Network: 23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education
23 SES 01 A, Early Childhood Education
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 13:15-14:45, Room: C2.01, Chair: Ulrike Hohmann
- Who needs a key person? Attachment theory meets neoliberalism in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Privatization and marketization of Finnish early childhood education
- Performing Pedagogical Professionalism - Day Care Pedagogues’ Professional Strategies within New Learning Régimes
Ulrike Hohmann
Anne Laiho Päivi Pihlaja
Christina Haandbæk Schmidt
23 SES 01 B, Teaching and Teacher Education
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 13:15-14:45, Room: C2.03, Chair: Christine Winter
- How to foster implementation of new teaching practices? The case of a literacy instruction program.
- Teachers' Agency in Policy Implementation. The Case of Global Citizenship Education in Four European Countries.
- Teacher Policies in Europe: Strengthening Collaboration?
Sébastien Dellisse Xavier Dumay Benoit Galand
Massimiliano Dr Massimiliano Tarozzi
Alison Milner Timothy Murphy Natalie Browes
23 SES 01 C, Perspectives on Inclusion
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 13:15-14:45, Room: C2.06, Chair: Nafsika Alexiadou
- Swedish Upper Secondary Teachers’ Mentoring Work. Actions of Inclusion and Exclusion besides Classroom Teaching.
- Emerging Segregation in the Icelandic School market: A Statistical Overview of Parental Choice in School and Residence in Reykjavik (1997-2016)
Helena Wallström
Berglind Magnusdottir Audur Magndis Audardottir
23 SES 01 D, Marketisation in Education
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 13:15-14:45, Room: C3.04, Chair: Antigone Sarakinioti
- Emerging edu-businesses in Finland reaching out to the globe
- Using The Fear Of Exclusion For The Sake Of Inclusion: A Case Of Strange Policy Logics And Their (Unintended) Consequences
- Parental Educational Practices Of “Protectionism” In The Name Of A Successful Schooling
Piia Seppanen
Stephen Chatelier Sophie Rudolph
Iokasti Theohari Ioulia Antoniou Despina Tsakiris
23 SES 02 B, Teachers and Teaching
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: C2.03, Chair: Anna Tsatsaroni
- Media Coverage and Framing of the Teaching Profession in Elite and Popular Newspapers
- Reforms for Scientific-based Education and Proven Experience in Sweden – academisation of teachers or teachers as transmitters of market-oriented policies?
- Measuring the Business Influences on Teachers' Work
Eran Tamir Libi Raskin
Inger Erixon Arreman Kristina Hansson Ulrika Bergmark
Emily Winchip
23 SES 02 A, Reframing Quality in Education
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: C2.01, Chair: Linda Rönnberg
- Framing And Reframing Quality In Education
- Constructing Quality in Kindergarten Teacher Education – Who, How and What?
- Teacher Quality Beyond Measurability: a Connoisseurship and Criticism Approach
Živa Kos
Solveig Marie Borgund
Andreas Nordin Ninni Wahlstrom
23 SES 02 C, Evidence and Practice
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: C2.06, Chair: Peter Kelly
- Trials, Toolkits, and ‘Global Evidence’ Banks: Examining the Use of Experimental Designs and Systematic Reviews for Educational Policy and Practice
- Brokerage Agencies and the Legitimation of Evidence-based Knowledge: A Discourse Analysis
Maria Noland Emilee Rauschenberger Moira Hulme Robert Hulme
Susann Hofbauer Peter Kelly
23 SES 02 D, Democratisation and Autonomy
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: C3.04, Chair: Joakim Lindgren
- Why Institutional Trust? An Analysis of ICCS 2009 and 2016 data
- Swedish students’ voices on schools’ work against degrading treatment in times of juridification. Socialisation and identity in transformation?
