Network: 22. Research in Higher Education
22 SES 01 C, Employability and Transition to Work of Higher Education Graduates
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 13:15-14:45, Room: KL 29/235,1 FL., 28, Chair: Elinor Edvardsson Stiwne
- Urbanisation and Employability: Competence Development Using Project-Based Learning in Higher Education
- The Impact of Biographic, Program and Transitional Coherence
- Formal, Non Formal and Informal Learning and Higher Education Graduates' Reemployment: evidence for Portugal
Elena Luchinskaya Galina Nilsson Daria Luchinskaya
Jens-Christian Smeby Kåre Heggen
Margarida Chagas Lopes Margarida Chagas Lopes Graça Leão Fernandes
22 SES 01 B, Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 13:15-14:45, Room: L 202,1 FL., 37, Chair: Monne Wihlborg
- Quality Assurance in an International Higher Education Area. A Case-Study Approach and Comparative Analysis of Six National Higher Education Systems.
- Authentic assessment and student participation, is it all too much?
- Understanding our understanding of assessment in HE
Andrea Bernhard
Eduardo Garcia María Soledad Ibarra Sáiz Cubero Ibáñez Jaione
Maddalena Taras
22 SES 02 C, Academic Work and Professional Development
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 15:15-16:45, Room: KL 29/235,1 FL., 28, Chair: Monne Wihlborg
- Doctoral Researchers in Life Sciences: identities-under-construction
- Doctoral trajectories: the development of a dyadic interviewing approach
- Research Performance in Educational Sciences
Lisa Lucas Lynn McAlpine
Paul Garland Irene Garland
Andrea Diem Stefan C. Wolter
22 SES 02 B, Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 15:15-16:45, Room: L 202,1 FL., 37, Chair: Jani Petri Ursin
- Peer tutoring as a critical approach to the authority of knowledge in higher education.
- Fairness and Using Reflective Journals in Assessment
Amelie Fougner
Kirsi Kettula Henriikka Clarkeburn
22 SES 02 A, Inclusion and Diversity in Higher Education Settings
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 15:15-16:45, Room: L 201,1 FL., 40, Chair: Mari Karm
- An Analysis Of Institutional Hurdles And Help as Perceived By University Students With Disabilities
- Age Politics at the University: Older Adults in Master's Programmes
Anabel Moriña Anabel Moriña
Ulpukka Isopahkala-Bouret
22 SES 03 C, Academic Work and Professional Development
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 17:15-18:45, Room: KL 29/235,1 FL., 28, Chair: Christine Teelken
- Peer mentoring programmes in Finnish higher education – Mentors’ perspectives
- The Effectiveness of Teacher Training in Higher Education: Academics’ Changed Perception of Teacher Efficacy
Terhi Skaniakos Terhi Skaniakos Leena Penttinen
Roeland Van der Rijst Katrien Van de Gevel
22 SES 03 B, Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education
Tuesday, 2011-09-13, 17:15-18:45, Room: L 202,1 FL., 37, Chair: Chris Kubiak
- The Challenge of Sustainability and the Higher Educations Curriculum
- Higher Education for Sustainable Development: Developing and Assessing Students' Competencies For Dealing with Complexity and Uncertainty
- Learning Outcomes in Doctoral Education – Achieved and Assessed?
Matthias Barth
Marco Rieckmann
Anders Sonesson Åsa Lindberg-Sand
22 SES 04 C, Academic Work and Professional Development
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 08:30-10:00, Room: KL 29/235,1 FL., 28, Chair: Dina Soeiro
- Faculty Views of Academic Life: Perceived Culture vs. Ideal Perspectives
- The (Self-)Images of Lecturers in Higher Education: Policies and Theories
- Living With The ‘Performative’ Agenda: Academics’ Positioning Towards Managerialism In Higher Education
Flávia Vieira Flávia Vieira José Carlos Morgado Judite Almeida Manuela Silva
Arthur Zijlstra Frederiek Van 't Hooft Martha Meerman
Joelle Fanghanel
22 SES 04 A, Inclusion and Diversity in Higher Education Settings
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 08:30-10:00, Room: L 201,1 FL., 40, Chair: Jani Petri Ursin
- Women Leaders in Higher Education: Contradictory Positioning?
- The gender gap in Higher Education: Listening the voices of the academics women.
