- We organized a roundtable „Connecting with Cypriot Research“.
- We will keep offering a workshop on research in didactics.
The next book in the Springer Nature series will be prepared from spring 2025 onwards.
Future Plans
The network had an intense discussion on future main topics and agreed that 'Didactics in times of uncertainty' will be a main focus of the network as it fits on different dimensions: teachers’ coping with uncertainty, students’ development and the enhancement of life skills, consequences of societal change and uncertainty for didactic, its teaching and learning, and the impact of uncertainty to theoretical frameworks and research methodology.
NW 27 runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to nw27-subscribe(at)
Research Gate Project
“Didactics – Learning and teaching in Europe”
<link https: project didactics-learning-and-teaching-eera-network-27 _blank>Link