Network: 02. Vocational Education and Training (VETNET)
02 SES 01 A, VETNET Opening Session
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 13:15-14:45, Room: F4.01, Chair: Christof Nägele
- The German Dual Education in South Tyrol: Dual Education is a Success Story, Albeit Constant Improvements are Needed
- The Italian Dual Education in South Tyrol: New Offers for Companies are Needed to Support Apprenticeship
- The perspective of a Trade Association and Service Provider
Christof Nägele Isolde Moroder
Christof Nägele Renzo Roncat Judit Szabo
Barbara E. Stalder Thomas Pardeller Mirko Cutrì
02 SES 02 A, Inclusion of Disadvantaged Individuals
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: F4.01, Chair: Arman Assanbayev
- Accompaniment and qualification on-the-job: case study of a Work Integration Social Enterprise
- VET for Disadvantaged Youths in Switzerland, Germany and Austria – Commonalities and Differences
- External factors of employability in Work Integration Social Enterprises
- Practices Promoting Inclusion of Adults with Disabilities in TVETIs of Kazakhstan
Fernando Marhuenda Alicia Ros-Garrido
Marlise Kammermann Ursula Scharnhorst
Míriam Abiétar López Igone Aróstegui Natxo Martínez Rueda Javier Galarreta Lasa
Arman Assanbayev Aissulu Mukatayeva
02 SES 02 B, Quality of In-Company Training
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: F4.06, Chair: Andreas Saniter
- Improving the Quality of In-Company Vocational Training. Approaches and Results of a German Pilot Project Programme
- Quality in Swedish and Austrian VET and VET teacher education. A comparative study.
- A Case Study On Potentials Of Apprenticeship Within School-Based VET Systems Of Romania And Portugal
Martin Fischer
Ingrid Henning Loeb Lorenz Lassnig
Andreas Saniter Vivian Harberts
02 SES 02 C, VET Teachers' Competences and Understanding
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: F3.06, Chair: Meril Ümarik
- The Practice Teachers’ Role in Vocational Teacher Students’ Education. A presentation of preliminary results
- Professional Oriented Assessment and Comprehensive Teacher Competence
- Vocational Teachers´ Practice as Reflected in the Narratives: Historical Perspective
Karin Herudsløkken
Ann Lisa Sylte Jorunn Dahlback Hanne Berg Olstad Anne-Catrine Wolden
Meril Ümarik Krista Loogma
02 SES 03 A, Diversity in VET and challenges in teaching
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: F4.01, Chair: Anke Karber
- Challenges Of Teaching In Dutch Culturally Diverse Senior Vocational Education And Training: A Qualitative Study
- Teacher´s Constructions of Differences in Vocational Schools for Pedagogical Professionals
- Reality-Based Learning And The Oliver Twist School: Towards A New Approach In VET
Kennedy Tielman Quinta Kools Sabine Severiens Lonneke de Meijer
Anke Karber
Paolo Nardi Debora Caloni Irene Bengo
02 SES 03 B, Qualification Frameworks and Skills Systems
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: F4.06, Chair: Nuria López de Giuereñu
- Ten years after – The “success story” of the European Qualifications Framework
- Conceptualizing Skill Formation Systems in Developing African countries
- The performance of VET graduates: Analysing differences and commonalities of national VET graduate tracking measures in Europe
- Policy learning in VET: collaborative policy making for successful policies
Sandra Bohlinger
Stephanie Allais Yael Shalem
Karin Luomi-Messerer Stefan Humpl Tanja Bacher
Nuria López de Giuereñu
02 SES 03 C, VET in Different Cultural Contexts
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: F3.06, Chair: Bill Esmond
02 SES 04 A, Inclusion of Individuals with Migrant Background
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: F4.01, Chair: Volker Wedekind
- Integration Of ‘Forced Migrants’ Through VET – Educational Quality Indicators
- Educational Integration Training As A Cycle of Exclusionary Inclusion for Refugees and Immigrants
- An Exploration of the Role of Vocational Education in Facilitating the Integration of Forced Migrants into Society
Hannes Hautz Junmin Li
Ameera Masoud
Volker Wedekind
02 SES 04 B, Slow Work and Learning Culture in Organisations and Schools
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: F4.06, Chair: Antje Barabasch
- Praising of the 'Slow' Work in the Context of Work-Based Learning
- Learning culture in VET in Swiss enterprises
- One step forward: advancing knowledge on Italian VET-laboratory instructional practices