- “I believe in the Finnish teacher!” – Foreclosing critique of the ‘Finnish model’ of education
Mikael Sandberg
Joakim Lindgren Agneta Hult Sara Carlbaum Christina Segerholm
Maija Lanas Eva Bendix Petersen Johanna Sitomaniemi-San
23 SES 03 B, The Impact of Research Performativity on Academic Identity, Academic Practice, and Knowledge Production - Critical Issues From Europe's 'Periphery'
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: C2.03, Chair: Peter Kelly
- The Impact of Research Performativity on Academic Identity, Academic Practice, and Knowledge Production - Critical Issues From Europe's 'Periphery'
Simon Warren Anna Tsatsaroni Areti Vogopoulou Clarissa Menezes Jordão Marcin Starnawski Pavel Zgaga
23 SES 03 A, Governance and Monitoring
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: C2.01, Chair: Anne Larson
- The Globalized Testing Phenomenon in Portugal: Mobilization and Reconfiguration of the National Exams
- Trends in Teacher Monitoring Methods in Curriculum and Didaktik Traditions: A Comparative Quantitative Study
- Evaluating Quality Assurance in Swedish Higher Education – Policies and Practices
Carlos Sant'Ovaia Estela Costa
Armend Tahirsylaj Ninni Wahlström
Christina Segerholm Agneta Hult Linda Rönnberg Joakim Lindgren
23 SES 03 C, Digital Literacy, Curricula and Competence
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: C2.06, Chair: Marc Fabian Buck
- 21st Century Competencies, Digital Literacy and the OECD’s Position on Digitalization in Education – A Socio-scientific Discourse Analysis on Education Policy Recommendations Concerning Digitalization
- A Digital Curriculum: Policy Networks, Actors, and Enactments
- Digital Resources for Citizenship Education - An Analysis of International Policy Frameworks
Anna Moldenhauer Marc Fabian Buck Thomas Koinzer
Carolyn Pluim Deana Leahy Michael Gard
Eva Hultin Matilda Wiklund
23 SES 03 D, Privatisation and the Private Sector
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: C3.04, Chair: Ulrike Hohmann
- Education Policy For Private Schools In Norway
- Emerging Thematics of Schooling Privatisations in the New Zealand Context
- Will user choice reduce equal opportunities in Scandinavian compulsory education?
Alessandra Dieude
Martin Thrupp Darren Powell John O'Neill
Karl Henrik Sivesind
23 SES 04 B, The Role and Impact of the OECD
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: C2.03, Chair: Ninni Wahlstrom
- Examining the OECD’s role in influencing international debates about school funding
- The Impact Of Oecd On Non-Member States In The Field Of Education
- Authoritarian Teaching and the Impoverishment of Schooling in OECD’s Educational Politics
Glenn Savage Elisa Di Gregorio
Trine Juul Reder
Vasco d'Agnese
23 SES 04 C, Education and Inclusion
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: C2.06, Chair: Antigone Sarakinioti
- Inclusion and Exclusion Mechanisms in Educational Reforms that Aim for Inclusion – The Case of Norway
- Inclusions and exclusions in austerity regimes: global policies on literacy and literacy practices in the inner city schools in Greece
- On the Educable Child - Orphans of Our Common Worlds
Gunn Elisabeth Søreide Line Hilt Hanne Riese
Sofia Koutsiouri Antigone Sarakinioti
Magdalena Sjöstrand Öhrfelt Therese Lindgren
23 SES 04 D, Adult Education and Life Long Learning
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: C3.04, Chair: Anne Larson
- The social partners’ influence on adult education policy in the neoliberal competition state - Denmark as case
- PIAAC and the South – Is Southering the new Othering? Global Expansion of dominant Discourses on Adult Literacy
- Governmentality of disability in the context of lifelong learning in European Union policy
Anne Larson Pia Cort
Anke Grotlüschen Klaus Buddeberg
Aarno Kauppila Heikki Kinnari Anna-Maija Niemi
23 SES 05.5 PS, General Poster Session - NW 23
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 12:00-13:30, Room: C & D corridor, Chair:
- Students’ socio-economic background, achievement and the role of educational policies: the case of Estonia
- Neoliberalism in the European Educational Space: Between the Efficiency and Equity of Slovenian Educational Policies and Practices
Ana Mlekuž Manja Veldin Ana Kozina Sandra Haugas Eve Mägi Lana Jurko
Urška Štremfel
23 SES 06 A, Evidence and Practice
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: C2.01, Chair: John Benedicto Krejsler
- Evidence-based Practice as Policy Enactment: The Mediating Role of Research Literacy
- Evidence Informed Education Policy and Practice: Nordic Interpretations
Nicole Mockler Meghan Stacey
John Benedicto Krejsler Michael Uljens
23 SES 06 B, Life Long Learning
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: C2.03, Chair: Anne Larson
- Barriers to Participation of Adults in Lifelong Learning: New Evidence from 30 European Countries
- Linking Lifelong Learning Policies to Labour Market and Welfare State Policies
- Lifelong Learning: An Opportunity for a Lifelong Social Integration?
