Network: 27. Didactics - Learning and Teaching
27 SES 01 A, Science and Scientific Literacy
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Catherine Milne
- Fostering Scientific Literacy in Physics Experimenting with an Accessible Online Learning Environment
- Mastering Online Searches: How students Find Science Information
- Science Student Teachers’ Assignments for Special Education Needs Students
Martina Graichen Silke Mikelskis-Seifert
Anna Lodén Johanna Lönngren Christina Ottander
Kari Sormunen Anu Hartikainen-Ahia
27 SES 01 B, Technology in Education
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Anne Kjellsdotter
- Technology In a Inclusive Learning Environment with Room for All
- Aesthetic Experience in Technology Education – A Case Study of Robotic Programming
- Developing Student’s Skills in Creating Technological Start-Up Projects Based on the Thinking Design Algorithm.
Atle Kristensen Bente Forsbakk
Per Anderhag Maria Andree Sebastian Björnhammer Niklas Salomonsson
Ibaly Toktamyssova Laura Bekeshova Damir Yerkmaliyev
27 SES 02 B, Language Learning and Interaction
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Marte Blikstad-Balas
- Exploring Through Dialogue: Structured Reciprocal Peer Tutoring (‘SYKL’) in Danish L1
- Developing Older Adults’ Autonomous Learning Through One-To-One Language Counselling
- Effects of quiz games on learning motivation of adult learners of Online DaF Courses: An Intervention Study
Kenneth Reinecke Hansen
Emese Schiller Zoltán András Szabó Helga Dorner
Amine Merve Ercan Ping Xie
27 SES 03 A, Digitalization, Diversity and Didactical Challenges
Tuesday, 2023-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Anne Kjellsdotter
- Digitalization, Diversity and Didactical Challenges in Contemporary Education
- Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Responsibility towards Digital Literacy Education – Three Cases from the Swiss Upper-Secondary EFL-Classroom
- Critical Literacy in Teacher Education
Anne Kjellsdotter Peter Erlandson
Doris M. Ittner Alyssa Emch-McVey Sonja Beeli-Zimmermann Karin Müller Noemi Aebli
Lisbeth Elvebakk
27 SES 04 A, Symposium: Quality Teaching: What is It, and How Could we Investigate It, from a Subject-specific Perspective?
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Tina Høegh
- Quality Teaching: What is It, and How Could we Investigate It, from a Subject-specific Perspective?
- L1 Across the Nordic Countries: What and how are Students Reading, and what does this tell us about Quality Teaching?
- Connected Classroom Nordic: The dialogic thread in quality teaching
- Transformations in Quality Literature Education: A Nordic comparative study on inquiry-oriented literature teaching
Thomas Illum Hansen Georg Breidenstein
Thomas Illum Hansen Marte Blikstad-Balas Camilla Gudmundsdatter Magnusson
Thomas Illum Hansen Tina Høegh Marie Slot Michael Peter Jensen
Thomas Illum Hansen Nikolaj Elf
27 SES 04 B, Didactic Perspectives in Higher Education and Teacher Education
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: László Horváth
- Diverse Subject Didactics and General Didactic Perspectives in Teacher Education
- Can We Cross? Exploring the Epistemic-Linguistic Line in an In-service Teacher Education Context
- Teaching Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility (SDSR) in Higher Education: What Diversity in Teaching Practices?
May Jehle Marion Plien Anja Müller Kerstin Pohl Julia Hasselwander Susanne Geiger
Sanna Riuttanen Johanna Ennser-Kananen Saara Jäntti
Jana Quinte Sophie Kennel
27 SES 04 C, European Citizenship and the Greater Region
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: Benoît Lenzen
- Europe and the Curriculum. New Approaches to Evaluate Education for Europe in Curricula Across Subjects and National Systems.