Vidmantas Tūtlys Giuseppe Tacconi
Antje Barabasch
Marco Perini Monica Pentassuglia
02 SES 04 C, VETNET VET-research Framework
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: F3.06, Chair: Lázaro Moreno Herrera
- VETNET VET-research framework
Christof Nägele Barbara Stalder Gessler Michael Lorenz Lassnigg Lázaro Moreno Herrera
02 SES 05.5 PS, Interactive Poster Session in Session Room - NW 02
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 12:00-13:30, Room: F4.01, Chair: Pekka Kamarainen
- Dual Vocational Training. A single case study from the perspective of the involved agents in its development
- Professionalization of teachers at vocational schools in the field of vocational orientation. Inclusion of disadvantaged young people as a requirement for professional teaching
- Concepts For The Improvement Of The Cooperation Between Subjects And Subject-Specific Didactics In The Commercial Technical Teacher Training At The University Of Hamburg
- Functioning people who are prone to social exclusion. Theory and pratice in Hungary and Poland
- Teaching Communication in Nursing Assistants Training on a Swedish Upper Secondary Health and Social Care Program
- The Appearance Of Andragogy In Prisons Of Hungary And Slovakia
Joaquin-Lorenzo Burguera Marta Virgós Sánchez María-del-Henar Pérez-Herrero Samuel Fernández-Fernández
Katharina Peinemann
Wilko Reichwein Werner Kuhlmeier
Marta Takacs Miklósi Attila Károly Molnar Daria Becker-Pestka
Maria Christidis
Attila Karoly Molnar Marta Takacs Miklósi
02 SES 06 A, Adult Learning and Careers: Challenges and risks
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: F4.01, Chair: Katarina Lagercrantz All
- The Trajectories of Participation In The Adult Education Program in Health and Social Care
- The need to strength the skills pipeline - analysis of the PIAAC data
- Risky Work –supporting learning in free-lance and contract-based employment.
Katarina Lagercrantz All
Sylvia Chong
Karen Evans Helen Bound
02 SES 06 B, Career Choice and Career Competences
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: F4.06, Chair: Patsawee Rodcharoen
- Transitional development of students’ career choice competencies in German secondary schools
- Perception of One`s Own Transition: Young Adults With Different Risk Patterns Describe Their Vocational Orientation Process
- Young People’s Reasoning and Career Decisions in Favour of a School-based Education Instead of an Apprenticeship
Svenja Ohlemann Katja Driesel-Lange
Anja Gebhardt Chantal Kamm Stefanie Dernbach-Stolz Christian Brühwiler Philipp Gonon
Patsawee Rodcharoen Christof Nägele
02 SES 06 C, Motivating Learners
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: F3.06, Chair: András Benedek
- Motivating Disengaged Trade Apprentices In Meaningful Learning
- Use of tools and methods from Employee-driven innovation (EDI) for professional upskilling
- Open Learning Resource Structures In The Activation Of VET Learners
Anne Graham Cagney Michael O'Toole
Else Marie Johansen
András Benedek Gyöngyi Dobozy Beáta Orosz
02 SES 07 B, Transferable Competences and Identity Transformation
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: F4.06, Chair: M'Hamed DIF
- School-Work Alternation: teachers’ voices about the development and the assessment process of soft skills
- Places and Spaces – Facilitating Professional Learning and Identity Transformation in European Public Employment Services
- On the development of inclusive key competences within the French educational and training system
Concetta Tino Valentina Grion
Graham Attwell Jenny Hughes Michael Prilla Oliver Blunk
M'Hamed DIF
02 SES 07 A, Teachers Practice and Didactics
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: F4.01, Chair: Pam Hanley
- VET teacher education - understanding occupational didactics
- VET-teachers` professional development in assessment for learning
- Issues in Evaluating a Programme to Enhance Subject-Specialist Pedagogy
Antje Barabasch Seraina Leumann Anna Keller
Ann Karin Sandal
Pam Hanley Ron Thompson Kevin Orr Jonathan Hepworth
02 SES 07 C, Cooperation of Companies and Schools
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: F3.06, Chair: Håkon HØST
- Relevant Vocational Education And Collaboration Between Vocational Schools And Companies
- Training Agencies as Intermediary Institutions in Apprentice Training in Norway and Switzerland: General Purpose or Niche Production Tools?