- Institutional Intentions vs Student Experiences: Diversity, Isolation and Integration on Urban HE campuses in England and India
Vivienne Griffiths
Inés Lozano Maria A. Martinez Marcos J. Iglesias Narciso Sauleda
Mary Thornton Roger Green Pat Bricheno Ponni Iyer
22 SES 04 B, Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 08:30-10:00, Room: L 202,1 FL., 37, Chair: José Luis González Geraldo
- Factors Related to University Students’ Self-Perceived Learning Outcomes
- Explicating Critical Thinking in the Academy: The Equality Imperative
Terhi Skaniakos Terhi Skaniakos Päivi Tynjälä Eeva Kallio
Gerry MacRuairc Aoife Ahern Martin McNamara Tom O'Connor
22 SES 05 C, Academic Work and Professional Development
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 10:30-12:00, Room: KL 29/235,1 FL., 28, Chair: Britten Ekstrand
22 SES 05 A, Inclusion and Diversity in Higher Education Settings
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 10:30-12:00, Room: L 201,1 FL., 40, Chair: _Sofia Silva
- Higher Education and the Rise of the Urban Oriental Jews Middle Class - The Case of Private Colleges in Israel
- Impact of demographic factors on medical student composition and career choices in New Zealand
- The Impact Of The New Student Finance Regime In England On Widening Access- International Ramification For Higher Education
Uri Cohen Uri Cohen Yael Eisenbach
Boaz Shulruf Clinton Mitchell Phillippa Poole
Colin McCaig
22 SES 05 B, Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 10:30-12:00, Room: L 202,1 FL., 37, Chair: Roeland Van der Rijst
- Implementation of the BA degree in Germany – Effects on the development of future teachers’ professionalism in the domain of economics
- The Recognition in “Recognition”: The Impact of Recognition of Prior Learning on Paraprofessional’s Practice, Learning and Identity
Roland Happ Daja Preusse Olga Prof. Dr. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia Manuel Förster
Fredrik Sandberg Chris Kubiak
22 SES 06 B, Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 15:00-16:30, Room: L 202,1 FL., 37, Chair: Jani Petri Ursin
- Exploring the Predictors of Doctoral Students’ Academic Satisfaction
- Success/Failure in ISEG: How Long Does it Take To Complete Some Core 1st. Year Disciplines
- Personal Development Planning: Exploring the Perceptions of Students and Lecturers
Yesim Capa Aydin Ezgi Toplu Idil Aksoz Sevinc Gelmez Burakgazi
Graça Leão Fernandes Margarida Chagas Lopes João Andrade e Silva
Ann Ooms Stephanie Aiken
22 SES 06 A, Inclusion and Diversity in Higher Education Settings
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 15:00-16:30, Room: L 201,1 FL., 40, Chair: Hugh Busher
- Life History Approaches to Access and Retention of Non-traditional Students in Higher Education:A Cross-European Approach
- Nontraditional Students and Institutional Social Capital in Higher Education Centres of the Disagvantaged Area
- Higher Education and Non-Traditional Students: Identity Transformation or an Act of Transgression?
John Field John Field Barbara Merrill Linden West
Gabriella Pusztai Mihály Fónai
Tina Byrom Nic Lightfoot
22 SES 06 C, Academic Work and Professional Development
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 15:00-16:30, Room: KL 29/235,1 FL., 28, Chair: Anu Haamer
- Let's begin by ourselves - resonance responses in the exchange of researchers’ professional autobiographies
- Academic Identity-trajectory: Constructing an Identity Through Time
- Is Educational Research(ing) a Profession, and Does it Matter? Proposing 'Developmentalism' as a Replacement for Professionalism in the European Context
Paulo Padilla-Petry Paulo Padilla-Petry Amalia Creus
Lynn McAlpine Lisa Lucas Gill Turner Cheryl Amundsen
Linda Evans
22 SES 07 C, Employability and Transition to Work of Higher Education Graduates
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 16:45-18:15, Room: KL 29/235,1 FL., 28, Chair: Elinor Edvardsson Stiwne
- The Social Construction of Talent: A Comparative Study of Education, Recruitment and Occupational Elites
- How Do The Fourth Year University Students Experience And Manage The Transition From School To Work?
