Network: WERA Focal Meeting
WERA SES 00 INT: YC, Internal Meeting of International Study
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 09:00-15:00, Room: 3008. [Main], Chair: Yin Cheong Cheng
- Internal Meeting
Yin Cheong Cheng
WERA SES 01 A, An International Symposium on Scientific Use Files
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 13:15-14:45, Room: 309. [Main], Chair: Ingrid Gogolin
- An International Symposium on Scientific Use Files
Felice Levine Jutta von Maurice Lia Mulder Roel Bosker Barbara Schneider Ingrid Gogolin
WERA SES 01 B, Feedback and Coaching to Promote the Professional Reflection and Learning of School Leaders
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 13:15-14:45, Room: 303. [Main], Chair: Stephan Gerhard Huber
- Feedback and Coaching to Promote the Professional Reflection and Learning of School Leaders
- Statistical and Social Validation of Leadership Scales
- The Influence of Educational and Institutional Contexts and Methods of Implementation on Participants’ Learning Experience
- The Interplay of Feedback and Coaching to Promote Professional Reflection and Learning
Guri Skedsmo Stephan Huber Rolf Vegar Olsen Mel West Marit Aas Bev Fluckiger Ellen Goldring Alexandra Petridou Marius Schwander Maria Nicolaidou Bohumíra Lazarová Monika Törnsèn Marita Sánchez-Moreno
Stephan Huber Rolf Vegar Olsen Alexandra Petridou Marius Schwander
Mel West Guri Skedsmo Maria Nicolaidou Bohumíra Lazarová
Marit Aas Bev Fluckiger Monika Törnsèn Marita Sánchez-Moreno
WERA SES 01 C, International Perspectives on Communities of Learning in Teacher Education
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 13:15-14:45, Room: 305. [Main], Chair: Aslam Fataar
- Designing And Deploying A Professional Learning Community (PLC) Organizational Routine: Bureaucratic And Collegial Structures In Interaction
- Teacher Sensemaking of Global Education Initiatives in the United States
- Enhancing Teacher Development Through ‘Teacher Learning Circles’ in Malaysian Primary Schools
- Investigation of the Relationship Between Pre-service Science Teachers’ Epistemological Beliefs and Beliefs About Nature of Science
- Teacher Training in Schools as Learning Communities: Contributions for the Transferability of Successful Educational Actions
James Spillane
Megan Siczek Laura Engel
Suseela Malakolunthu
Aslı Saylan Oktay Bektaş Fulya Öner Armağan
Silvia Molina Roldán Aitor Gómez Rocío García Carrión
WERA SES 01 D, The Global Knowledge Market and Education
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 13:15-14:45, Room: 307. [Main], Chair: Lori Diane Hill
- Linking Education and Economics: An Analysis of Policies in Indonesia and Singapore for Female Entrepreneurs
- A Case Study of a Western Trained EFL Teacher in a Chinese University: Conflict or Reconciliation?
- Global Knowledge Formation in the Extended Classroom: Transdisciplinary Network for Global Learning Towards Sustainability
- Inequitable Access To Knowledge Market In Nigeria : The Case Of University Education
MaryAnn Maslak
Yan Gao
Birgitta Nordén
Samuel Akinyemi
WERA SES 02 A, Teacher Accountability and Cultural Values: A Cross-Country Perspective
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 15:15-16:45, Room: 309. [Main], Chair: John Williamson
- Teacher Accountability and Cultural Values: A Cross-Country Perspective
- Educational Accountability Perspectives in Hungary
- Teacher Accountability in Israel: Ethnic Differences and Cultural Values
- Aspects of the New Accountability Regime in South Africa
- The Demand for Teacher Accountability in Zimbabwe
Zehava Rosenblatt Nóra Arató Johan Booyse Peter Tsvara Kari Smith Zsolt Lavicza Balázs Koren John Williamson
Nora Arato Zsolt Lavicza Balázs Koren
Zehava Rosenblatt
Johan Booyse
Peter Tsvara Johan Booyse
WERA SES 02 B, World-Wide Perspectives on Management and Leadership in Education
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 15:15-16:45, Room: 303. [Main], Chair: Teresa Bracho
- A model for evaluating the impact of Intervention in Educational Organizations
- Validating a Theory of Teacher Leadership Development
- Teacher Professionalism and School Autonomy: a Comparative Study of the Changing Approaches to Education Governance in China and England
- Spotlight on China: Changes in Education under China’s Market Economy
Gonzalo Jover Maria Jose Fernandez-Diaz Jesus Rodriguez Mantilla
Philip Poekert Alex Alexandrou Darbianne Shannon
Yousheng Wang Guoqi Qian
Shibao Guo Yan Guo
WERA SES 02 C, International Lessons Learnt on Student Preparedness and Transition
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 15:15-16:45, Room: 305. [Main], Chair: Marcelo Caruso
- Redefining the TVET Agenda for a New Developmental Context: Reconsidering Research Policy and Practice in transition.