- New Forms of Learning and Teaching and Organisational Change – a Case Study at the Building Industry
Hilde Hiim Jan Stålhane
Håkon HØST Regula Julia Leemann Christian Imdorf Svein Michelsen
Lars Heinemann Werner Müller Ludger Deitmer
02 SES 08 B, VET-Research: Learning and careers in VET in changing times
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: F4.06, Chair: Christof Nägele
- VETNET VET-Research: Learning and Careers in VET in changing times
Karen Evans Barbara Stalder Petri Nokelainen Graham Attwell Trine Deichman-Sørensen Benedicte Gendron
02 SES 08 A, Inclusion and Exclusion
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: F4.01, Chair: Míriam Abiétar López
- On-the-job Trainers, Key-Persons in Inclusion and Exclusion Processes
- Regulated Vocational Education in Germany: Enhancement and Inclusion for Young Adults Seeking an Alternative to School-based Transmission
- Success and dropout pathways in Vocational Education and Training
Nadia Lamamra Barbara Duc Roberta Besozzi
Gabriela Höhns
Míriam Abiétar López Esperanza Meri Crespo Elena Giménez Urraco Aranzazu Grau Muñoz Elisabet Marco Arocas Begonya Grau Muñoz
02 SES 08 C, VET-Research: Attractiveness of VET and VET teacher education and training
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: F3.06, Chair: Michael Gessler
- VETNET VET-Research: Attractiveness of VET and VET teacher education and training
Barbara E. Stalder Vibe Aarkrog Fernando Marhuenda Matthias Pilz Lorenz Lassnigg Lazaro Moreno Herrera Michael Gessler
02 SES 09 B, Developing a Research Agenda for Initial VET: A comparative approach to trends and challenges in Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and UK
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: F4.06, Chair: Monica Moso-Diez
- Developing a Research Agenda for Initial VET: a comparative approach to trends and challenges in Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and UK
Monica Moso-Diez Graham Atwell Michael Gessler Fernando Marhuenda Lazaro Moreno Christof Näegele
02 SES 09 C, At-Risk Careers
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: F3.06, Chair: Paula Elizabeth Nogueira Sales
- Decision-making Processes Among Potential Dropouts in VET and Adult Learning
- Preventing school drop-outs in intermediate VET from the schools' perspective
- Vocational Youth Education: Transitions from School to Postsecondary Studies and Careers in Brazil and Italy
Vibe Aarkrog Kristina Mariager-Anderson Christian Larsen Susanne Gottlieb Bjarne Wahlgren
Carme Pinya Francesca Salvà Mut Maria Isabel Pomar-Fiol Aina Calvo-Sastre
Paula Elizabeth Nogueira Sales Carlos Eduardo Guerra Silva
02 SES 09 A, Research in Action
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: F4.01, Chair: Pekka Kamarainen
- Reform of Vocational Education and Training in Finland: Insights from Twitter
- Learning Together: evaluating and improving Further Adult and Vocational and Education through practice-focused research
- Welfare Technology in Vocational Teacher Training Postgraduate education for vocational teachers in welfare technology and digital skills.
- Transfer of Innovation after the Learning Layers Project - Reflections on Concepts, Approaches and Processes
Heta Rintala Jari Jussila Petri Nokelainen
Margaret Gregson Patricia Spedding
Solveig Havreberg
Pekka Kamarainen
02 SES 10.5, Network Meeting - NW 02 (VETNET)
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 12:00-13:30, Room: F4.01, Chair: Barbara E. Stalder
- Network Meeting - NW 02
Christof Nägele Barbara E. Stalder
02 SES 11 B, Technology and Simulations
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 13:30-15:00, Room: F4.06, Chair: Marianne Teräs
- Uses of Technology in High and Low Technology Contexts: Simulations and Mobile Phones in Cuba, Denmark, Finland and Sweden
- Learning in Simulation-Based Classes in Social and Health Care Programs
- Re-thinking Computer-based Simulation: Concepts and Models
- Meeting with Technology in VET in Low Income Countries- VET Developments in Cuba as a Case Study
Marianne Teräs Vibe Aarkorg Paula Poikela Janne Kontio Lázaro Moreno Herrera Pekka Kämäräinen
Vibe Aarkrog
Paula Poikela
Lázaro Moreno Herrera
02 SES 11 A, The Power of Formal and Informal Learning
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 13:30-15:00, Room: F4.01, Chair: Margaret Eleanor Malloch
- Vocational Education and Training in Australia: Through a Glass Darkly
- An Exploration of the Socio-economic Well-being of Informal Apprentices in Ghana: A Capability Approach
- Vocational Education And Training As A Framework For Social Justice: National Case Studies
Margaret Eleanor Malloch
Joyceline Alla-Mensah
Gavin Moodie Leesa Wheelahan Aiman Jafar Annette Ford Sae Wan Koh Leping Mou
02 SES 11 C, Challenges in Teacher Education
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 13:30-15:00, Room: F3.06, Chair: Anna Annerberg
- Closing the Theory-Practice Gap: Employing Authentic Video-Taped Lessons in Vocational Teacher Education
- Relevant Teaching Practice For Vocational Teacher Students In Lower Secondary Education.
