Network: 09. Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement
09 SES 01 A, Investigating Quality and Equity Using Large-Scale-Assessments
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 13:15-14:45, Room: KH-Josefssaal, Chair: Eugenio Gonzalez
- Trends in Gender Differences in TIMSS-Grade-4-Mathematics and Science Achievement
- Other Things Being Equal … Comparing Literacy in the Czech and Slovak Republics
- Measuring Socioeconomic Status in International Assessments: are Perennially Deployed Items Earning their Place in Contextual Questionnaires?
Heike Wendt Marjeta Doupona
Jana Strakova Arnost Vesely
Victoria Rolfe
09 SES 01 B, E-Assessment and Model-Test Critically Discussed
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 13:15-14:45, Room: KH-Saal 2, Chair: João Marôco
- Constructing A Grounded Theory of E-learning Assessment
- Challenging the monolith; is the OECD/PISA approach to Digital Reading Literacy Assessment fundamentally flawed?
Rocío Yuste Laura Alonso
Andy Goodwyn Krisztina Szabó
09 SES 02 A, What Influences Reading Achievement? Findings based on PIRLS
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: KH-Josefssaal, Chair: Marjeta Doupona
- Exploring Relations of Familial and Individual Variables to Reading Achievement in Germany. Findings Across the PIRLS Cycles 2001–2016
- Strategies in Teaching Reading
- What Makes a Good Reader? Through the lenses of PIRLS 2016
Martin Goy Renate Valtin Anke Hußmann
Ursula Itzlinger-Bruneforth Simone Breit
João Marôco
09 SES 02 C JS, Assessing Intercultural Learning Environments
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: CM-Toggenburg, Chair: Heike Wendt
- Aiding Culturally Responsive Assessment in School (ACRAS) – A Mixed methods Analysis
- Design and development of a school climate assessment instrument for Primary and Secondary Education students in intercultural classrooms.
Funda Nayir Martin Brown Magdalena Fellner Christoph Helm Guri Skedsmo Gerry McNamara
Beatriz Benegas Vaz Sixto Cubo Delgado
09 SES 02 B, Assessing Personality Constructs
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 15:15-16:45, Room: KH-Saal 2, Chair: Alli Klapp
- Psychosocial Uncertainty as a Factor for Exclusion – employment, unemployment and precarity in Portugal
- Validation of the Spanish Version of Dark Triad questionnaire
- Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Big Three Perfectionism Scale in Turkish Sample
Mariana Casanova Patrício Costa Isabel Menezes Rebecca Lawthom Joaquim Luís Coimbra
Hugo Gonzalez Gonzalez Clara Chacón Muñoz Gemma Fernández-Caminero José Luis Álvarez Castillo Luis del Espino Díaz Mariana Buenestado Fernández
Sevilay Kilmen Serkan Arikan
09 SES 03 A, Assessment in Language Education: Early literacy, oracy and spelling
Tuesday, 2018-09-04, 17:15-18:45, Room: KH-Josefssaal, Chair: Antra Ozola
- The Influence of Phonological Awareness and Fluid Intelligence on Rapid Automatized Naming Development
- Teachers’ Voices on the Standards of Assessment of Oracy
- The development of a pseudo-word spelling test informed by Triple Word Form Theory
Malena Åvall Ulrika Wolff
Anne-Grete Kaldahl
Tessa Daffern Ajay Ramful
09 SES 04 A, Characteristics and Development of Teacher Competence and Training
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: KH-Josefssaal, Chair: Kim Bellens
- Investigating The Effects Of Occupational Stressors On Teacher Job Satisfaction and student achievement
- Characteristics of Teacher Competence: Trends Over Time and Between Student Groups in the Swedish Compulsory School
- Exploring the Structure and Foundations of Assessment Literacy: A Cross-cultural Comparison of German and Canadian Student Teachers
Anna Toropova Eva Myrberg Stefan Johansson
Stefan Johansson Åse Hansson Tarja Alatalo Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Christopher DeLuca Christoph Schneider Marcela Pozas Andrew Coombs
09 SES 04 B, Understanding Student Responses in Large-Scale-Assessments
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 09:00-10:30, Room: KH-Saal 2, Chair: Serkan Arikan
- Comparing Open-ended and Multiple-choice Questions in Large Scale Examinations
- Analysing Students’ Difficulties In Solving Data Display Items In TIMSS Grade 4 – Are All Incorrect Answers Alike?