- Financial Education for Children: What Curriculum? Which Methods? A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of Social and Financial Education in Rwanda
- The Role That Mathematics Plays in College- and Career-Readiness: Evidence from PISA 2012
Salim Akoojee
Daniel Shephard Yves Valentin Kaneza
William H. Schmidt Leland Cogan Pablo Zoido
WERA SES 02 D, Global Ethics in Higher Education
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 15:15-16:45, Room: 236. [Main], Chair: Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti
- Global Ethics in Higher Education
- Towards Transcultural Ethics: issues in a Brazilian higher education cross-border mobility program
- Rethinking higher education economies
- Learning as growth and the Commoning of memory in Global Justice Education
- Educating in a Time of Civilizational Vulnerability: Locating Higher Education Praxis in a Decolonizing Global Ethic
Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti Lynn Mario de Souza Su-Ming Khoo Lisa Taylor Lynette Shultz Ali Abdi
Lynn Mario de Souza
Su-Ming Khoo
Lisa Taylor
Lynette Shultz
WERA SES 03 B, Student Mobility: Troubling Discourses Of Colonialism In Higher Education
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 17:15-18:45, Room: 303. [Main], Chair: Fran Martin
- Student Mobility: Troubling Discourses Of Colonialism In Higher Education.
- South-North Student Mobility: Subverting The Hegemonic Practices In Internationalization In Higher Education
- North-South Higher Education Partnerships: Exploring Possibilities For Ethical Educational Relationships With Others.
- Critical Service Learning: Disrupting Universalist And Paternalistic Understandings Of Cultural Difference In A Community Setting
- North-South Relations Within Community Service-Learning: Educating For Engaged Global Citizenship.
Fran Martin Allyson Larkin Judy Bruce Fatima Pirbhai-Illich Clarissa Jordao Juliana Martinez
Juliana Martinez Clarissa Menezes Jordao
Allyson Larkin
Judy Bruce
Fatima Pirbhai-Illich
WERA SES 03 C, Socio-Political Context and Education Internationally
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 17:15-18:45, Room: 305. [Main], Chair: Lesley Wood
- The Malian, Ugandan, Amish Connection: A Template for Improving Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Quality teaching in high poverty schools: Early career teachers’ transitioning from university to the classroom
- Peace-Building, Women’s Leadership, and Educational Development in South Sudan
- The Changing Nature of Equity: Initial Teacher Education Programs And Transitioning New Understanding Of Social Justice
- Peace Education Special Interest Group (SIG) 2010-2014 at American Education Research Association (AERA): multicultural promises and challenges
James Hynes William Edgington
Bruce Burnett Jo Lampert Lutz Hoff Barbara Comber Angela Fergurson
Terrence Mason Kathryn Engebretson
Jo Lampert Bruce Burnett
Rejane Costa Ana Ivenicki
WERA SES 03 A, Learning to Teach: Building Global Research Capacity for Evidence-Based Decision Making
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 17:15-18:45, Room: 309. [Main], Chair: Maria Teresa Tatto
- Learning to Teach: Building Global Research Capacity for Evidence-Based Decision Making
- How do teachers learn to teach in the U.S., England and Finland? A Review of trends found in the literature
- How do teachers learn to teach in the Czech Republic and Slovakia? A Review of trends found in the literature
- How do teachers learn to teach in Ireland – north and south? A review of trends found in the literature
Maria Teresa Tatto Ian Menter Jarmila Novotná Ján Šunderlík Paul Conway Marylin Cochran-Smith Jaakko Kauko
Maria Teresa Tatto Ian Menter Jaakko Kauko
Jarmila Novotná Ján Šunderlík
Paul Conway
WERA SES 03 D, Towards Socio-Political Transformation in Education World-Wide
Tuesday, 2015-09-08, 17:15-18:45, Room: 307. [Main], Chair: Rocío García Carrión
- Dialogue for Intercultural Understanding: Transnational Perspectives
- “Borrowing” from Britain: A typology of the educational systems of India, Jamaica, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and Ghana
- Teacher education in indigenous contexts: Critical considerations of teacher educator understandings and decision-making related to treaty issues and social justice