Miroslav Stefanik Sofie Cabus Petya Ilieva- Trichkova
Alexandra Ioannidou
Farinaz Fassa Gabriel Noble Marion Repetti
23 SES 06 C, Accountability in Schools
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: C2.06, Chair: Palle Rasmussen
- A new national school assignment system to strengthen school choice in Chile: Reducing inequality by improving access and integration?
- Accountability and Transparency in the Nordic Comprehensive School Quality Assurance and Evaluation (QAE) Discourses
- Rethinking The Relationship Between Accountability And Teacher Identity Through A Conversational Research Methodology
Ngaire Honey Alejandro Carrasco
Tommi Wallenius
Emile Bojesen Matthew Clarke Linda Hammersley-Fletcher Sam Sellar
23 SES 06 D, Values and Education
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: C3.04, Chair: Anna Tsatsaroni
- Democracy and the Uncommon School: Reconciling the Public Good with a Fragmented School System
- British Values curriculum policy and global development: challenging colonial discourses
- Good Intentions and Altruistic Objectives. Observing ‘Edu-preneurs’ at a School Fair.
Ruth Boyask
Christine Winter
Anna Jobér Malin Ideland Magnus Erlandsson Margareta Serder Thom Axelsson
23 SES 07 A, Navigating Shifting Geographies of Lifelong Learning Policies Part 1
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: C2.01, Chair: Xavier Rambla
- Navigating Shifting Geographies of Lifelong Learning Policies (Part I)
- Governing Adult Education in Europe: A critical appraisal of ET2020 and the Renewed European Agenda on Adult Learning
- Lifelong learning of disadvantaged adults: The role of service providers
- The Local Embeddedness of National Policies: Lifelong Learning for Overcoming Graduates’ Education-Job Mismatch
Marcella Milana Pepka Boyadjieva Ellen Boeren Petya Ilieva-Trichkova Sheila Riddell Valentina Milenkova Gosia Klatt Xavier Rambla Paolo Landri Rumiana Stoilova Alan Mackie Luigi Tronca
Marcella Milana Gosia Klatt Luigi Tronca
Ellen Boeren Alan Mackie Sheila Riddell
Pepka Boyadjieva Petya Ilieva-Trichkova Valentina Milenkova Rumiana Stoilova
23 SES 07 B, The European Education Space after the Economic Crisis
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: C2.03, Chair: Anna Traianou
- The European education space after the economic crisis
- Greece and the European Education Space: A troubled relationship
- Sweden: Re-making social democratic education in an era of neoliberalism
- The remaking of Hungarian education after 2010: Neither convergence, nor divergence from Europe
Anna Traianou Nafsika Alexiadou Linda Rönnberg Eszter Neumann Anna Tsatsaroni
Anna Traianou
Nafsika Alexiadou Linda Rönnberg
Eszter Neumann
23 SES 07 C, Knowledge Exchange
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: C2.06, Chair: Peter Kelly
- Globalization and the Scientific Production : The Exchange of Knowledge ?