Bengi Birgili Ercan Kiraz
Jelena Radišić Smiljana Jošić Aleksandar Baucal
09 SES 05.5 PS, General Poster Session - NW 09
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 12:00-13:30, Room: C & D corridor, Chair:
09 SES 06 A, School Context and Schooling Outcomes: Investigating composition effects
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: KH-Josefssaal, Chair: Kajsa Yang Hansen
- Multilevel Analyses of Achievement Predictors in Transition Exam Based on Socioeconomic Status and School Effectiveness
- School composition in European mathematics education – Is there a relation between school composition and mathematics performance in TIMSS 2015?
- Developing an Analytical Framework to Examine “Phantom Effects” of School Context on Schooling Outcomes
Emel Akay
Mario Vennemann Birgit Eickelmann
Xin Ma Hao Zhou
09 SES 06 B, Student Perception of Assessment Practices
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: KH-Saal 2, Chair: Sirkku Kupiainen
- How Do Students' Motivational Profiles Influence Their Perception of Teacher Feedback? A Person-Centered Approach on Instructional Effectiveness.
- Perceptions of Feedback Among Students and Teachers in Mathematics
- The Fairness of Internal Assessment in National Qualifications
Ariane S. Willems Katharina Dreiling
Ann Karin Sandal Ingrid Helleve
Rhian Barrance
09 SES 06 C JS, The Role of Language and Family Characteristics for Mathematics and Science Achievement: Focus on immigration
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 13:30-15:00, Room: A2.17, Chair: Martin Goy
- Mathematics Achievement Differences of Mainstream and Immigrant Students in European Countries
- Student Immigrant Status, Home Language, and Science Affect in PISA 2015
- Opportunity to Learn, Family Academic Resources and Immigrant Students: A Comparative Study Using PISA 2015
Serkan Arikan Fons Van de Vijver Kutlay Yagmur
S Marshall Perry Melissa Harker Laura Morris Cassidy Puckett Italo Rossi Rochelle Hooks
S Marshall Perry Laura Morris Melissa Harker Rochelle Hooks Laura Ficarra Karen Sealy
09 SES 07 A, Regional Differences and Schooling Outcomes: Understanding seggregation
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: KH-Josefssaal, Chair: Mario Vennemann
- Explaining Changes in Educational Segregation in Sweden between 1998 and 2014: A Two-Level Growth Curve Modeling of Schools and Municipalities.
- A case study about regional differences of Hungarian pupils’ achievement
- The First Year at School in Brazil: Data Quality, Pupil Progress and Segregation
Kajsa Yang Hansen Jan-Eric Gustafsson Gustafsson
Roland Hegedűs Krisztina Sebestyén
Tiago Bartholo Daniel Kreuger Daniel Castro Anita Caldeira André Oliveira Mariane Koslinski
09 SES 07 B, Investigating Carrier Pathways and Dropout
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: KH-Saal 2, Chair: Magdalena Buddeberg
- School Carrier Pathways in Hungary – a Follow-up Study of TIMSS&PIRLS 2011 Students
- Preventing Dropout: Measuring the Social Impact of the T.E.A.C.H. project
- Innovative way of graduate tracking: Integration of administrative data – A good practice from Hungary
Ildikó Balázsi Péter Balkányi
Debora Caloni Irene Bengo Paolo Nardi
Edmond Girasek Edit Veres András Hosznyák
09 SES 07 C JS, The Role of Language and Family Characteristics for Mathematics and Science Achievement: Family characteristics and educational aspirations
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 15:30-17:00, Room: A2.17, Chair: Javier Diez-Palomar
- The Relationship Between STEM School Achievement And STEM Out-Of-School Activities: Possible Role Of Family Social Background And Students Gender
- Parents’ General Aspiration for Their Children’s Education and Students’ Objective Achievement in STEM Domain
- Factors influencing selection of educational track in Slovenia – SES versus achievement in mathematics
Ivan Dević Josip Burušić Toni Babarović Dubravka Glasnović Marija Šakić Velić Ina Reić Ercegovac
Mara Šimunović Mirta Blažev Ivan Dević Dubravka Glasnović Gracin Ina Reić Ercegovac Josip Burušić
Gasper Cankar Darko Zupanc
09 SES 08 B, Classroom Context and Learning-to Learn, Motivation, Self-beliefs
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: KH-Saal 2, Chair: Ariane S. Willems
- Learning-to-Learn Competencies and Group-Level Variation: A longitudinal study from grade 1 to 9.
