership
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: Joseph Black Building, B419 LT [Floor 5], Chair: Ulrike Krein
- Is Educational Leadership Worth Studying – Or is it a Myth that we Have Reified?
- Capturing the Big Picture. Shadowing as a Method of School Leadership Research
- Enabling and Constraining Influences on Action Research Processes – Collaboration Between School Leaders and Researchers in Two Swedish Schools
Linda Evans
Ulrike Krein
Ingela Portfelt Anette Forssten Seiser
26 SES 07 A, Policy, Values, and Ethical Leadership – Diversity, Covariation, or Conflict
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair: Olof CA Johansson
- Policy, Values, and Ethical Leadership – Diversity, Covariation, or Conflict
- Policy Governing Chains and the Power of intervening Spaces for Student Learning
- Communicative Intelligence toward Community Integrity: A Study of Educational Values and Ethics in Crisis
- The Challenge for Leaders and their Values in a rules-based Context during the Pandemic.
- Edgework as Praxis: Ethical Leadership and the Coercive Laws of Competition
Olof CA Johansson Ulf Leo
Olof Johansson Helene Ärlestig
Olof CA Johansson Samantha M. Paredes Scribner Susan Shapiro Kitty Fortner
Olof CA Johansson Lawrence Drysdale David Gurr Helen Goode
Olof CA Johansson Brendan Maxcy Thu Surong Thi Nguyen Chalmer Elaine Thompson
26 SES 07 B, Educational Leadership in Crisis: Perspectives and Directions
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: Joseph Black Building, C407 [Floor 4], Chair: Jennifer Charteris
- Crisis Leadership and Communication: Working with School Communities after Catastrophic School Fires
- Personality Traits of Principals in the Primary Schools in Greece and the Decision-making Crisis Management
- How do Professional Gratification Crises affect the Health of School Leaders? Analysing the Relationship between the ERI Model and Burnout.
Jennifer Charteris Adele Nye
Eleftheria Pantsiou Georgios Iordanidis
Nele Groß Marcus Pietsch Kevin Dadaczynski
26 SES 07 C, Discourses of Gender on Educational Leadership
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: Joseph Black Building, A504 [Floor 5], Chair: Misaa Nassir
- Principal-Teacher Gender (dis)Similarity as a Moderator between Paternalistic Leadership and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour Relationship in the Israeli Arab Minority
- Principals’ Characteristics and their Influence on their Leadership Practices: A 3-year Study Carried out in Portugal
Misaa Nassir Pascale Benoliel
Eva Lopes Fernandes Maria A. Flores Irene Cadime
26 SES 08 A, Lessons Learned from Researching Leadership and Policy in Different Countries
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair: Stephen Rayner
- Lessons Learned from Researching Leadership and Policy in Different Countries
- Lessons Learned from Ireland
- Lessons from Researching Educational Leadership in Australia
- Foregrounding Methodological Diversity in Educational Leadership Research in England
Craig Skerritt Stephen Rayner Bee Hughes
Craig Skerritt
Craig Skerritt Amanda Heffernan
Craig Skerritt Steven Courtney
26 SES 08 B, School Leadership Development: Emerging Trends and Topics (Part 1)
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: Joseph Black Building, C407 [Floor 4], Chair:
- Professionalization in a New Key - School Leader Professional Development, Training, Knowledge and Autonomy in a Changing Landscape of Professions
- School Leadership Development for Improvement in and for Diverse Societies
- Professional Development and Organizational Learning in Schools – Unique Perspectives of Middle-level Leadership
Johanna Ringarp Niclas Rönnström
Jan Heystek
László Horváth Sándor Lénárd Márta Héreginé Nagy Nóra Rapos
26 SES 08 C, International Successful School Principalship amidst Multi-Layered Influences and Complexities: A Cross-National Panel Dialogue
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: Joseph Black Building, A504 [Floor 5], Chair: Christopher Day
- International Successful School Principalship amidst Multi-Layered Influences and Complexities: A Cross-National Panel Dialogue
Christopher Day Michalis Constantinides Sandra Fernandez-Nuñez Joanna Madalinska-Michalak Hiroshi Sato Sandra Mariano
26 SES 09 A, Same Name, Different Meanings And Practices? Distributed Leadership Across Cultures And Methods
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair: Pierre Tulowitzki
- Same Name, Different Meanings And Practices? Distributed Leadership Across Cultures And Methods
- Making Distributed Leadership Visible – A Futile Exercise? First Results From A Multimethod Study Into Educational Leadership In Switzerland
- WITHDRAWN Distributed Leadership As An Organizing Framework for Cross-Sector Partnerships in the United States
- Building Capacity Through Distributed Leadership.