- Governing Research Through Public Funding Instruments – Institutional Change in Educational Research In England
- Exporting and Importing Educational Goods and Values: The New Paradigm of Policy Transfer
Martha Lucchesi
Marcelo Marques
Kampei Hayashi
23 SES 07 D, School Choice
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: C3.04, Chair: Ulrike Hohmann
- Reframing Parental Rights In Special Education Through School Choice Policy Reform Initiatives
- Justice and the value base of school choice - discursive displacements in Swedish school choice policy 1975-2018
- The Fantasmatic Logics of Education Markets: Exploring Rituals of Upper Secondary School Choice
Susan Bon
Erik Gustavsson
Martin Harling
23 SES 07 E JS, European Curriculum Policy: The case of curriculum making in diverse contexts Part 1
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: C4.01, Chair: Nienke M. Nieveen
- Symposium part 1 - European Curriculum Policy: The Case of Curriculum Making in Diverse Contexts
- East of West: Curriculum-Making in the Czech Republic
- There Be Dragons: Exploring New Terrain in the Welsh Curriculum
- Understanding Transnational Curriculum Policies on Local Municipal and School Arenas
Nienke Nieveen Mark Priestley Daniel Alvunger Dominik Dvorak Jan van den Akker Ninni Wahlström Michaela Dvorakova
Dominik Dvorak Michaela Dvorakova
Mark Priestley
Daniel Alvunger Ninni Wahlström
23 SES 08 A, Navigating Shifting Geographies of Lifelong Learning Policies Part 2
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: C2.01, Chair: Marcella Milana
- Navigating Shifting Geographies of Lifelong Learning Policies (Part II)
- Equity and social exclusion measures in EU lifelong learning policies
- Lifelong policies and young adults: considerations from two Italian case studies
- Lifelong policies for the ‘vulnerable’ youth: comparing Back to the Future (Vienna) and Youth for Employment (Girona)
- Understanding coordinated policy-making in Lifelong Learning: Functional Regions as dynamic Units
Xavier Rambla Valeria Pandolfini Elena Tuparevska Marcelo Parreira do Amaral Marcella Milana Rosa Santibáñez-Gruber Josu Solabarrieta Eizaguirre Mauro Palumbo Lukas Alexander Anne Larson Judith Jacovkis Yuri Kazepov
Elena Tuparevska Rosa Santibáñez-Gruber Josu Solabarrieta Eizaguirre
Mauro Palumbo Valeria Pandolfini
Xavier Rambla Yuri Kazepov Lukas Alexander Judith Jacovkis
Marcelo Parreira do Amaral
23 SES 08 C, Testing, Leadership and Inspection
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: C2.06, Chair: Linda Rönnberg
- Policy emphasis in Icelandic legislation in regard to Municipal educational leadership
- Micro policy making in schools The contexts of power, talk and time
- From Equity to Markets: The Shift in Swedish Education Policy towards marketization of the School system 1984–1994.
Sigríður Margrét Sigurðardóttir Anna Kristín Sigurðardóttir Börkur Hansen
Ann Elisabeth Gunnulfsen
Mattias Börjesson
23 SES 08 D, Responses to Student Need
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: C3.04, Chair: Christine Winter
- Talent Academies in the Danish Upper Secondary School: inclusive or exclusive policies
- Challenges to Comprehensiveness: Teachers Supporting Ability Grouping in a Comprehensive School System
- Immigrant youth in transition to upper secondary education in Finland
Anna Bomholt Annette Rasmussen
Alba Castejon
Mira Kalalahti Janne Varjo Liila Holmberg Markku Jahnukainen
23 SES 08 B, Inside a Global Player: Looking at the OECD ‘from within’
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: C2.03, Chair: Bob Lingard
- Inside a Global Player: Looking at the OECD ‘From Within’
- Securing Organizational Survival - a historical inquiry into the configurations and positions of the OECD's work in education in the 1960s
- The OECD and the problematisation of higher education
- The OECD: actor, arena and instrument
- The transparent but secretive world of ILSAs: researching from inside the OECD’s PISA for Development
Vera G. Centeno Christian Ydesen Johanna Kallo Camilla Addey Bob Lingard Sotiria Grek