- Successful integration of mathematics and vocational subjects – Professional relations between different groups of teachers
Anja Augsdoerfer Marc Casper
Rosaline Mary Schaug
Anna Annerberg Anna Teledahl
02 SES 12 A, Educational Decisions and Pathways
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: F4.01, Chair: Nora Cechovsky
- Professional aspiration and career decision: the role of interest, role models, and trial apprenticeship in lower secondary school in Switzerland
- Students’ Experiences in Continuing Learning Pathways to Higher Professional Bachelor Programmes
- Structures of further education and training in the field of early childhood education: findings from a nationwide study in Germany
- Tax Literacy of Vocational Business Students: Results from a Quantitative Study
Markus P. Neuenschwander Jan Hofmann
Harm Biemans Hans Mariën Erik Fleur Tanya Beliaeva Jan Harbers
Veronika Gruber Christina Buschle
Nora Cechovsky
02 SES 12 B, Learning and Competences in VET
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: F4.06, Chair: Fabienne Lüthi
- Coherence and Progression in Professional Competence and Writing Skills
- Learning and individual resources in the job-demand-control process during VET
Ellen Beate Hellne-Halvorsen Hæge Nore
Fabienne Lüthi Barbara Elisabeth Stalder
02 SES 12 C, Structures in VET and Governance
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: F3.06, Chair: Sonja Engelage
- Global Strategies and Local Forms of VET in German Multinational Companies – a Comparison across Emerging Economies
- Creation, maintenance and disruption. Occupational associations and their heterogeneous institutional work after the Swiss VET policy reform.
Matthias Pilz
Sonja Engelage Carmen Baumeler Alexandra Strebel
02 SES 13 B, Problem VET Governance
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: F4.06, Chair: Lorenz Lassnigg
- Problems of VET Governance and Scope for Improvement - a Comparative View
Lorenz Lassnigg Ludger Deitmer Magdolna Benke Ursel Hauschildt Giuseppe Tacconi Marco Perini
02 SES 13 C, Adult Education and Inclusion
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: F3.06, Chair: Natasha Kersh
- Adult Education as a path to social inclusion: towards active citizenship through economic, social and civic participation
- The role of Adult Education in social inclusion of young adults: insights from the Horizon 2020 project (EduMAP)
- Inclusion, lifelong learning and active citizenship: some examples from England, Ireland and the Netherlands
- Adult education as a means to social inclusion in Nordic welfare states
- Inclusion through mentoring: lessons from Scotland
Natasha Kersh Hanna Toiviainen Paula Kuusipalo Nathalie Huegler Andrea Laczik Lázaro Moreno Herrera Karen Evans Pirkko Pitkanen
Hanna Toiviainen Paula Kuusipalo Natasha Kersh Pirkko Pitkänen
Nathalie Huegler Natasha Kersh
Hanna Toiviainen Paula Kuusipalo Pirkko Pitkanen
Andrea Laczik
02 SES 14 B, Guidance and Mentoring in VET
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: F4.06, Chair: Harm Biemans
- The Voice Of The Protagonist In The Process Of Educational Guidance
- Multicultural understanding in the education of Health- care workers
- Professional knowledge
María-Dolores Eslava-Suanes Ignacio González-López Carlota de León-Huertas
Oddhild Bergsli Ellen Beate Hellne-Halvosen
Kaija-Liisa Magnussen
02 SES 14 A, Ethnicity and Migration
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: F4.01, Chair: Marit Lensjø
- Black students in VET: Learner experiences in an English metropolitan and provincial setting
- Immigrants and Vocational Education and Training in Sweden
- Vocational Training Agencies, apprentices and short time migrant workers in the Norwegian plumbing industry
James Avis Kevin Orr Paul Warmington
Per-Åke Rosvall Kristina Ledman Mattias Nylund Maria Rönnlund
Marit Lensjø
02 SES 14 C, Enhancing the Standing of Vocational Education and the Occupations It Serves
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: F3.06, Chair: Stephen Billett
- Enhancing The Standing Of Vocational Education And The Occupations It Serves
- Danish Perspective On Enhancing The Standing Of Vocational Education And The Occupations It Serves
- Finnish perspective on Enhancing the standing of vocational education and the occupations it serves
- Norwegian Perspective On Enhancing The Standing Of Vocational Education And The Occupations It Serve
- Swiss Perspective On Enhancing The Standing Of Vocational Education And The Occupations It Serves
Stephen Billett Petri Nokelainen Vibe Aarkrog Barbara E. Stalder Hilde Hiim
Vibe Aarkrog
Petri Nokelainen
Hilde Hiim
Barbara E Stalder
02 SES 16 A, Teachers' Assessment, Evaluation and Validation
Friday, 2018-09-07, 13:30-15:00, Room: F4.01, Chair: Maria C Johansson
- Comparison of VET and CTE Teacher Pathways: Finland and the U.S.