- Distributed Leadership In Irish Post-Primary Schools Amidst A Pandemic: Interpretations And Implementation
Pierre Tulowitzki James Spillane
Pierre Tulowitzki Ella Grigoleit Laetitia Progin Aleksandra Vuichard
Pierre Tulowitzki Rebecca Lowenhaupt Betty Lai Gabrielle Oliveira
Pierre Tulowitzki Helen Goode Lawrence Drysdale
Pierre Tulowitzki Niamh Hickey Patricia Mannix - McNamara Aishling Flaherty
26 SES 09 B, Controversial Issues and Dilemmas in Educational Leadership (Part 2)
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: Joseph Black Building, C407 [Floor 4], Chair: Carl Bagley
- Controversial Issues for Principals in Sweden - an Exploratory Approach
- The Case of La Verneda-Sant Martí School: Leading Change Through Dialogue
- (Re)Contextualising the Field. A Bourdieuian Analysis of Small Rural School Principal Leadership in a Post-Conflict Society
Magnus Larsson Anna Rantala Ulf Leo Björn Ahlström Pär Poromaa Isling
Gisela Redondo-Sama Shiza Khaqan Teresa Morlà
Carl Bagley Montserrat Fargas Malet
26 SES 09 C, Distributed School Leadership
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: Joseph Black Building, A504 [Floor 5], Chair: Maree O'Rourke
26 SES 10.5 A, NW 26 Network Meeting
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 12:15-13:15, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair: Antonios Kafa
- NW 26 Network Meeting
Pierre Tulowitzki
26 SES 11 A, School Leadership in the New Era of Digital Educational Development: Emerging Perspectives and Challenges
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair: Petros Pashiardis
- School Leadership in the New Era of Digital Educational Development: Emerging Perspectives and Challenges
- From the Center to the Sidelines? The Post-Pandemic Role of Technology in Education
- School leadership in Times of Uncertainty: Reflections from a School Principal from Cyprus
- Findings on Fostering and Supporting School Leaders' Technology and Digital Capacities: Challenges and Obstacles that School Leaders Face
- On the Road to Digital Leadership in Greek Schools: Early Impressions
Antonios Kafa Petros Pashiardis
Antonios Kafa Betty Merchant Lucy Wakiaga Birgul Yilmaz Martha Zurita
Antonios Kafa Petros Pashiardis Stefan Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz Georgia Pashiardis
Antonios Kafa Lawrence Drysdale David Gurr Helen Goode
Antonios Kafa Angeliki Lazaridou
26 SES 11 B, Policy Context and Governance in Educational Leadership
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: Joseph Black Building, C407 [Floor 4], Chair: Olof CA Johansson
- The Voice of Students in School Governance: A case study of a Professional Learning Community
- The Principal and the Superintendent in the Governing Chain in Sweden: putting leadership practices in context.