Christian Ydesen Sotiria Grek
Johanna Kallo
Vera G. Centeno
Camilla Addey
23 SES 08 E JS, European Curriculum Policy: The case of curriculum making in diverse contexts Part 2
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: C4.01, Chair: Nienke M. Nieveen
- Symposium part 2 - European Curriculum Policy: The Case of Curriculum Making in Diverse Contexts
- Integral curriculum renewal and stakeholder engagement in the Netherlands
- The Liminal State: Curriculum Reform in Lower Secondary Education in Ireland
Nienke Nieveen Majella Dempsey Jan van den Akker Audrey Doyle Joke Voogt Wilmad Kuiper
Nienke Nieveen Joke Voogt Wilmad Kuiper
Majella Dempsey Audrey Doyle
23 SES 09 C, Higher Education
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: C2.06, Chair: Nafsika Alexiadou
- Disability Dispositif: Researching Beyond Disability Policy in Higher Education
- Making Policy Through Problematisation: The use of cross-border data in envisioning future for higher education in Finland
- Paying the Piper: The Governance of Senior Executive Remuneration in Australian and UK universities
Francesca Peruzzo
Saija Volmari
Julie Rowlands Rebecca Boden
23 SES 09 A, Contextualizing Opportunities for Educational Transitions: A comparative analysis from Belgium, Spain, the U.S. and the U.K.
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: C2.01, Chair: Aina Tarabini
- Contextualizing Opportunities for Educational Transitions: A Comparative Analysis from Belgium, Spain, the U.S. and the U.K.
- ‘Luck’, entitlement and struggle: the employment transitions of UK graduates in congested labour markets
- Shaping the Spanish transition field: institutional and discursive tensions within secondary schooling
- Transition from primary to secondary education in a rigidly tracked system. The case of Flanders (Belgium)
Aina Tarabini Mieke Van Houtte n. n. Nicola Ingram Marco Romito Simon Boone Marie Seghers Judith Jacovkis Alejandro Montes
Nicola Ingram
Aina Tarabini Judith Jacovkis Alejandro Montes
Mieke Van Houtte Simon Boone Marie Seghers
23 SES 09 B, Negotiating the Meanings of Learning Outcomes as a Policy and Pedagogic Device: Teacher education and professional identities across Europe
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: C2.03, Chair: Antigone Sarakinioti
- Negotiating the meanings of learning outcomes as a policy and pedagogic device: Teacher education and professional identities across Europe
- Exploring the discourse of ‘research-based’ teacher education in Sweden and Finland
- Governing teachers’ professional identities: Pedagogic discourses and learning outcomes on inclusion/exclusion in Teacher Education curricula in Cyprus and Greece
- The relevance of using learning outcomes in teacher education in Hungary
Antigone Sarakinioti Gábor Halász Daniel Alvunger Anna Tsatsaroni Stavroula Philippou
Daniel Alvunger
Antigone Sarakinioti Stavroula Philippou
Gábor Halász
23 SES 09 D, School Organisation
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: C3.04, Chair: Palle Rasmussen
23 SES 09 E, Mixed Session
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: C2.02, Chair: Ulrike Hohmann
- The Securitization of Pakistan and the Social Construction of Primary Girl’s Education
- CLIL for whom? Equality of education and access to bilingual teaching (CLIL) programs in Finland
- Globalisation of Interest in Early Childhood Education: What Discourses?
Ali Sameer
Tarja Nikula Kristiina Skinnari
Lindsay Dehantschutter
23 SES 10.5, Network Meeting - NW 23
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 12:00-13:30, Room: C2.06, Chair: Peter Kelly
- Network Meeting - NW 23
Peter Kelly
23 SES 11 A JS, Comparative Educational Knowledge and Knowledge Production: A technology of appearance: Interactional acts of education Part 1
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 13:30-15:00, Room: C2.01, Chair: Christina Mølstad
- Comparative educational knowledge and knowledge production: a technology of appearance: Symposium I: Constitutive acts of education
- Regional assessments: colonized reasoning?