Nancy Nelson
Tonya Kneff Minh Huynh Christian Fischer HyeJin Hwang Kwame Yankson
Letitia Fickel Robyn Stark
WERA SES 04 A, Indicators of Supportive Environments in Education from Global Perspectives
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 09:00-10:30, Room: 309. [Main], Chair: Yin Cheong Cheng
- Response Cards: Increase Engagement and Achievement in High School Inclusion Science and Mathematics Classes
- Enacting inclusive education in South African and Finnish classrooms: a comparative study
Ellen Duchaine
Petra Engelbrecht Hannu Savolainen Mirna Nel Teija Koskela Mari-Anne Okkolin
WERA SES 04 C, Integrating Marginalised Education Spaces into Mainstream Global Discourses
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 09:00-10:30, Room: 305. [Main], Chair: Joanna Madalinska-Michalak
- Everyday Roles and Women’s Attitude about the Self over Time across Work, Family and Community
- Explicating the transnational social space: Migrant women’s career lives between China and Canada
- Exploring cultural diversity through the lens of gratitude in education: A cross-cultural study of Western and indigenous African perspectives
- On Measuring Religious Tolerance In Education
- Challenging Views of Poverty and Literacy through Immersion in a U. S. University Intercultural Program in Mexico
Kankana Mukhopadhyay
Hongxia Shan Ashley Pullman Qinghua Zhao
Kerry Howells Vussy Nkonyane
Nico Broer Charl Wolhuter Bram de Muynck Ferdinand Potgieter Hannes van der Walt
Martha Adler
WERA SES 04 D, Gender “Matters” Internationally in Education
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 09:00-10:30, Room: 307. [Main], Chair: Margaret Funke Omidire
- International Perspectives on LGBTQ Issues in Education Research
- Education students' Perceptions of gender In/equality in the Education System -A comparative view: USA and Israel
- Gender and Schooling in Lao PDR: Intersections of Ethnic Minority Status, Politics, and History
- "They are young. What do they know?" Innocence, experience and the teaching and learning of sexuality education
George Wimberly
Yael Grinshtain Keren Dalyot
Leena Her
Dennis Francis
WERA SES 05 A, International Trends in Education Research and Methodology
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 11:00-12:30, Room: 309. [Main], Chair: Liesel Ebersöhn
- Reflecting On Reflecting: Fostering Student Capacity For Critical Reflection In An Action Research Project
- Calling Teachers to Social Justice Action, through Teacher Research
- Disciplinary Challenges in Education Research: Tensions and Opportunities
Lesley Wood
Michelle Szpara
Carolyn Herrington Ayesha Kurdish
WERA SES 05 B, Inclusive Education and Teacher Education, Learning From Each Other
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 11:00-12:30, Room: 303. [Main], Chair: Missy Morton
- Inclusive Education and Teacher Education, Learning From Each Other
- Preparing Teachers For Inclusive Education: Using Inclusive Pedagogy To Enhance Teaching And Learning For All
- Inclusive Education And Teacher Education In Denmark
- Adaptive Expertise and Inclusive Teacher Education in One Programme in New Zealand
Missy Morton Holly Linklater Lotte Hedegaard-Soerensen Letitia Fickel Kristine Black-Hawkins Lani Florian Susan Tetler Mette Molbæk Jane Abbiss Chris Astall
Holly Linklater Lani Florian
Lotte Hedegaard-Soerensen Susan Tetler Mette Molbaek
Missy Morton Letitia Fickel Jane Abbiss Chris Astall
WERA SES 05 D, An International Symposium on Perspectives of Education Association Presidents
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 11:00-12:30, Room: 236. [Main], Chair: Yin Cheong Cheng
- An International Symposium on Perspectives of Education Association Presidents
Sari Lindblom Aslam Fataar Theo Wubbels Jeannie Oakes
WERA SES 05 C, World-Wide Views on Adaptation in Education
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 11:00-12:30, Room: 305. [Main], Chair: George Head
- Avoiding the Temptation of a Single Score: Towards The Development of a Global Child Well-being Index
- Comparing Chinese and Spanish Primary School Teachers’ Key Competences: A Cross-cultural Perspective
- Transitions From Preschool To Primary Education In Italy And Korea: A Comparative View.