- Learning About Europe in a Transnational Educational Space – a Study on the Pupils’ Perspectives in the Greater Region
- EduLing. Reconstructing Citizenship Education in Language Teaching and Learning in Immersive Schools in the Nothern Basque Country
Thomas Benz
Saskia Langer Leif Mönter
Anke Wegner
27 SES 05.5 A, General Poster Session
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 12:15-13:15, Room: Gilbert Scott, Hunter Halls [Floor 2], Chair:
- Developing Subject Specific Didactic Models – Tools for Teaching Practice and Didactic Comparison
- Values in Democracy Education - Integrating a Joint Study Program in Teacher Education to Foster Teacher Students’ Competencies and Beliefs
- Kazakhstani EFL Teachers' Second/Foreign Language Writing Apprehension and Its Effect on Their Teaching
Miranda Rocksén Marlene Sjöberg Eva Nyberg Maria Åström
Marion Susanne Visotschnig Mareike Brehmer Stefanie Schnebel Nataliia Demeshkant Kristin Endresen-Maharaj
Nurzada Yermaganbetova
27 SES 06 A, Symposium: Beyond the Modern: The Ethical Need to Make Matter Matter for Diversity in Educational Research
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Kathryn Scantlebury
- Beyond the Modern: The Ethical Need to Make Matter Matter for Diversity in Educational Research
- Practice and Representation in Worldling: Exploring Non-correspondence Methods for Constructing Truth
- The Researcher’s Inherent Bias – ”We are Part of that Nature We Seek to Understand
- Creative and Digital Pedagogies for Teaching Ocean Literacy: Comparing Insights from Integrative and Diffractive Analytical Approaches
- Ghostly Mattering: Re-conceptualizing the Absent-Presence of History in the Science Classroom and its Ethical Implications
Kathryn Scantlebury Laura Colucci-Gray
Kathryn Scantlebury Catherine Milne
Kathryn Scantlebury Anita Hussenius Jenny Ivarsson Annica Gullberg Henni Söderberg
Kathryn Scantlebury Lindsay Hetherington
Kathryn Scantlebury Anna Skorupa
27 SES 06 B, Reading and Writing Methodology
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Nikolaj Elf
- More Than Just Words: Outcomes of Learning Reading and Writing with a Multisensory Methodology
- Fostering students' academic reading abilities through Art Journaling
- Developing Students’ Argument-Building Skills in Essay Writing Through Oral and Written Feedback
Isabel Martins Catarina Santos
Galia Ankori Ronen Hammer
Zhanat Turekhanova Ainur Bekeyeva
27 SES 07 A, Roundtable: Connecting with Scottish Research in Didactics
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: Anke Wegner
- Connecting with Scottish Research in Didactics
Anke Wegner
27 SES 07 B, Teacher Expectancy and Professional Development
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Anna Kristín Sigurðardóttir
- How Can Teacher Expectancy Research Better Inform Classroom Teaching?
- Shedding Light on Teachers’ Promotion of Self-Regulated Learning
- What do Nurses Mean and do when They Describe and Practice Nursing and Caring According to a Holistic View?
Rune Hejli Lomholt
Seda Aydan Yesim Çapa Aydın Esen Uzuntiryaki-Kondakçı
Monne Wihlborg Maria Björklund Katarina Jander
27 SES 08 A, Didactic Engineering and Teacher-Researcher Collaboration
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Anke Wegner
- Analysis of the Collaboration between the Participants of a Didactic Engineering in Physical Education
- Working with a Didactic Model in a Teacher-researcher Collaboration in Primary Science
- Teacher, Researcher and Their Models
Benoît Lenzen Claire Barthe Thomas Stulz Serge Weber Nicolas Voisard
Maria Weiland
Christophe Ronveaux Vincent Capt
27 SES 08 B, Diversity - Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contexts
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Laura Tamassia
- Within the Value of Diversity, the Value of Unrepeatable: Improvisation as Generative Teaching-Learning Perspective and Procedure in the Classroom
- Perspectives of School Assistants on Individual Learning Support in Diverse Contexts
- Religious Dimension of Intercultural Education in Confessional Religious Education: Religious Education Teachers’ Views and Opinions on Teaching Methods in Croatia
Eleonora Zorzi Marina Santi
Isabel Kratz Matthias Martens
Marija Jurišič Gordana Barudžija
27 SES 08 C, Didactics Across Subjects
Wednesday, 2023-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: Marta Koc-Januchta
- Epigenetic Didactics: Students’ Interpretation and Reasoning with Visual Representations at Different Levels of Biological Organization.