- Research at the education agora – The “society speaks back” metaphor in the ongoing case of international comparisons and educational governance
- United in fear: Governing knowledge in a state of crisis
Christina Mølstad Sverker Lindblad Anreas Nordin Daniel Pettersson Halla Bjørk Holmarsdottir Rita Foss Lindblad
Christina Mølstad Daniel Pettersson
Sverker Lindblad Rita Foss Lindblad
Anreas Nordin
23 SES 11 C, Teachers and Teaching
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 13:30-15:00, Room: C2.06, Chair: Christina Segerholm
- No One Will Tell me How I Am: Narratives of Professional Agency in the Context of Standard Based Teacher policy
- How are teachers’ careers regulated? A typology of career management models and their link with the status of the teaching profession, teacher segregation and mobility using TALIS 2013 data
Karin Roa-Tampe
Annelise Voisin Xavier Dumay
23 SES 11 D, Refugee Education
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 13:30-15:00, Room: C3.04, Chair: Annette Rasmussen
- Policy analysis of recognition and validation of prior learnings of refugees/migrants from the social inclusion perspective in EU
- A Comparison Of Refugee Education Policy And Practice In England And Sweden: Participatory Parity In Schooling And Moves Towards Ordinariness
- Insights from a Critical Policy Analysis of the Field of Refugee Education in Australia
Filiz Keser Aschenberger
Joanna McIntyre Sinikka Neuhaus Katarina Blennow
Bruce Johnson Melanie Baak Anna Sullivan Roger Slee
23 SES 12 D, Europeanising Education
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: C3.04, Chair: Xavier Rambla
- The Exclusiveness of Europeanisation
- Historicizing the self-evaluation
- National Tests in Norwegian Newspapers 2004–2017
Beatrix Niemeyer
Hannele Pitkänen
Leiv Sem Ole Petter Vestheim
23 SES 12 C, Examining Educational Change Within and Between National Policy Spaces Using Discursive Institutionalism
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: C2.06, Chair: Andreas Nordin
- Examining Educational Change Within and Between National Policy Spaces Using Discursive Institutionalism
- Critiquing Curriculum Policy Reform in Finland and Australia: A non-affirmative education theory and discursive institutionalist approach
- Understanding Ideas and Agency in Curriculum Change – a Conceptual Framework
- Localizing Global Discourses in School Education Policies: a comparison of Norway and Sweden by a discursive institutional approach
- Dilemmas for educational leaders
Andreas Nordin Michael Uljens Ian Hardy Kirsten Sivesind Ninni Wahlström Ann-Sofie Smeds-Nylund Daniel Sundberg Nafsika Alexiadou
Michael Uljens Ian Hardy
Daniel Sundberg Andreas Nordin
Kirsten Sivesind Ninni Wahlström
Ann-Sofie Smeds-Nylund
23 SES 12 A JS, Globalizing Test-Based Accountabilities in Education: Policy transfer and re-contextualization dynamics Part 1: Global Perspectives
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: C2.01, Chair: Antoni Verger
- Globalizing Test-Based Accountabilities in Education: Policy Transfer and Re-contextualization Dynamics (Panel 1: Global Perspectives)
- Reconfiguring Accountabilities in Education through Multiple Partnerships: An Australian Case
- Dynamics of Change in the Politics of Quality in Education: A Critical Examination on Some Premises
- School Autonomy with Accountability as a Global Education Reform Model: Political Rationales and Policy Trajectories
- From Low to High Stakes: Ideational and Material Drivers behind Test-Based Accountability Reforms in Brazil
Clara Fontdevila Antoni Verger Bob Lingard Steven Lewis Jaakko Kauko Lluís Parcerisa Andreu Termes Laura Mentini Susan L. Robertson Sam Sellar
Bob Lingard Steven Lewis Sam Sellar
Jaakko Kauko
Antoni Verger Lluís Parcerisa Clara Fontdevila
Andreu Termes Laura Mentini
23 SES 12 B, Researching Memories of Displacement and Exile in Higher Education: Conflict, political governance, and states of (in)security
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: C2.03, Chair: Jo-Anne Dillabough
- Researching Memories of Displacement and Exile in Higher Education: Conflict, Political Governance, and States of (In)security
Jo-Anne Dillabough Olena Fimyar Mona Jebril Colleen McLaughlin Zeina Al Azmeh
23 SES 13 B, Patterns of School Segregation in Europe and the US
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: C2.03, Chair: Xavier Bonal