- Playing Hopscotch: Promises and Limitations of U.S. Inclusive Policy and Practice in the Context of the Global Inclusive Education Movement
Keren Dalyot
Shujing Ding Josefina Sala Roca Laura Arnau Sabates Yumei Han Jianping Xu Xiaoyan Liang
Cristina Stringher Mugyeong Moon
Federico Waitoller Kathleen King Thorius
WERA SES 05.1- INT, WERA IRN Committee
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 12:30-14:00, Room: 303. [Main], Chair: Sari Lindblom
- WERA IRN Meeting
Sari Lindblom
WERA SES 05.2- INT, WERA Financial Committee Meeting
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 12:30-14:00, Room: WERA Office (301) [Main], Chair: Liesel Ebersöhn
- WERA Financial Committee Meeting
Liesel Ebersöhn
WERA SES 06 A, Ethics and Internationalization in Higher Education
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 15:30-17:00, Room: 309. [Main], Chair: Laura Knijnik Baumvol
- Ethics and Internationalization in Higher Education
- Imperatives of Internationalizing Higher Education in the European North
- Illuminating Ethical Internationalization: Voices from a Canadian university
- Conceptualizing Social Responsibility in Internationalization in Higher Education
- Students’ Perspectives on Internationalisation in a Canadian Higher Education Institution
Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti Meeri Hellsten Kumari Beck Jani Haapakoski Yan Guo Shibao Guo Hongxia Shan Laura Knijnik Baumvol
Meeri Hellsten
Kumari Beck
Jani Haapakoski
Yan Guo Shibao Guo
WERA SES 06 B, Cultural Hierarchies and Colonial Thinking in Education
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 15:30-17:00, Room: 303. [Main], Chair: Michelle Nicolson
- Cultural Hierarchies and Colonial Thinking in Education
- International Students and Narratives of Western Supremacy
- Linguistic Imperialism and the Myth of the Native Speaker: responses from professors in Brazil
- No Problems Here: interrogating the Meta Narrative of the Finnish Miracle
Michelle Nicolson Sharon Stein Clarissa Jordao Withdrawn . Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti
Sharon Stein Vanessa Andreotti
Clarissa Menezes Jordao
Michelle Nicolson
WERA SES 06 C, International Study on School Autonomy and 21st Century Learning--Symposium A: Australia, Canada, England, & Finland
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 15:30-17:00, Room: 236. [Main], Chair: Yin Cheong Cheng
- International Study on School Autonomy and 21st Century Learning--Symposium A: Australia, Canada, England, & Finland
- An Evidence Base on the Effect of School Autonomy on Student Achievement
- School Autonomy and 21st Century Learning: The Canadian Context
- School Autonomy, Curriculum Innovation and Twenty-First Century Learning: A UK Perspective
- School Autonomy and Leadership – Finland’s Perspective
Yin Cheong Cheng Brian Caldwell Paul Newton Toby Greany Joanne Waterhouse Toni Saarivirta Kristiina Kumpulainen Jose Da Costa Ami Volansky
Brian Caldwell
Paul Newton Jose Da Costa
Joanne Waterhouse Toby Greany
Toni Saarivirta Kristiina Kumpulainen
WERA SES 06 D, International Perspectives on Language, Literacy and Learning
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 15:30-17:00, Room: 305. [Main], Chair: Sari Lindblom
- Adolescent Achievement in High Literacy: Consistent and Competitive Global Perspectives
- One Way Neuroscience Can Improve Pre-Literacy and Pre-Numeracy Skills in Young Children
- Empirical Analysis of Validation of Theoretical Framework of English Language Assessment
Rosalind Horowitz
Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa
Kyoungwon Bishop
WERA SES 06 E, An International Lens on Science Education
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 15:30-17:00, Room: 307. [Main], Chair: Barbara Schneider
- Teacher autonomy variation and its relationship to science performance in PISA 2009 across didaktik and curriculum traditions
- Educating Science Teachers for Sustainability
- Technological Advances in Assessments of 21st Century Skills
Armend Tahirsylaj
Rita Hagevik Allan Feldman
Scott Paris
WERA SES 07 A, A Question of Fundamental Values and Practices: The Role of Assessment in Three Contexts
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 17:15-18:45, Room: 309. [Main], Chair: Missy Morton
- A Question of Fundamental Values and Practices: The Role of Assessment in Three Contexts