- What Are we Missing in Didactics as the Active Process of Teaching?
- How is Variation Theory Used in Teachers’ Collegial Discussions Concerning Teaching in a Subject Didactic Group in Physical Education?
Annika Thyberg Konrad Schönborn Niklas Gericke
Andrea Fernández-Sánchez Ana Sanchez
Marlene Sjöberg
27 SES 09 A, Philosophy and Ethics in Preschools and Elementary Schools
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Marita Cronqvist
- "The Philosophy Bird Just Flies Differently, It's Made That Way." Mindplay- Conversation for Learning.
- Philosophising with Children: Using Images with Children Aged 5-6 Years to Foster Dialogues
- A Professional Ethical Stance; to Guide the Children About Right and Wrong
Sólveig Zophoníasdóttir Jórunn Elídóttir
Katrin Alt
Marita Cronqvist
27 SES 09 B, Teachers' and Students' Competencies and Beliefs
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Marte Blikstad-Balas
- Teachers’ Responses to Students’ Initiatives in Between-Desk Encounters in EFL Project Work
- Conscious Return to the Learning While Teaching Primary School Students the Native Language
- Reading challenge in Professional Bachelor's degree programs
- L1 and Translation Use in EFL Classrooms: A Quantitative Survey on Teachers’ Attitudes in Kazakhstani Secondary Schools
Marwa Amri
Rasa Kulevičienė Liudmila Rupsienė
Unni Lind Jakob Matthiesen Rikke Klestrup Ramanan Balasubramaniam Sanne Lehmann Anne-Marie Navntoft
Aidana Smagul
27 SES 09 C, Facets of Teacher Agency
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: Peter Bergström
- Higher Education Teachers’ Identity and Agency in Disrupted Contexts of Teaching
- Phenomenological Research in Education - Considering Multimodal "Texts"
- Language Arts Teachers adaptive agency in the USA, England and Australia, committed to equity.
- Teacher Agency in Transforming Hands-On Chemistry Curriculum Units to Middle School Chemistry Teaching Practices
Maria Hvid Stenalt Mette Krogh Christensen
Annie O Breachain
Andy Goodwyn
Charlotte Dunne Maria Andrée
27 SES 10.5 A, NW 27 Network Meeting
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 12:15-13:15, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Marte Blikstad-Balas
- NW 27 Network Meeting
Marte Blikstad-Balas
27 SES 11 A, Teaching Practices in Science
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Florence Ligozat
- Literacy and Scientific Literacy in Primary Education: A two-way road
- Teaching and Learning the Chemical Reaction and the Global Warming Through the Carbon Cycle by a Co-Disciplinary Approach
- Teachers’ Development of School Science Practices through the Incorporation of Socioscientific Issues
- Developing a Taste for Science in Primary School
Inés Rodríguez Inma Martín-Sánchez Elena Ramírez Jorge Martín-Domínguez
Marie Sudriès Florence Ligozat David Cross
Ulrika Bossér
Per Anderhag Cecilia Caiman Anna Jeppsson Pia Larsson Magnus Nilsson Per-Olof Wickman
27 SES 11 B, Diversity and the Science and Mathematics Classroom
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Anke Wegner
- Exploring Teachers’ Perceptions towards Inclusive Values for Implementing Differentiated Instruction in Science Lessons
- Examining L2 Textbook Content for Newly Arrived Middle School Students in Sweden: an Analysis of Content and Beliefs
- Motivational Profiles of High-Achieving Students in the Science Classroom
- Finding Patterns of Instructional Features Through A Latent Class Analysis
Banu Kurkutova
Katerina Kuksa
Marie McGregor
Jimmy Karlsson Jorryt van Bommel Yvonne Liljekvist
27 SES 11 C, Bildung, Powerful Knowledge and Didactic Transposition
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: Matthias Martens
- A Posthuman Theoretical Model for Bildung: A Key Step Towards Improving Teaching for Bildung (as Powerful Knowings).