- Patterns of school segregation in Europe and the US
- Local dynamics and school segregation in the Spanish quasi market education
- Refining measures of poverty and their impact on student progress in England
- Structural and systemic dimensions of school segregation in French-speaking Belgium
Xavier Bonal Stephen Gorard Vincent Dupriez Marie Verhoeven . . Roger Dale Nadia Sidiqui Samir Barbana Adrian Zancajo
Xavier Bonal Adrian Zancajo
Stephen Gorard Nadia Sidiqui
Vincent Dupriez Marie Verhoeven Samir Barbana
23 SES 13 A JS, Globalizing Test-Based Accountabilities in Education: Policy transfer and re-contextualization dynamics Part 2: Perspectives from Europe
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: C2.01, Chair: Alison Milner
- Globalizing Test-Based Accountabilities in Education: Policy Transfer and Re-contextualization Dynamics (Panel 2: Perspectives from Europe)
- Analytical Perspectives on How Transnational Influences and National Assessment Cultures Shape National States’ Approaches to Test-Based Accountability
- School Autonomy with Accountability as a Global Education Reform: Its Adoption and Re-contextualization in the Norwegian Context
- Test-Based Accountability in a Multi-Scalar Educational Context: Evidence from Spain
- The Evolution of Test-based Accountability in the Autonomous Dutch System: A Policy Instruments Approach
Clara Fontdevila Marjolein Camphuijsen Jorunn Møller Natalie Browes Marcel Pagès Miriam Prieto Sverre Tveit Alison Milner Bob Lingard Guri Skedsmo Hulya Kosar-Altinyelken
Sverre Tveit
Marjolein Camphuijsen Jorunn Møller Guri Skedsmo
Marcel Pagès Miriam Prieto
Natalie Browes Hulya Kosar-Altinyelken
23 SES 13 C, STEM Education
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: C2.06, Chair: Stephen Day
- Gender divides in STEM career plans of adolescents: a cross country perspective
- Modernity, Coloniality And The “Making” Of The Science Learner.
- Exploring Curriculum Making and Design within the Scottish and Swedish Science Curriculum
Artur Pokropek Zsuzsa Blasko Joanna Sikora
Malin Ideland
Jakob Billmayer Stephen Day
23 SES 13 D, Policy Lessons for Europe
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: C3.04, Chair: Tae-Hee Choi
- Equity of outsourced public education: A case of Hong Kong secondary schools
- Multi-layered Policy Structures & Influences of International Organizations -An Analysis of the Introduction of ‘Competency’ Concept in the Korean National Curriculum
- Argument from Education: Criticism of the Reform of Higher Education in Poland
Tae-Hee Choi
Yong Kim
Helena Ostrowicka Aleksandra Rzyska
23 SES 13 E, School Governance
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: C2.02, Chair: Anna Tsatsaroni
- A Study on Policy Pressures and Power Dynamics in the Changing Landscape of Local School Governance
- Forms of European Governance and Education Policy: The case of Selective Schools in Greece
Carl-Henrik Adolfsson Daniel Alvunger
Despina Tsakiris Anastasia - Theodora Samara
23 SES 14 A JS, Comparative Educational Knowledge and Knowledge Production: A technology of appearance: Interactional acts of education Part 2
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: C2.01, Chair: Christina Mølstad
- Comparative educational knowledge and knowledge production: a technology of appearance: Symposium II: Interactional acts of education
- Bridging worlds and spreading light? Intermediary actors and the translation(s) of knowledge for policy
- Evidently, the Broker is the New Whiz-kid at the Education agora
- Shadow Education Enlightened by Comparisons
Christina Mølstad Catarina Gonçalves Carl-Henrik Adolfsson Daniel Sundberg Stina Hallsén Halla Bjørk Holmarsdottir Luís Miguel Carvalho Sofia Viseu Eva Forsberg Helen Melander Tatiana Mikhaylova
Luís Miguel Carvalho Catarina Gonçalves Sofia Viseu
Carl-Henrik Adolfsson Daniel Sunberg Eva Forsberg
Stina Hallsén Eva Forsberg Helen Melander Tatiana Mikhaylova
23 SES 14 B, Work Practice and Vocational Perspectives in Public Education
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: C2.03, Chair: Palle Rasmussen
- Work Practice and Vocational Perspectives in Public Education
- A Worker's Education
- Integrating (Higher) General Education and Work-based Learning in Educational programs – a Step Towards Institutional Permeability and Parity of Esteem?