- Can the Assessment of Broader Curriculum Goals be Reconciled with Mechanisms of System Accountability? GCSE and A-level Examinations in England
- From Compulsory Failing to Compulsory Passing: Using Assessment Practices to Obliterate School Failure Caused by Poverty in New Zealand
- Standardised Testing and Data Use in Australia: Raising the Question of Validity
- Valuing Equity, Appreciating the Contexts and Consequences of Assessment
Missy Morton Harry Torrance Liz Gordon Val Klenowski Alison Gilmore Jane Abbiss
Harry Torrance
Liz Gordon
Val Klenowski
Alison Gilmore Missy Morton
WERA SES 07 C, International Study on School Autonomy and 21st Century Learning--Symposium B: Hong Kong, Israel, & Singapore
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 17:15-18:45, Room: 236. [Main], Chair: Toby Greany
- International Study on School Autonomy & 21st Century Learning--Symposium B: Hong Kong, Israel, & Singapore
- Implications for International Research on School Autonomy and 21st Century Learning: Hong Kong & Beyond
- School Autonomy and Curriculum Reform in 21st Century Skills: An Israeli Perspective
- Pedagogical Reforms within a Centralized-decentralized System: A Singapore’s Perspective for 21st Century Learning
Yin Cheong Cheng Ronit Bogler Adam Nir Yancy Toh Toby Greany James Ko Theodore, T.H. Lee Adi Ben-David Dan Inbar Paul Meng-Huat Chua Sujin He Ami Volansky David Hung
Yin Cheong Cheng James, Y.O. Ko Theodore, T.H. Lee
Ronit Bogler Adam Nir Adi Ben-David Dan Inbar
Yancy Toh Paul Meng-Huat Chua Sujin He Azilawati Jamaludin David Wei Loong Hung
WERA SES 07 D, A Global Perspective on Multiple Languages in the Classroom
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 17:15-18:45, Room: 307. [Main], Chair: Ingrid Gogolin
- Heritage Language Ecologies in a Multilingual Swedish School
- Linguistic Identities and Pedagogy of Bilingual Teachers: Transnational Perspectives and Practices
- Social-Psychological Effects in Second Language Acquisition at Primary School
Liv Thorstensson Dávila Nihad Bunar
Brenda Fuentes
Barbara Gross
WERA SES 07 B, Studying Curriculum Alignment In Australia, China And Israel: Multiple Perspectives From Multiple Entry Points
Wednesday, 2015-09-09, 17:15-18:45, Room: 303. [Main], Chair: David Clarke
- Studying Curriculum Alignment In Australia, China And Israel: Multiple Perspectives From Multiple Entry Points
- The Impact of Assessment Practices on Curriculum Alignment at Various Levels within an Education System
- A Case Study of the Pedagogical Tensions in Teachers’ Questioning Practices when Implementing a Reform-based Mathematics Curriculum in China
- Teaching Scientific Literacy in Secondary Schools: A Study of Valued Performances in Two Science Classrooms
- Curriculum Alignment as a Dynamic Process of Selective Interpretation: The Question of Authorship
David Clarke Natasha Ziebell Lianchun Dong Kian Keong Aloysius Ong Einav Aizikovitsh-Udi Joao Pedro da Ponte Wee Tiong Seah Christina Hart Barbara Fresko
Natasha Ziebell David Clarke
Lianchun Dong Wee Tiong Seah David Clarke
Aloysius Ong Christina Hart David Clarke
Einav Aizikovitsh-Udi Barbara Fresko David Clarke
WERA SES 08 A, The Education of Diverse Students: A Multi-Country Perspective
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 09:00-10:30, Room: 309. [Main], Chair: Guofang Wan
- Race, Youth Subjectivity and Schooling in Post-Apartheid South Africa
- The Education of China’s National Minorities and Children with Special Needs
- Equity and Quality Education for All: A New Zealand Perspective
Aslam Fataar Jerome Joorst
Guofang Wan Yaoying Xu
Adrienne Alton-Lee
WERA SES 08 B, Researching the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Focusing on Assessment at Higher Education Institutions Teacher Training: Innovative Practices Expanding Boundaries
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 09:00-10:30, Room: 303. [Main], Chair: Ina Joubert
- Researching The Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning Focusing On Assessment At Higher Education Institutions Teacher Training: Innovative Practices Expanding Boundaries
- Towards The Scholarship Of Assessment: The Contribution Of A Poster Presentation By Final Year Student Teachers As Assessment Project
- Authentic Assessment In Early Childhood Teacher Education: A Case Of Generating Intercultural Understandings Of Displaced Children And Families