- Participation of Industrial Actors in the Didactic Transposition of Educational Content
- Using the Typology of Teacher Power and Control (TTPC) to Explore Emergent Practice in a New Innovative Learning Environment
Paul Clucas Jesper Sjöström
Maria Andrée Lena Hansson
Peter Bergström Annika Wiklund-Engblom Maria Lindfors
27 SES 12 A, Teaching and Learning in Preschools and Elementary Schools
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Unni Lind
- Diverse Responsive Teaching in Tact with Play in Preschool
- Individual Learning and Development Analysis of Basic Skills in Early Reading in the Inclusive Transition from Kindergarten to School
- Conceptual PlayWorld as a Method of Facilitating Learning Beyond Subject Matter in Elementary School
- Mapping First Grade Students’ Understandings of Societal Functions
Kristine Ingridz
Helke Redersborg Katrin Liebers
Anne-Line Bjerknes Ingunn Skalstad Søren Freudenreich Räpple
Klas Andersson Kristoffer Larsson
27 SES 12 B, Societal Tensions and Societal Development
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Laura Tamassia
- External Societal Tensions Which Impact on Students Critical Thinking Development Within Initial Teacher Education
- “But Biology is About Facts…” – Is Handling Uncertainty in Biology Class a Matter of Disciplinary Culture?
- Modelling Trans-disciplinarity in Promoting School Science Education for Societal Development
- Emotions and Controversial Issues – Social Studies Teachers Considerations of Emotions in Pedagogic Processes
Brighid Golden
Britta Lübke
Tapashi Binte Mahmud Chowdhury Jack Holbrook Miia Rannikmae
Kristina Ledman Anna Larsson
27 SES 12 C, Research on STEM Education
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: Linda Hobbs
- Investigation of STEM Subject and Career Choices of Lower Secondary School Students in a City in Northern Norway
- Impact Analysis of Programs Offered by STEM Learning Centres: Outcomes for Students and Teachers
Mona Kvivesen Saeed Manshadi Stig Uteng
Linda Hobbs Seamus Delaney George Aranda Peta White Jerry Lai
27 SES 13 B, Science and Scientific Literacy in and out of School
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Kari Sormunen
- Vision III of (Scientific) Literacy, (Science) Education and Bildung, and Implications for Teachers’ Didactical Choices
- What We Know About Conceptual Learning in Open Inquiry Settings in Science Education
- Out-of-school Science Teaching and Teachers' Use of Their Textbook: A Mixed-method Study Among Norwegian Secondary School Teachers
- Development of the Skill of Interpreting Data and Applying Scientific Evidence in Adolescents Aged 15-16 Using the PBL Method
Jesper Sjöström
Elisabeth Hofer Simone Abels
Marianne Isaksen
Inna Axyonova Irina Issayeva
27 SES 13 D, Students Voices on Teaching and Learning
Thursday, 2023-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: Matthias Martens
- Student Perception of Teaching and Learning in an Innovative Learning Environment (ILE) in Nordic Schools
- What Characterizes the Curriculum, the Ddidactics, and the Demand Profile of Second Chance Schools?
- If the Teacher is a Human Being so Can I - Inclusive Teaching with Didactic Concepts from a Student Perspective
Anna Kristín Sigurðardóttir Berglind Gísladóttir
Davinia Palomares Montero María José Chisvert Tarazona
Lotta Björkman
CANCELLED 27 SES 14 A, Symposium: Children and Young People with Special and Additional Support Needs. Advancing Rights
Friday, 2023-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Raquel Casado-Muñoz
- Children and Young People with Special and Additional Support Needs. Advancing Rights
- Child Friendly Justice for Children and Young People with Special and Additional Support Needs in England and Scotland
- Do Children with Specific Support Needs Have the Right to Make Decisions in School? Kind Words, Puzzled Faces.