- Work, Learning and Schooling
- Practical work in physics education – A revisited scientific inquiry through Spinoza, Deleuze, and Dewey
Palle Rasmussen Matthew Carlin Nadine Bernhard . . Sam Sellar Karen Egedal Andreasen
Matthew Carlin
Nadine Bernhard
Palle Rasmussen Karen Egedal Andreasen
Lars Bang Jensen
23 SES 14 D, Mixed Session
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: C3.04, Chair: Joakim Lindgren
- Human Rights and Anti-Corruption Standards: a Thematic Study of Integrity Violations and Commitments in Education
- The Politics of Professional Accreditation: A Neopluralist Analysis of Outcomes-Based Engineering Accreditation in Canada and the United Kingdom
- Understanding a school’s complexity towards educational reform: A historical context perspective
Mihaylo Milovanovitch Valts Kalnins Caroline Macready Tanya Khavanska Ljiljana Plazinic Maria Stef
Mike Klassen
Juan Manuel Niño Encarnacion Garza Betty Merchant Vangie Aguilera Karina Vielma
23 SES 14 C, Citizenship and Careers Education
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: C2.06, Chair: Xavier Rambla
- Relationship Between Citizenship Examination And Civic Knowledge
- Is there a ‘we’ in citizenship? On European citizenship education policy and its normativity.
- The informal curriculum of career learning. Contents, activities and promotors in Swedish compulsory schools
Eszter Anna Nyúl
Margot Joris Orhan Agirdag
Lisbeth Lundahl Michael Lindblad Ann-Sofie Holm Anders Loven
23 SES 16 B, Unpacking Myths of the Nordic Success Story of Education in an Era of Multiple Crises
Friday, 2018-09-07, 13:30-15:00, Room: C2.03, Chair: Lisbeth Lundahl
- Unpacking Myths of the Nordic Success Story of Education in an Era of Multiple Crises
- Competitive and/or Inclusive? Swedish Upper Secondary Schools in an Era of Marketization of Education
- Economic Worries, Therapeutic Solutions? Nordic Education and the Crisis of Capitalism and Mental Health
- The Desire for More Math and Science in Nordic, Welfare Competitive Education
Ingólfur Ásgeir Jóhannesson Ann-Sofi Holm Lisbeth Lundahl Kristiina Brunila Paola Valero Tba Tba
Ann-Sofi Holm Lisbeth Lundahl
Kristiina Brunila
Paola Valero
23 SES 16 A JS, Teach for All in Europe and Beyond: Examining the emergence and impact of a globally-marketed education policy
Friday, 2018-09-07, 13:30-15:00, Room: C2.01, Chair: Moira Hulme
- Teach For All in Europe and Beyond: Examining the Emergence and Impact of a Globally-marketed Education Policy (PART 1)
- Teach For America vs. Teach First: Examining the first transfer and reinvention of the foundational model behind Teach For All
- Teach First Norway
- Teach for Austria Initiation: scope, target, achievements, and criticism of the programme
Emilee Rauschenberger Katrine Nesje Seyda Subasi Maria Noland n n Moira Hulme
Emilee Rauschenberger
Katrine Nesje
Seyda Subasi
23 SES 17 C, Higher Education
Friday, 2018-09-07, 15:30-17:00, Room: C2.06, Chair: Berglind Magnusdottir
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