- 21st Century Learner-Centered Assessments In Teacher Preparation
Ina Joubert Ann Farrell Rhonda Bondie Withdrawn . Rinelle Evans Marie Botha Nkidi Phatudi Judy Van Heerden
Ina Joubert Marie Botha Nkidi Phatudi Judy Van Heerden
Ann Farrell Rinelle Evans
Rhonda Bondie Ina Joubert
WERA SES 08 C, Towards Mathematics Excellence in Education World-Wide
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 09:00-10:30, Room: 305. [Main], Chair: Brian Hudson
- Relationship between Mathematical Teacher Content Knowledge and Knowing-to Act. Transitioning to New Standards to Measure Teacher Knowledge in Mexico
- What Can We Learn From PISA 2012
- Creativity and the Socioeconomically and Intellectually Stratifying National Standards for Mathematics in the United States, Japan, and Finland
- Supporting Factors for ICT Use in Primary Education – Secondary Analyses on TIMSS 2011 Data towards Students’ Mathematics Achievement
- A Tale of Two World Regions: A Comparative Study of the Impact of Financial Literacy Programs for Youth
Maria D. Cruz Maria Reyna Cruz Quiñones Mourat Tchoshanov Rocio Gallardo Maria del Rosario Cruz Quinones Maria Dolores Cruz Quinones
Sungmin Moon
Francine Peterman
Kerstin Drossel Julia Gerick Birgit Eickelmann
Noi Keng Koh Carlos Asarta Ming Fai Pang
WERA SES 08 D, Higher Education Research and Training: Agendas and Standards World-Wide
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 09:00-10:30, Room: 307. [Main], Chair: Ong Kim Lee
- Addressing Different Purposes For Higher Education, a Balancing Act or a Battlefield ?
- The Role of Education Research Journals in a Global Context: Challenges to Mission, Quality and Relevance
- Measurement of Competency in Higher Education: An Analysis of the Current State of Research
- The African University And Its Experiences In Academic Freedom After Independence
Benedikte Custers
Carolyn Herrington Katherine P Summers
Corinna Lautenbach Hans Anand Pant Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia Miriam Toepper Kuhn Christiane
Ben John Siyakwazi Peggy Doris Siyakwazi
WERA SES 08 F, Teacher Education for the 21st Century: Developing Teachers Who Are Thoughtful, Reflective and Inquiring
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 09:00-10:30, Room: 391. [Main], Chair: Woon Chia Liu
- Teacher Education for the 21st Century: Developing teachers who are thoughtful, reflective and inquiring
- e-Portfolio as a Tool to Facilitate the Development of Thinking Teachers
- VIA University College
- On the Highway to Teaching: Supporting Second Career Teachers’ Professional Development through Reflective and Research-oriented Action
Woon Chia Liu Bee Leng Chua Jens Rasmussen Elsebeth Jensen Esther Kamm Christine Bieri Buschor Withdrawn . Tine Sloan
Bee Leng Chua Woon Chia Liu
Jens Rasmussen Elsebeth Jensen
Esther Kamm Christine Bieri Buschor
WERA SES 08 E, Schools as Enabling Spaces Worldwide: Building Resilience and Moderating Risk
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 09:00-10:30, Room: 236. [Main], Chair: Joanna Madalinska-Michalak
- Schools as enabling spaces worldwide: Building Resilience and Moderating Risk
Liesel Ebersöhn Bruce Burnett George Head David Osher Jo Lampert
WERA SES 09 E, Integration of Technology and Education: International Perspectives on Pros and Cons
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 11:00-12:30, Room: 334. [Main], Chair: Janna De Gouveia
- A Meta-analysis on Gender and Cyber-victimization: Culture and Beyond
- Preparing Students for Life in a Digital Age - An International Analysis of School Factors Based on IEA-ICILS 2013
- Facilitation or hindrance? The dilemma of promoting indigenous language & digital literacy for Atayal students in Taiwan
Xitao Fan Shaojing Sun
Ramona Lorenz Birgit Eickelmann Julia Gerick
Hao Chen Kenzen Chen
WERA SES 09 A, Understanding the Nature of Educational Practices Through Narrative Research.
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 11:00-12:30, Room: 309. [Main], Chair: Andrew Townsend
- Understanding the Nature of Educational Practices Through Narrative Research.
- What Does Narrative Have To Do With Educational Leadership?
- Understanding Teacher Identity in Swedish Schools Through Narrative Research.
- Narrative Research of The Lives and Work of School Leaders and Teachers in Syria.