- Narrative Understanding of Life Careers of Vocational Teachers: the Impact of Education Policy Transformations
- Validation and its potential for including or excluding vocational knowledge: The case of hairdressers
Lisa Martino Johanna Lahja Lasonen
Maret Aasa Krista Loogma
Maria C Johansson Eva Klope
02 SES 16 B, Who Is Included? Who Gets Excluded? And Why? An International Comparison of Dropout In VET Programmes for Disadvantaged Youths
Friday, 2018-09-07, 13:30-15:00, Room: F4.06, Chair: Marlise Kammermann
- Who Is Included? Who Gets Excluded? And Why? An International Comparison Of Dropout In VET Programmes For Disadvantaged Youths
- Creating Drop-out In Vocational Education In Denmark
- Evidence From Swiss National Data: Premature Apprenticeship Contract Terminations, Reentries, And Underlying Reasons
- Inclusion And Exclusion In Basic VET Programmes In Spain
- What Does Premature Apprenticeship Contract Termination Tell Us About Low-threshold VET Programs? The Case Of The Swiss Federal VET Certificate
Marlise Kammermann Jörg Neumann Barbara Duc Francesca Salvà-Mut Lene Tanggaard Barbara E. Stalder Isabelle Bosset Nadia Lamamra Caterina Thomàs-Vanrell Aina M. Calvo-Sastre Carme Pinya-Medina
Lene Tanggaard Pedersen
Jörg Neumann
Francesca Salvà-Mut Caterina Thomàs-Vanrell Aina M. Calvo-Sastre Carme Pinya-Medina
Barbara Duc Isabelle Bosset Nadia Lamamra
02 SES 16 C, Skills Formation
Friday, 2018-09-07, 13:30-15:00, Room: F3.06, Chair: Horacy Dębowski
- Skills formation and Emigration in post-communist Europe: The chaniging role of vocational education and training
- National conceptions and the changing role of vocational education in selected Eastern European countries
- Specificities of the institutional development of skills formation and VET systems in Lithuania: comparing incomparable?
- Exit, voice or loyalty to the VET-system? Training companies’ responses to large scale skills emigration from and immigration into Poland
Jörg Markowitsch Horacy Dębowski Vidmantas Tūtlys Pepka Boyadjieva Kaja Reegård
Jörg Markowitsch
Vidmantas Tūtlys
Horacy Debowski Kaja Reegård
02 SES 17 A, Pathways to Higher Education
Friday, 2018-09-07, 15:30-17:00, Room: F4.01, Chair: Christine Tschöll
- On the Parity of Esteem between Vocational and General Academic Pathways in Upper Secondary Education in Iceland
- The Attractiveness Of Gardening VET. Influential (Mis)conceptions And Possible Initiatives That Can Be Taken To Increase The Attractiveness.
- The MasterPlan: Master without Bachelor
- "Dropping-out from Basic VET Programs and Academic Indiscipline: Two Closely Related Variables"
Elsa Eiriksdottir Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir Jón Torfi Jónasson
Ingrid Berglund Camilla Gåfvels
Christine Tschöll
Bartomeu Mut-Amengual Rubén Comas-Forgas Antoni Cerdà-Navarro Mercè Morey-López
02 SES 17 C, Higher level vocational education: the route to high skills and productivity as well as greater equity? An International Comparative Analysis
Friday, 2018-09-07, 15:30-17:00, Room: F3.06, Chair: Ann-Marie Bathmaker
- Higher level vocational education: the route to high skills and productivity as well as greater equity? An International Comparative Analysis
- Work-based Higher Education in Germany at the Nexus of Employer Interests and University Standards
- A distinct and separate future or a distinctive part of HE provision: the future of college-based higher education in England
- ‘Keeping them in their place’? The limited growth of applied degrees in colleges in liberal market economies
- What does Higher Vocational Education bring to Higher Education that is distinctive?
Ann-Marie Bathmaker Leesa (Elizabeth) Wheelahan Kevin Orr Susan Webb Justin Powell James Avis Elizabeth Knight Steven Hodge Shaun Rawolle Lukas Graf
Lukas Graf Justin Powell
Ann-Marie Bathmaker Kevin Orr
Leesa Wheelahan
Sue Webb Elizabeth Knight Steven Hodge Shaun Rawolle
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