- Assessment Leadership Among School Leaders – Navigating Across Leadership Ideals and Policy Context
Lucia Fernández Terol Marta Olmo-Extremera Miguel Ángel Diaz Delgado
Katarina Roos Olof CA Johansson
Elin Stark
26 SES 11 C, Educational Leadership for Diversity and Equity
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: Joseph Black Building, A504 [Floor 5], Chair: Carolyn Shields
- Leading for Diversity: An Exploration of Useful Theoretical Frameworks
- Big Conversation for Better Schools, Developing Discourses for Equity and Diversity in Schools: A Case Study
- Mission (im)possible - Bridging the Achievement Gap Between Boys’ and Girls’ in a Swedish Municipality
Carolyn Shields
Gerry Mac Ruairc Manuela Heinz María Jesús Rodríguez-Entrena Sara Gartland
Britt-Inger Keisu Björn Ahlström Ida Johansson Magnus Larsson
26 SES 12 A, Reframing Leadership and Leading in Education: Diverse Responses from Scholars Across the Field (Part 1)
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair: Qing Gu
- Reframing Leadership and Leading in Education: Diverse Responses from Scholars Across the Field
- Leadership and Management: A Relevant Distinction for Leadership in Education?
- Accountability, Autonomy and Organisational Practice: How Principals of Successful Schools Enact Education Policy for Improvement
- Leadership across Partnerships and Networks
- Transactional, Transformational, Transformative Leadership: A Journey towards Equity and Justice
Qing Gu Margery McMahon
Qing Gu Julie Harvie Margery McMahon Deirdre Torrance Christine Forde
Qing Gu Aly Colman
Qing Gu Toby Greany
Qing Gu Carolyn Shields
26 SES 12 B, Topics on Educational Leadership: Adaptive Leadership, Health and Wellbeing, and Middle Leaders
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: Joseph Black Building, C407 [Floor 4], Chair: Pia Skott
- Crossing Boundaries: Connecting Adaptive Leadership and Social Justice Leadership for Educational Contexts
- Leading for Knowledge, Health and Wellbeing - through the Coordination of Local Curriculum Processes
- The invisible organisational contribution: The role of middle leaders in Higher Education
Ariel Sarid
Pia Skott
Sanna Lassen
26 SES 12 C, Digital and Technology Leadership in the Scope of Education
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: Joseph Black Building, A504 [Floor 5], Chair: Ulrike Krein
- Leading Digitalization in Preschool Education - Principals’ Professional Development through Action Research
- School Websites – a Missed Opportunity for Digital Leadership?
- School innovation through knowledge flows- Does Open Innovation make the difference?
- School Leadership under the Conditions of Digitality. Facets, Potentials, Challenges.
Emelie Johansson
Sonja Beeli-Zimmermann Melodie Burri Anne-Sophie Ewald Evelyne Wannack
Jasmin Witthöft Marcus Pietsch Colin Cramer Christopher David Brown
Ulrike Krein
26 SES 13 A, Reframing Leadership and Leading in Education: Diverse Responses from Scholars Across the Field (Part 2)
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair: Meng Tian
- Reframing Leadership and Leading in Education: Diverse Responses from Scholars Across the Field (2)
- Challenging Colonial Constructions of Leadership: Early Childhood Education in Aotearoa
- Leadership in Education: Spanish Perspectives on Social Justice
- Disrupted Leadership in Education
- The Emergence and Cultivation of Leadership within Early Childhood Education
Meng Tian
Meng Tian Jenny Ritchie
Meng Tian Patricia Silva Charles L. Slater Serafín Antúnez
Meng Tian Howard Youngs Amanda Roberts Philip A. Woods
Meng Tian Leanne Gibbs Frances Press
26 SES 13 B, Teacher Leadership Development in the Educational Context (Part 2)
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: Joseph Black Building, C407 [Floor 4], Chair: Andy Goodwyn
26 SES 13 C, Teachers Who Emerge as Unrecognised Enactors of Teacher Leadership: Teachers’ Perceptions from Three Different Countries
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: Joseph Black Building, A504 [Floor 5], Chair: Christopher Chapman