- Identifying and Recording Pupils with SEN/ASN: a Cross-Jurisdiction Comparison of Children’s Rights to Have Their Needs Assessed
Fernando Lezcano Raquel Casado-Muñoz Gillean McCluskey
Fernando Lezcano Sheila Riddell
Fernando Lezcano María Pineda-Martínez Raquel Casado-Muñoz
Fernando Lezcano Elisabet Weedon
27 SES 14 B, Students' Experiences, Needs and Challenges
Friday, 2023-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 507 [Floor 5], Chair: Laura Tamassia
- Relationships and Interactions in University Students' Learning Trajectories
- "Processes Creating Preconditions for the Exclusion of Gamers in School: Point of View of the Gamers"
- Learner Experiences and Possibilities and Constraints in Live-streamed Museum Lessons on Animals
Juana M Sancho-Gil Maria Domingo-Coscollola Sandra Soler-Campo
Birute Vityte Ona Monkeviciene
Minna Seppänen Panas
27 SES 14 C, Research on Students' Motivation and Self-Esteem
Friday, 2023-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: László Horváth
- Different Perceptions of Resource-Oriented Feedback on Motivation and Self-Esteem
- Student Preferences and Effective Learning Strategies - How to Make Learning Enjoyable and Effective? Study and Teach Based on Evidence
- Influence of Role-playing Games in Language Classes on the Intrinsic Learning Motivation of High School Students: a Quantitative Study
Romy Strobel
Sylwia Wrona Tomasz Gajderowicz Maciej Jakubowski
Victoria Wurmstich Amine Merve Ercan
27 SES 16 A, Symposium: The Classroom Interaction Order and the Challenge of Subject-related Teaching and Learning - Part I: Theoretical and Methodological Frameworks
Friday, 2023-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Patrick Schreyer
- The Classroom Interaction Order and the Challenge of Subject-related Teaching and Learning - Part I: Theoretical and Methodological Frameworks
- Dialogical, Phenomenological and Posthuman Approaches to the Understanding of Subject-specific Teaching Practices: A Theoretical Inquiry with Indicative Examples
- Investigating Tensions between the Interaction Order and Subject Teaching in Screen-mediated Plenary Teaching
- Subject-specific Learning within different Classroom Practices
Patrick Schreyer Matthias Martens
Patrick Schreyer Nikolaj Elf
Patrick Schreyer Marie Nilsberth
Patrick Schreyer Georg Breidenstein Johanna Leicht
27 SES 16 C, Teaching Methods in Mathematics and Business
Friday, 2023-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: James McCune Smith, TEAL 607 [Floor 6], Chair: Francine Athias
- How Students Learn from Instructional Explanations – A Think-aloud Study on the Impact of General Rules and Concrete Examples
- Multiplicative Problem Posing
Christiane Schopf
Francine Athias Gérard Sensevy Olivier Lerbour Anne Henry
27 SES 17 A, Symposium: The Classroom Interaction Order and the Challenge of Subject-related Teaching and Learning - Part II: Empirical and methodical insights
Friday, 2023-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: James McCune Smith, 630 [Floor 6], Chair: Tatyana Tyagunova
- The Classroom Interaction Order and the Challenge of Subject-related Teaching and Learning - Part II: Empirical and methodical insights
- What Do We See when Applying the PLATO-framework – and What Do We Miss?
- Exploring Continuities and Discontinuities in the Construction of a Shared Reference in the Classroom: Joint Action framework in Didactics (JAD)
- The Relationship Between Teachers’ Instruction Practices and Students’ Learning Practices: The Perspectives of Documentary Method and Ethnomethodology
Patrick Schreyer Tatyana Tyagunova Georg Breidenstein
Patrick Schreyer Marte Blikstad-Balas
Patrick Schreyer Florence Ligozat
Patrick Schreyer Tatyana Tyagunova
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