- From Higher Education studies to Self-Employment - a matter of discipline and gender?
Sally Power Sally Power Phil Brown Gerbrand Tholen Annabelle Allouche
Mustafa Kemal Bayırbağ
Caroline Berggren Caroline Berggren Anders Olofsson
22 SES 07 B, Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 16:45-18:15, Room: L 202,1 FL., 37, Chair: Andrea Bernhard
- Career Trajectory for Master's to Doctoral Degree: Case study of Post-master's experience in Counseling
- Students' Workload and Perceived Stress: An Empirical Study
- Students’ Academic Engagement and Development: A Study with Two Integrated Master Courses
Nancy Bodenhorn Nancy Bodenhorn Corrine Sackett Nadine Hartig
Dina Kuhlee
Helena Lopes Isabel Menezes
22 SES 07 A, Inclusion and Diversity in Higher Education Settings
Wednesday, 2011-09-14, 16:45-18:15, Room: L 201,1 FL., 40, Chair: Aidan Seery
- Transcending National Identity? U.S. and European University Students and Conceptions of Citizenship Identity through Study Abroad/Mobility Experiences
- Life after the GFC: how European Study Abroad Students fit into the Knowledge Economy
- An exploration of the relationship between internationalisation and differentiation in EHEA context
Bernhard Streitwieser
Ann Cheryl Armstrong Ann Cheryl Armstrong Lesley Harbon
Manja Klemenčič
22 SES 08 C, Employability and Transition to Work of Higher Education Graduates
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 08:30-10:00, Room: KL 29/235,1 FL., 28, Chair: Caroline Berggren
- Selection of Young Graduate Applicants for Junior Managerial Positions: The Roles of Education, Skills, and Personality
- Pedagogical horizons for working life in higher education
- What Employers Really Look for: the Employers and Graduates Perceptions?
Hafid Ballafkih
Leena Penttinen Terhi Skaniakos Marjatta Lairio
Marge Unt Ellu Saar Kristel Siilak
22 SES 08 B, Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 08:30-10:00, Room: L 202,1 FL., 37, Chair: Rosemary Deem
- The Goal Orientations and Perceptions of Achievement of Chinese Undergraduate Students in a Western University
- Perceived Instructor Affective Support in Relation to Achievement Approach Goal Orientations, Academic Enjoyment, and Motivation in College Classrooms
- University Students' Experiences of Different Aspects of Teaching-learning Environment
Carolyn Tait
Gonul Sakiz
Marjo Nieminen Tiina Tuijula
22 SES 08 A, Inclusion and Diversity in Higher Education Settings
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 08:30-10:00, Room: L 201,1 FL., 40, Chair: Chris Kubiak
- Culture shock within academia. A Case study of the interaction between South Asia students and university faculty in Europe
- A narrative inquiry into the tensions of a foreign student’s higher education experiences in an English-medium university in Turkey
- ‘Do Not Teach Me!’ A Narrative Exploration Of The Experiences Of ‘Local’ And ‘International’ Students In Higher Education
Lis Hemmingsen Søren Ehlers
Joshua Jodoin
Sheila Trahar Shawanda Stockfelt
22 SES 09 C, Policy, Management and Governance in Higher Education
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 10:30-12:00, Room: KL 29/235,1 FL., 28, Chair: Jaakko Kauko
- Cross-evaluation in the developing process of quality assurance systems
- Quality Criteria for Cross-Border Higher Education: A Comparative Policy Analysis for Internationalisation of Finnish and Russian Universities
- How Quality Guidelines analysis can highlights institutional evaluation process?