- Understanding the Nature of School Leadership Through Narrative
Andrew Townsend Victoria Showunmi Alison Milner Haya Haya Fakoush Mark Hadfield
Victoria Showunmi
Alison Milner
Haya Fakoush
Andrew Townsend
WERA SES 09 B, Transnational Research Perspectives on Didactics - Learning and Teaching
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 11:00-12:30, Room: 303. [Main], Chair: Brian Hudson
- Transnational Research Perspectives on Didactics - Learning and Teaching
- Can the Description, Analysis and Evaluation of Lesson Planning be a Means for the Identification of Didactical Research beyond fragmentation?
- Comparative Didactics: A Reconstructive Move from Subject Didactics
- Epistemic Game and Cooperative Engineering in the Joint Action Theory in Didactics
- Comparing Different Research Traditions of Curriculum, Learning and Teaching
Brian Hudson Meinert Arnd Meyer Florence Ligozat Gérard Sensevy
Meinert Meyer
Florence Ligozat
Gérard Sensevy
Brian Hudson
WERA SES 09 C, International Trends on Motivation for Academic Performance
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 11:00-12:30, Room: 305. [Main], Chair: Bee Leng Chua
- Orientation Regarding Exposure To Failure And Conceptions Of Failure. Two Studies Of Cross-Cultural Comparison Between Germany And Japan
- Biopolitics and talent development
- Can We Measure the Comparative Effects on Learning of the Student-Centered and Teacher-Centered Pedagogical Practices: Preliminary Results of a Meta-Analysis
- Modeling the Regulation of Students' Study Behaviors and Motivational Deficits: A Longitudinal Test of Order and Effect
Horst Zeinz Masashi Urabe
Susan Waite
Eugene Borokhovski Robert M. Bernard Philip C. Abrami Richard F. Schmid Rana Tamim
Luke K. Fryer Kaori Nakao Paul Ginns Richard Walker
WERA SES 09 D, ‘Looking Globally at the Publication Process: What Works?’
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 11:00-12:30, Room: 236. [Main], Chair: Patricia Alexander
- A WERA Workshop: ‘Looking Globally at the Publication Process: What Works?’
Patricia Alexander
WERA SES 09.02 - INT, Symposium Planning Committee
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 12:30-14:00, Room: 303. [Main], Chair: Liesel Ebersöhn
- WERA Symposia and Keynote Planning Committee Meeting
Liesel Ebersöhn
WERA SES 09.01 - INT, WERA Capacity Development Committee
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 12:30-14:00, Room: WERA Office (301) [Main], Chair: Ong Kim Lee
- WERA Capacity Development Committee
Ong Kim Lee
WERA SES 09.1 KN, Can We Know too Much and Change Very Little? The Uses of Educational Research and Evaluation
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 14:00-15:00, Room: III. Előadóterem [Main], Chair: Liesel Ebersöhn
WERA SES 10 B, International Perspectives on Critical Global Citizenship Education
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 15:30-17:00, Room: 303. [Main], Chair: Karen Pashby
- International Perspectives on Critical Global Citizenship Education
- The particular and the universal: political and existential tensions in GCE
- Reflections on facilitating a youth statement on global citizenship in Canada
- Global Youth Work in Action: A Pedagogical Tool to Engage Young People on the Margins in the U. K.
- Critical Global Citizenship as a Reflexive Glocalising Pedagogy and Ethical Praxis
Karen Pashby Rene Suša Momodou Sallah Dalene Swanson Emma Guion Akdağ Lynette Shultz
Rene Suša
Karen Pashby Lynette Shultz
Momodou Sallah
Dalene Swanson
WERA SES 10 A, Developing 21st Century Skills for All Students: Results from the International Study of City Youth
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 15:30-17:00, Room: 309. [Main], Chair: Stephen Lamb
- Developing 21st Century Skills for All Students: Results from the International Study of City Youth
- International Comparison of 21st Century Skills: The Melbourne School System
- 21st Century Skills in Context: The Wroclaw School System
- 21st Century Skills in Context: The Barcelona School System
Jen Jackson Stephen Lamb Piotr Mikiewicz Rafael Merino Pareja Ewa Kaczmarek Esther Doecke Withdrawn .