- Teachers Who Emerge as Unrecognised Enactors of Teacher Leadership: Teachers’ Perceptions from Three Different Countries
Joan Conway Cornelius Van der Vyver Molly Patricia Fuller Clelia Pineda-Báez
26 SES 14 A, School Leadership Success amidst Contemporary Complexities and Layers of Influence on Education (Part 1)
Friday, 2023-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair: Qing Gu
- School Leadership Success amidst Contemporary Complexities and Layers of Influence on Education, Part A
- Theoretical Positionings, Analytical Framework, and Comparative Mixed Methods Research Methodology for the New Phase of ISSPP
- ‘Positive Disruption’: The Courage to Lead in times of Reform
- Principal Ownership Towards Equity/Equality within a School – the Swedish case
- Successful Principalship in Culturally Diverse U.S. Schools
Rose Ylimaki Qing Gu Christopher Day
Ylimaki Rose Christopher Day Qing Gu
Rose Ylimaki Qing Gu Christopher Day Monica Mincu
Rose Ylimaki Helene Arlestig Olof Johansson Ulf Leo
Rose Ylimaki Robyn Conrad-Hansen Jingping Sun Lauri Johnson
26 SES 14 B, School Leadership Development: Emerging Trends and Topics (Part 2)
Friday, 2023-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: Joseph Black Building, C407 [Floor 4], Chair: Ken Jones
- Leading Professional Learning: Hallmarks of Practice in Complex Situations
- Group Coaching in Leadership development for School Leaders
- Different Streams in School Principals’ Professional Development Become Diverse Teachers’ Participation Models. A Multilevel Analysis.
- School Leadership Development as School University Partnership- Tracing Relationships Across Episodes
Ken Jones Tegwen Ellis
Ulf Leo Kirsten Foshaug Vennebo Marit Aas
Jon Martínez Recio Reyes Hernandez Castilla
Ruth Jensen Ann Elisabeth Gunnulfsen Kjersti Ødegaard Kristin Helstad Hedvig Neerland Abrahamsen
26 SES 14 C, Religious and Values in Educational Leadership
Friday, 2023-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: Joseph Black Building, A504 [Floor 5], Chair: Caroline Thomas
- Implementing a Christian Education Ethos Vision: Perspectives of School Leaders and Pupils in Two Schools and Implications for Practice
- Religious Education in Diverse Contexts: School Leaders’ Understanding of Religious Diversity and Interconnections between Non-formal and Formal Religious Education
- Educational Management and Students’ Merit Values: An Understanding of the Diversified, Semi-functional School System
Caroline Thomas
Thor-André Skrefsrud Marianne Hustvedt Ole Kjorven Hildegunn Valen Kleive
Katarina Ståhlkrantz Stephan Rapp
26 SES 16 A, School Leadership Success amidst Contemporary Complexities and Layers of Influence on Education (Part 2)
Friday, 2023-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair: Rose Ylimaki
- School Leadership Success amidst Contemporary Complexities and Layers of Influence on Education, Part B
- Successful Leadership for Social Justice in Spain
- New ISSPP Cases in Norway
- Successful Catholic Primary School in Australia
- New ISSPP Cases in Italy
Rose Ylimaki Christopher Day
Rose Ylimaki Cristina Moral-Santaella
Rose Ylimaki Ruth Jensen Ann Elisabeth Gunnulfsen
Rose Ylimaki David Gurr Chris Reed Lawrie Drysdale Helen Goode
Rose Ylimaki Daniela Acquaro Alessia Maria Aurora Bevilacqua Claudio Girelli
26 SES 17 A, Perspectives of Educational Leadership
Friday, 2023-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: Joseph Black Building, B408 LT [Floor 4], Chair: Helene Ärlestig
- Pedagogical Leadership as a Shared Responsibility? Exploring Conceptions, Positions, and Expectations Across and Between Leadership Levels
- Exploring Educational Leaders’ Experiences with Mentoring – Relationships and Impact on Leadership Practices.
- Characteristics of Municipal Educational Leadership in Iceland: A Cross-case Study
- Distributed Leadership: Lived Experiences of Irish Post-Primary School Principals and Deputy Principals
Malin Benerdal Helene Ärlestig
Niamh Deignan
Sigríður Margrét Sigurðardóttir
Niamh Hickey Patricia Mannix - McNamara Aishling Flaherty
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