Mervi Friman Jaana Ignatius
Anzhelika Semchenko Johanna Kallo
Francisca Cabezas
22 SES 09 A, Inclusion and Diversity in Higher Education Settings
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 10:30-12:00, Room: L 201,1 FL., 40, Chair: Sheila Trahar
- Who is studying science? The impact of widening participation policies on the social composition of UK undergraduate science programmes
- The Disadvantages of Boys in Higher Education in a Borderland Central- Eastern-European Region
- The Celtic Tiger is Dead – Long Live the Knowledge-Based Economy: KBE, Higher Education and Social Equality
Emma Smith
Hajnalka Fenyes
Simon Warren
22 SES 09 B, Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 10:30-12:00, Room: L 202,1 FL., 37, Chair: Jussi Välimaa
- Theatre of the Oppressed: a Pedagogical Tool for Higher Education
- Learning Spaces – higher education beyond the seminar room
- Approaches to teaching within the emerging European Higher Education Area
Dina Soeiro _Sofia Silva
Phil Wood Phil Wood Paul Warwick
José Luis González Geraldo
22 SES 9.5 PE/PS, Poster Exhibition / Poster Session
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 12:00-13:30, Room: Seminarzentrum - Posters, Chair:
- The effects of structure and choice in European educational systems on immigrant youth participation in higher education
- Learning from experience. The impact of recognition of students prior learning practices on academics
- Self-concept in excellent and average university students
- The teacher’s perceptions about the characteristics of the excellent students that enter the university
- Learning styles in excellent and average university students
- Virtual Learning, E-teachers and e-tutors: How to deal with this?
- Attitudes to Learning in Excellent and Average University Students
- Significant Variables for the Academic Performance from the Perspective of Freshmen
- The development of the university lecturer’s teaching competencies
- Students' Assessment of Interdisciplinary Seminars As A Stratagy For The Acquisition Of Generic Competencies
- Academic and Social Integration of University Students: Incident Factors
Dorit Griga Andreas Hadjar
ana oliveira Pires
Bernardo Gargallo López Eloïna García Félix Jesús Suárez Rodríguez Pedro R. Garfella Esteban Irene Verde Peleato
Amparo Fernández March Amparo Fernández March Piedad Sahuquillo Mateo Cruz Pérez Pérez Belén Zayas Latorre
Bernardo Gargallo López Bernardo Gargallo López Gonzalo Almerich Jesús Suárez Rodríguez Pedro Garfella Esteban
Maria de Fátima Goulão
Bernardo Gargallo López Eloïna Garcia Félix Piedad Sahuquillo Mateo Irene Verde Peleato
Cristina Rodríguez Monzonís Cristina Rodríguez Monzonís Eloïna García Fèlix Alberto Conejero Casares Amparo Fernández March
Ruiz-Corbella Marta Bautista-Cerro Mª José Gonzalez-Galan Mª Angeles
Joaquin-Lorenzo Burguera María-Henar Pérez-Herrero José-Miguel Arias
Eloïna Garcia Félix Eloïna Garcia Félix Cristina Rodríguez Monzonís Alberto Conejero Casares Cruz Pérez Pérez
22 SES 10 C, Policy, Management and Governance in Higher Education
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 15:00-16:30, Room: KL 29/235,1 FL., 28, Chair: Mari Karm
- Becoming aware of the pitfalls: evaluating the Bologna Process in Sweden and the Netherlands.
- Mission Innovation at the Periphery: Lessons from Kenya
Christine Teelken Monne Wihlborg
Joan Hirt Ane Johnson
22 SES 10 B, Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 15:00-16:30, Room: L 202,1 FL., 37, Chair: Jussi Välimaa
22 SES 10 A, Inclusion and Diversity in Higher Education Settings
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 15:00-16:30, Room: L 201,1 FL., 40, Chair: Rosemary Deem
- Greek University Students' Financial Needs
- Strategic Management of Widening Participation: Institutional Distinction and Vocational Entry Routes to Higher Education
- How Social (Dis)advantage is Played out in a Croatian HE Setting: a Bourdieuean Perspective
- So You Want To Study At University: What's Stopping You?
Helen Tsakiridou Konstantinos Stergiou Efthimia Tsakiridou
Susan Webb Simon Warren
Karin Doolan
Keith Burn
22 SES 11 A, Using Mixed Methods for Higher Education Research
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 16:45-18:15, Room: L 201,1 FL., 40, Chair: Elizabeth G. Creamer
- Using Mixed Methods for Higher Education Research
Elizabeth G. Creamer Elizabeth G. Creamer
22 SES 11 B, Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education
Thursday, 2011-09-15, 16:45-18:15, Room: L 202,1 FL., 37, Chair: Christine Teelken
- The Research Masters Experience: An Emotional Rollercoaster
- Variations In Experiences Of An Educational Change Initiative: Reflections On A Phenomenographic Study
- Time control, moral hazard and fabrications – Finnish university workers’ experiences of the governance of the university work
Gillian Ward Helen Dixon
Patrick Baughan
Arto Jauhiainen Annukka Jauhiainen Anne Laiho Reeta Lehto
22 SES 12 C, Higher Education Graduates at the World of Work – the Third Round (Part 1)
Friday, 2011-09-16, 08:30-10:00, Room: KL 29/235,1 FL., 28, Chair: Päivi Vuorinen-Lampila
- How students “at risk” experience their educational and professional career?