- The Impact of Students’ Allocation to Classes on the Development of Their Cognitive Competence, Learning Motivation and Future Educational Choices
- Change in pupils’ action-control beliefs from grade 7 to 9 in general classes and classes with different special emphasis in Finland
Natalija Gustavson Mari-Pauliina Vainikainen Jarkko Hautamäki
Sirkku Kupiainen Risto Hotulainen
Satu Koivuhovi Mari-Pauliina Vainikainen Mira Kalalahti
09 SES 08 C JS, The Role of Language for Mathematics and Science Achievement and its Assessment
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: A2.17, Chair: Rocío García Carrión
- The role of language of instruction in achieving SDG goal 4.5
- The Subject Language Use In Year 8 TIMSS-Test Questions - A Comparison Of Language Uses In Science And Mathematics.
- Investigating DIF as a Source of Very Low Mathematics Performance of Turkish Students in PISA 2015
Michael Bruneforth
Tomas Persson Ida Bergvall
Serkan Arikan
09 SES 08 D JS, School Evaluations
Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 17:15-18:45, Room: KH-Saal 1, Chair: Åse Hansson
- Towards Distributed Evaluation and Planning (DEAPS) in Schools - Cases from Europe
- The Development of Evaluation Criteria for Disadvantaged Assistance Programs in Taiwanese Schools
- Do School Inspections Improve School Quality? Teachers And Inspectors Representations Of The Inspection Activity In Education
- Irish Teachers, Starting On A Journey Of Data Use For School Self-Evaluation
Martin Brown Jerich Faddar Maria Figueiredo Sakir Cinkir Shivaun O'Brien Craig Skerritt
Shu-Huei Cheng Li-yun Wang Chen-Lin Yeh Shu-Chen Chiang Patricia Yu
Maria João Carvalho Luciana Salvador Joana
Shivaun O'Brien Gerry McNamara Joe O'Hara Martin Brown
09 SES 09 A, Curriculum, Instruction and Student Achievement in Primary Schools: Findings from TIMSS
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 09:00-10:30, Room: KH-Josefssaal, Chair: Paulina Korsnakova
- The Effect of Instructional Time on Student Achievement in 35 Countries: Evidence From A Within-Student Between-Subject Approach
- Can Curriculum “Shape” Difficulty of Mathematics Tasks? – A Cross Country Comparison Using TIMSS 2011 and 2015 Data
- The Informed Choice: The Relation Between Mathematics Textbook and Educational Outcomes in Grade 4
Rolf Strietholt Monica Rosén Laura Raffaella Zieger
Jelena Radišić Aleksandar Baucal
Kim Bellens Jan Van Damme Bieke De Fraine Wim Van den Noortgate
09 SES 10.5, Network Meeting - NW 09
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 12:00-13:30, Room: KH-Saal 2, Chair: Heike Wendt
- Network Meeting - NW 09
Heike Wendt
09 SES 11 A, Network Keynote: Preparing Young Europeans for Citizenship in a Changing World
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 13:30-15:00, Room: KH-Josefssaal, Chair: Heike Wendt
09 SES 12 A, Global Trends in Migration and Related Challenges in Education: Drawing Evidence from TIMSS and ICCS
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: KH-Josefssaal, Chair: Jana Strakova
- Global Trends in Migration and Related Challenges in Education: Drawing Evidence from TIMSS and ICCS
- Civic knowledge, citizenship perceptions and civic engagement among immigrant and non-immigrant European students: findings from IEA-ICCS 2016
- Improving Multicultural Attitudes of Korean Youth
Falk Brese Sabine Meinck
Valeria Damiani Elisa Caponera
Tae-Jum Kim
09 SES 12 B, Analyzing Text Books and other Educational Material
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 15:30-17:00, Room: KH-Saal 2, Chair: Ramona Lorenz
- What’s in your hand to assess me? An evaluation of textbooks used in 2nd and 3rd grades?
- Cognitive levels of the Tasks in Turkish Children Magazine: A Content Analysis
Şerife Durna
Behiye Ubuz Mustafa Çetin Aysun Ata Aktürk
09 SES 13 B JS, Translation and Cross-cultural Comparability in Large Scale Assessments
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: KH-Josefssaal, Chair: Manuela Endberg
- Information Use and Needs in Translation Processes for International Large-Scale Assessment Studies
- Enhancing the Cross-Cultural Comparability of Self-Reports Using the Overclaiming Technique: An Analysis of Accuracy and Exaggeration in 64 Cultures
- Do PISA 2015 Items Function Equivalently Across The Participant Countries?
