2024 – NW 27 Special Call
"Multilingual pedagogies supporting students' learning in all subjects"
2023 - NW 27 Special Call
"Teaching and learning in diverse contexts. Didactics, societal demands and individual needs in a changing world"
2022 - NW 27 Special Call
"Teaching and learning under societal pressure. Didactics, societal demands and individual needs in a changing world"
2021 - Change in Link Convenor and Deputy Link Convenor
Marte Blikstadt-Balas (University of Oslo, Norway) took over from Florence Ligozat (Université de Genève, Switzerland) as new Link Convenor after ECER 2021 while Anke Wegner (University of Trier, Germany) took over from Jonas Almqvist (Uppsala University, Sweden) as new Deputy Link Convenor. Both Florece Ligozat and Jonas Almqvist remain active in Network 27 as Co-Convenors.
2019 - Special Call
NW 27 offered the special call at ECER 2019: On the collaboration between researchers and teachers in didactical research
2016 - Change in Link Convenor
Florence Lizogat (University of Geneva, Switzerland) took over from Meinert Meyer as new Link Convenor after ECER 2016.
2012 - Change in Link Convenor
Meinert Meyer (University of Hamburg, Germany) took over from Brian Hudson as new Link Convenor after ECER 2012.
2010 - Project
NW 10. Teacher Education Research and NW 27 offered a joint seminar for which EERA contributed to travels costs for Low GDP participants, hospitality costs, for video taping and for PHD students travel/accommodation.
2006 - Link Convenor
Brian Hudson was the first link convenor of NW 27.
2006 - Network Foundation and Early Years
The network was first proposed at the Annual General Assembly of EERA in Dublin in 2005 and received a strong response to the invitation to submit proposals for the conference in Geneva in 2006. Accordingly the network was was formally established at the Annual General Assembly of the ECER 2006 conference in Geneva following a successful programme of papers and symposia. The network has continued to grow steadily with successful programmes in Ghent at ECER 2007. in Gothenburg at ECER 2008, in Vienna at ECER 2009, in Helsinki at ECER 2010, in Berlin at ECER 2011, in Cadiz at ECER 2012 and in Istanbul at ECER 2013.
The ground work for establishing the network was carried out by Brian Hudson, Ingrid Carlgren and Kirsti Klette and they were joined by Meinert Meyer, Margaret Kirkwood, Bernard Schneuwly and Michael Uljens to form the first convenors group.
Subsequently Maragaret and Michael left the convenors group and Gérard Sensevy, Andreja Starcic, Jens Dolin and Stefan Hopmann have joined it. The focus has remained the same since the network was first established though with increased emphasis given to the inter-disciplinary aspects of the field as the network has developed.
The papers from the Opening Symposium of the network at ECER 2006 in Geneva were subsequently published in the EERJ as detailed below:
Hudson, B. and Schneuwly, B. (2007) (Eds.) Special Issue of the European Educational Research Journal (EERJ) on Didactics – Learning and Teaching in Europe, No. 2, 2007. Link
The following years brought further consolidation and a further increase of the number of presentations in research on didactics, learning and teaching. Areas of special interest emerged which led to the present suggestion to subdivide the field of didactics in the “strings” explained above.
NW 27 runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to nw27-subscribe(at)lists.eera-ecer.de
Research Gate Project
“Didactics – Learning and teaching in Europe”
<link https: www.researchgate.net project didactics-learning-and-teaching-eera-network-27 _blank>Link