- Professional Learning of HE Graduates: a line of inquiring within the research field on transitions to the world of work
- Higher Education Graduates at the World of Work - The Third Round, First Part
Vesa Korhonen Juhani Rautopuro Vesa Korhonen
Mariana Gaio Alves Leonor Teixeira Leonor Teixeira
Päivi Vuorinen-Lampila Juhani Rautopuro Vesa Korhonen xx xx Leonor Teixeira Leonor Teixeira Marja-Leena Stenström Elinor Edvardsson Stiwne
22 SES 12 B, Re-thinking Professional Formation: Towards New Imaginaries (Part 1)
Friday, 2011-09-16, 08:30-10:00, Room: L 202,1 FL., 37, Chair: Berit Karseth
- How can the tradition of Bildung and Liberal Education help educators
- Policy-making in the knowledge society – ambiguous ambitions for higher education
- Re-thinking professional formation: Towards new imaginaries - Part 1
Ester Fremstad Ester Fremstad Eevi Beck Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke Molly Sutphen
Mari Elken Bjørn Stensaker
Berit Karseth Mari Elken Ester Fremstad Roberto Di Napoli Bjørn Stensaker Eevi Beck Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke Molly Sutphen
22 SES 12 A, The Value of Narrative Inquiry, Life History and Autoethnography in Research in Higher Education
Friday, 2011-09-16, 08:30-10:00, Room: L 201,1 FL., 40, Chair: Jani Petri Ursin
- A Narrative Construction of Early Careers in Academia
- Learning to Become University Scholars: A Narrative Autoethnographic Account
- Narratives of Early Career Academics' Teaching and Professional Identities
- The Value Of Narrative Inquiry, Life History And Autoethnography In Research In Higher Education
- Transnational Academic Mobility and New Knowledge Creation:A Biographic Narrative Account Of Two Distinct Periods In The Intellectual History
Oili-Helena Ylijoki Oili-Helena Ylijoki
Fernando Hernandez Fernando Hernandez Juana M Sancho
Mari Karm Marvi Remmik Anu Haamer
Sheila Trahar Terri Kim Fernando Hernandez Marvi Remmik Oili-Helena Ylijoki Juana M Sancho Anu Haamer Mari Karm
Terri Kim Terri Kim
22 SES 13 C, Higher Education Graduates at the World of Work – the Third Round (Part 2)
Friday, 2011-09-16, 10:30-12:00, Room: KL 29/235,1 FL., 28, Chair: Antero Puhakka
- Job Competition After Higher Education – Higher Education Graduates’ Experiences of Transition to the World of Work
- Teachers Career Development in Spain and Sweden
- ”…and They Ain't Coming Back.” A Survey of Finnish Master Level Graduates
- Higher Education Graduates at the World of Work – The Third Round, Second Part
Päivi Vuorinen-Lampila Päivi Vuorinen-Lampila
Prudencia Gutiérrez Esteban Caroline Berggren Prudencia Gutiérrez Esteban
Antero Puhakka Antero Puhakka Visa Tuominen Juhani Rautopuro
Päivi Vuorinen-Lampila Antero Puhakka Visa Tuominen Caroline Berggren Prudencia Gutiérrez Esteban Elinor Edvardsson Stiwne Juhani Rautopuro
22 SES 13 B, Re-thinking Professional Formation: Towards New Imaginaries (Part 2)
Friday, 2011-09-16, 10:30-12:00, Room: L 202,1 FL., 37, Chair: Berit Karseth
- Critical thinking in teacher and nurse education
- Practical reasoning: Nursing Education as a Case in Point
- Professional formation in teaching and nursing: a review of the contributions of —collaboration, competition, conflict & communication
- Re-thinking professional formation: Towards new imaginaries - Part 2
Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke Eevi Beck Tomas Englund Berit Karseth
Molly Sutphen Molly Sutphen Kristin Heggen
Thomas de Lange Sugure Ciaran Sefika Mertkan Rabab Tamish