Britta Upsing Marc Rittberger
Hana Vonkova Ondrej Papajoanu Jiri Stipek Miroslava Černochová Katerina Kralova
Huseyin Husnu Yildirim Selda Yildirim Eren Ceylan Norman Verhelst
09 SES 13 C JS, Assessing Mathematics Achievement
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: CM-Toggenburg, Chair: Rolf Strietholt
- The Didactic Contract to interpret some statistical evidence in mathematics standardized assessment tests
- Resilience and Metaphors Regarding Mathematics and Mathematics Achievement
- What can big data assets tell about educational system? A mixed-method approach to interpret misfitting behavior in large-scale Math data.
Alice Lemmo Federica Ferretti Chiara Giberti Chiara Giberti
Sevilay Kilmen Çağla Çağlayan
Clelia Cascella Giorgio Bolondi
09 SES 13 A, School Culture and Civic Engagement in Schools
Thursday, 2018-09-06, 17:15-18:45, Room: KH-Saal 2, Chair: Kerstin Drossel
- Lower-secondary Students’ Civic Engagement at School: Results from ICCS 2016.
- Child Participation in an Institutional Self-Assessment Process
- The Hidden Meaning of TIMSS: The Relationship between School Ethical Culture and Science Achievement
Wolfram Schulz
Maria Teresa Esteban Andréa Rosana Fetzner
Orly Shapira-Lishchinsky Joseph Klein
09 SES 14 A, School Innovation, Accountability and Effectiveness: Findings from large scale assessments
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: KH-Josefssaal, Chair: Falk Brese
- Causal Context of Innovation and School Effectiveness
- The Relationship Between School-Level PISA Factors And School Effectiveness: A Study With PISA 2015 Data From Spain
- Assessments and Accountability In Secondary Education: Are OECD Countries Converging Over Time?
Matild Sagi
Adriana Gamazo Fernando Martínez-Abad Susana Olmos-Migueláñez María José Rodríguez-Conde
Janna Teltemann Nina Jude
09 SES 14 B JS, Educational Research Infrastructure
Friday, 2018-09-07, 09:00-10:30, Room: KH-Saal 2, Chair: Christoph Schindler
- The Research Data Centre Education – collecting and providing instruments for educational research
- What you measure is what you get. The transparent value of Measurement and Evaluation from Bibliometry Research in Portugal Research Units
- The GESTINV Database: a tool for enhancing teachers professional development.
Marius Gerecht
Carla Silva
Federica Ferretti Giorgio Bolondi Alessandro Gambini
09 SES 16 A, Relating Home, School and Out-of-School-Care to Achievement: Findings from TIMSS and PISA
Friday, 2018-09-07, 13:30-15:00, Room: KH-Josefssaal, Chair: Gasper Cankar
- Students’ Social Support in Home and School in the Light of PISA 2015 Results
- The Effect of Being Placed in Out of Home Care on Academic Achievement
- Do Schools Develop? A follow-up of Finnish schools participating PISA in years 2006 and 2015.
Jouni Vettenranta Heidi Harju-Luukkainen Kaisa Aunola
Alli Klapp
Arto Ahonen
09 SES 16 B, Economic Competencies / Impact of Assessment Reforms
Friday, 2018-09-07, 13:30-15:00, Room: KH-Saal 2, Chair: Ramona Lorenz
- Changes in Purpose: Examining the Radical Transition from a Longstanding Norm-based Model of Classroom Assessment to a New Criteria-based System
- Impact of assessment reform in England
- High stakes requirements and teachers’ conceptions of assessment. A qualitative study
Liz Winter Natallia Yakavets Kairat Kurakbayev
Frances Wilson Michelle North Lisa Ling
Serafina Pastore
09 SES 17 A, Assessments and Evaluation Culture in (Higher) Education
Friday, 2018-09-07, 15:30-17:00, Room: KH-Josefssaal, Chair: Jelena Radišić
- Towards a Concept for a ‘Culture of Assessment’ - A Comparative Approach and Pilot Study
- Using Logic Models to Bridge Methods in Educational Evaluation
- Academic Belonging Scale for Bachelor’s Degree Students in Higher Education
Stefanie A. Hillen Peter Wolcott Aleksandra Lazareva Connie Schaffer Inger Marie Dalehefte
Bronwen Maxwell Michael Coldwell
Sercan Erer Yesim Capa Aydin
09 SES 17 B, Research Workshop: Working with ICCS 2016 data
Friday, 2018-09-07, 15:30-17:00, Room: KH-Saal 2, Chair: Wolfram Schulz
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