Stephen Lamb Esther Doecke Jen Jackson
Piotr Mikiewicz Ewa Kaczmarek
Rafael Merino Pareja
WERA SES 10 C, WERA Yearbook Symposium
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 15:30-17:00, Room: 305. [Main], Chair: Felice Levine
- The World Education Research Yearbook--Advancing the Value of International Research
Felice Levine Lori Diane Hill Rocío García-Carrión Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa Lori Diane Hill
WERA SES 10 D, Global Insights into Supporting Academic Achievement
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 15:30-17:00, Room: 236. [Main], Chair: Patricia Alexander
- Transitions in Education Policy and Interventions for Underachievement in South Korea
- Principals and Student Achievement: A Comparative Study of Seven Countries Using TALIS 2013 and PISA 2012
Pearl Chung Won-Pyo Hong Dajung Sohn
S Marshall Perry Karen M. Sealy Thomas C. DeNicola Hector Ramirez-Perez Yair Cohen
WERA SES 11 A, The Use of International Large-Scale Assessments in National Policy-Making
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 17:15-18:45, Room: 309. [Main], Chair: Eva Klemencic
- The Use of International Large-Scale Assessments in National Policy-Making
- Evidence-Based Policy-Making in Education: Can We Take the Horses Back in the Stable, Please?
- Methodological Considerations when using Large-scale Assessment Databases for Policy Analysis
- Is Teacher Experience Associated with Mathematics Achievement?
Plamen Mirazchiyski Eva Klemencic Eugenio Gonzalez Agnes Stancel-Piatak Withdrawn . Andres Sandoval-Hernandez
Plamen Mirazchiyski Eva Klemencic
Eugenio Gonzalez
Agnes Stancel Piatak Andrés Sandoval-Hernández
WERA SES 11 B, Teacher Professional Development: Perspectives On Policy, Socio-political Scenarios, Standards And Teacher Agency From India, Alberta (Canada), and South Africa
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 17:15-18:45, Room: 303. [Main], Chair: Caroline Long
- Teacher Professional Development: Perspectives On Policy, Socio-political Scenarios, Standards And Teacher Agency From India, Alberta (Canada), And South Africa
- Policy Developments In India:Teacher Agency And The Education Of Teachers
- Teacher Preparation And Qualifications In Alberta, Canada And The Implications For Teacher Agency
- Professional Development and Teacher Agency: Reflection Across Multiple Higher Education Institutions In South Africa
Caroline Long Poonam Batra Elaine Simmt Jan Berkvens Erna Lampen
Poonam Batra
Elaine Simmt
Caroline Long Erna Lampen
WERA SES 11 C, Higher Education Learning, Instruction and Student Preparation Across the Globe
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 17:15-18:45, Room: 305. [Main], Chair: Paul Conway
- Understanding What Mainland Chinese Students Need to Transition to U.S. Colleges
- Factors to Consider in Online, Doctoral Persistence
- Learning to Learn at University: A Longitudinal Latent Profile Analysis of First-Year Japanese University Students
- Towards a Pedagogy of International Exchange in Urban Teacher Education
- Employability in the UK and USA: what can the internet tell us?
Tang Heng
Amanda Rockinson-Szapkiw
Luke K. Fryer Kaori Nakao
Thurman Bridges Simone Gibson
Deesha Chadha
WERA SES 11 D, Global views on Teacher Training and Competence
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 17:15-18:45, Room: 307. [Main], Chair: Jeannie Oakes
- Behind the Scenes of a Worldwide Issue...A Transnational Research Design: Complexities of the Multilayered Out-of-field Phenomenon
- Teacher Practices, Student Socioeconomic Status, and Opportunity to Learn: A Cross-National Examination of TALIS 2013
- Relationship between Altruistic Caring and Student Teacher Competencies
Anna Du Plessis
S Marshall Perry Héctor X. Ramírez-Pérez Thomas C. DeNicola Yair Cohen Karen Sealy
Paulina Flasch Edward "Mike" Robinson A. Elizabeth Crunk Sandra Robinson Bryan Zugelder Enrique Puig
WERA SES 11 E, Teacher Education: Instructional Models and Methodologies
Thursday, 2015-09-10, 17:15-18:45, Room: 3008. [Main], Chair: Mustafa Yunus Eryaman
- International Service (Un)learning: Unraveling the process of learning with communities and relationship formation with Others
- Coherence Of Teachers’ Professional Development And Student Achievement: A Cross-national Analysis Of PISA 2012
- Placing Myself, Placing You: Student Teachers' Positioning Processes Of Selves And Mentors While Learning In Mentoring Dyads
- Teachers’ Communicative Strategies for Non-Native Language Learners in Primary Grades: A Cross-Cultural Case Study
- Teach for India: De-professionalization of Teaching
Allyson Larkin
Fabian Barrera-Pedemonte
Avivit Blanga Lily Orland-Barak
Geraldine Mongillo Vered Vaknin-Nusbuam Rochelle G. Kaplan Dorothy Feola Randa Abbas Ari Neuman
Debi Talukdar Smriti Sharma
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