Berit Karseth Kristin Heggen Monika Nerland Eevi Beck Tomas Englund Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke Molly Sutphen Sugure Ciaran Thomas de Lange Sefika Mertkan Rabab Tamish
22 SES 13 A, Research Methodologies in Higher Education (Part 1)
Friday, 2011-09-16, 10:30-12:00, Room: L 201,1 FL., 40, Chair: Jussi Välimaa
- Getting Underneath the Surface of Academe – Exploring the Dynamics and Diversity of Management and Leadership in Contemporary UK Universities
- Research Communication and research Methodologies
- Three-step Analysis of Dynamics in Higher Education
- Research Methodologies in Higher Education (Part I)
Rosemary Deem Rosemary Deem
Britten Ekstrand Britten Ekstrand
Jaakko Kauko Jaakko Kauko
Jani Petri Ursin Rosemary Deem Jaakko Kauko Britten Ekstrand Päivi Tynjälä
22 SES 14 C, Diversity in European Doctorates: Investigating Affordance and Exploring Issues for Supervision
Friday, 2011-09-16, 15:00-16:30, Room: KL 29/235,1 FL., 28, Chair: Pat Thomson
- (3) ‘Just Do It!’. The Phd As ‘Bricolage’ And The Role Of The Exegesis In Uniting Fragmented Selves.
- On The Process Of Transforming Thesis By Monograph
- Supervising Phds: Different Thesis Formats - Different Supervisory Strategies?
- Thesis By Monograph: From Space To Voice
- Writing An Article Based Thesis: Experiences From A Norwegian Context
- Diversity In European Doctorates: Investigating Affordances And Exploring Issues For Supervision
Belinda Harris Belinda Harris
Line Wittek Line Wittek
Pat Thomson Kirsten Hofgaard Lycke Pat Thomson
Simon Bailey Simon Bailey
Thomas de Lange Thomas de Lange
Pat Thomson Line Wittek Thomas de Lange Simon Bailey Belinda Harris Lyn Yates Kirsten Lycke
22 SES 14 A, Research Methodologies in Higher Education (Part 2)
Friday, 2011-09-16, 15:00-16:30, Room: L 201,1 FL., 40, Chair: Linda Evans
- From Simplistic to Multiple Methods – Researching Graduates’ Employability
- Higher Education Profiles: Methodological Innovation or Blind Ally?
- Sustainable Development Paradigm as a Conceptual Framework for Qualitative Assessment of Higher Education
- Research Methodologies in Higher Education (Part II)
Antero Puhakka Juhani Rautopuro Antero Puhakka Visa Tuominen
Anna Kosmützky Anna Kosmützky Jussi Välimaa Brigida Blasi John Brennan
Laima Galkute Laima Galkute
Jani Petri Ursin Anna Kosmützky Jussi Välimaa Laima Galkute Juhani Rautopuro Antero Puhakka Barbara Zamorski Brigida Blasi John Brennan Visa Tuominen
22 SES 14 B, The Research-Teaching Nexus in Higher Education: Alignment and Misalignment between Conceptions and Curricular Features
Friday, 2011-09-16, 15:00-16:30, Room: L 202,1 FL., 37, Chair: Norman Brady
- An Analysis of Lecturer Perceptions of the Importance of Research for Students’ Professional Careers and Its Place in the Curricula
- Developing Curriculum – Developing Discipline? Teachers and Students Conceptualizing Research-Teaching Nexus in Curriculum Design in Higher Education
- Effects of Internationalisation for University Teaching and Teachers‘ Self-Conceptions
- The Changing Status of Teaching in the Modern UK University: The Phenomenon of Systematic Disesteeming
- The Research-Teaching Nexus in Higher Education: Alignment and Misalignment between Conceptions and Curricular Features
Wendy Schouteden Wendy Schouteden An Verburgh Jan Elen
Johanna Annala Johanna Annala Marita Mäkinen
Vesa Korhonen Vesa Korhonen Markus Weil
Norman Brady
Johanna Annala Norman Brady Marita Mäkinen Wendy Schouteden Vesa Korhonen Lin Norton An Verburgh Jan Elen Markus Weil
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