Network: 9. Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement
09 SES 01B, Relationship in Reading Performance (Part 1)
Wednesday, 2008-09-10, 09:15-10:45, Room: AK2 137, Chair: Pekka Antero Kupari
- 1002 International Comparison Of Differences Between The Reading Achievement Of Children At Primary And Secondary School Level
- Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings From International Comparative Assessment Studies
- 1002 Does It Matter Where My Classmates Come From? Proportion Of Immigrant Students At Class Level And Reading Literacy: Findings from Pirls 2006
- 1002 What PIRLS 2006 Data Tell Us About ICT-Use And Children’s Reading Literacy Achievement
Sabine Hornberg Wilfried Bos
Tjeerd Plomp Pekka Antero Kupari
Silvia Bergmueller Birgit Suchań Christina Wallner-Paschon Elisabeth Stöttinger
Birgit Eickelmann Renate Schulz-Zander
09 SES 01A, General Aspects in Assessment
Wednesday, 2008-09-10, 09:15-10:45, Room: AK2 139, Chair: Monica Rosén
- The Influence of Student Characteristics and Gender on Grades in Compulsory School
- Between Teaching and Learning, Assessment is the Road, not the Hurdle
Alli Klapp Lekholm Christina Cliffordson
Maddalena Taras
09 SES 02B, Relationship in Mathematics Performance (Part 2)
Wednesday, 2008-09-10, 11:15-12:45, Room: AK2 137, Chair: Pekka Antero Kupari
- 1002 Development Of Mathematical Literacy From 9th To 10th Grade In Germany
- 1002 The Importance Of Affective Factors For Mathematic And Reading Achievement Of Girls And Boys In Grade 4: Secondary Analyses On The Dutch Data Of TIMSS-2003 And PIRLS-2006
- 1002 Similarities And Differences Of Students Mathematics Achievements
- Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings From International Comparative Assessment Studies (copy)
Timo Ehmke
Martina Meelissen Hans Luyten
Jolita Dudaite Aiste Elijio
Tjeerd Plomp Pekka Antero Kupari
09 SES 03B, Relationship in Science Performance (Part 3)
Wednesday, 2008-09-10, 14:00-15:30, Room: AK2 137, Chair: Wilfried Bos
- 1002 PISA 2006: Student Motivation, Self-Beliefs And Expectations In Science: A Detailed View On European Countries
- 1002 Average Socioeconomic Status Of Students In Schools Of Latvia And Their Achievement In Science In OECD PISA 2006
- Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings From International Comparative Assessment Studies (Part 3)
Ursula Schwantner
Andris Grinfelds Rita Kiselova Andris Kangro
Tjeerd Plomp Pekka Antero Kupari
09 SES 03A, Tools and Methods in Assessment (Part 1)
Wednesday, 2008-09-10, 14:00-15:30, Room: AK2 139, Chair: Sabine Hornberg
- A Case of Positive Washback: An Exploration of Pre-release Examinations on Geography Classroom Practice.
- Using School Readiness as the Measurement of Developmental Outcome on Assessing At-risk Children.
- Learning to learn: what is it? and can it be measured?
Martin Johnson Victoria Crisp
MingJiun Sung
Bryony Hoskins Ulf Fredriksson
09 SES 04B, National Reflections on International Comparative Achievement Studies (Part 4)
Wednesday, 2008-09-10, 16:00-17:30, Room: AK2 137, Chair: Tjeerd Plomp
- 1002 South African Performance In PIRLS 2006: A National Crisis
- 1002 Possible Relations Between The Results Of Hungarian Students In PISA And PIRLS Studies And The Hungarian Frame Curriculum
- 1002 The Secondary School Tracking And Educational Achievement. The Results From PISA studies in Poland
- Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings From International Comparative Assessment Studies (Part 4)
Vanessa Scherman Surette van Staden Elsie Venter Sarah Howie
Péter Balkányi László Ostorics
Michal Sitek Michal Federowicz
Tjeerd Plomp Pekka Antero Kupari
09 SES 04A, Assessment in Basic and Secondary Education
Wednesday, 2008-09-10, 16:00-17:30, Room: AK2 139, Chair: Wilfried Bos
- A Longitudinal Investigation of Literacy Achievement and Development in the First Three Years of School
- Institutional and compositional effects of student achievement in the first two years of secondary education
- Learning- oriented assessment and students experiences
Marion Meiers
Carola Gröhlich Martin Bonsen
Ann Karin Sandal Margrethe Haug Syversen Ragne Wangensteen Kari Smith
09 SES 05B, Performance Issues in Different Subject Domains
Thursday, 2008-09-11, 08:30-10:00, Room: AK2 137, Chair: Tjeerd Plomp
- 1002 Different Ways To Relate Performance Differences To Background Variables
- Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings From International Comparative Assessment Studies (Part 5)
Barbara Drechsel Manfred Prenzel
Tjeerd Plomp Pekka Antero Kupari
09 SES 05A, Assessment in Higher Education
Thursday, 2008-09-11, 08:30-10:00, Room: AK2 139, Chair: Sabine Hornberg
- Student Reflections on a Collaborative Project
- Research on Students in Brittany and the Internet : hindrances and uses of the Internet
- Undergraduate students’ perceptions and attitudes toward peer assessment
Andrew Martin Smith Julie Jones
Pascal Plantard Magali MOISY
Antonio Martins-Mourao Ana Tiburtius Lucena
09 SES 06B, Relationship in Reading Performance (Part 6)
Thursday, 2008-09-11, 10:30-12:00, Room: AK2 137, Chair: Andris Kangro
- 1002 Gender Differences In Factors Influencing Reading Literacy
- 1002 Reading Self-Concept, Reading Motivation, Reading Behavior, and Reading Achievement of Fourth-Grade Students
- 1002 Home Literacy Environment And Reading Achievement
- Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings From International Comparative Assessment Studies (Part 6)
Antra Ozola Andrej Geske
Martin Goy Martin Freiberg Wilfried Bos
Tobias C. Stubbe Irmela Buddeberg
Tjeerd Plomp Pekka Antero Kupari
09 SES 06A, Assessment in Math and Science
Thursday, 2008-09-11, 10:30-12:00, Room: AK2 139, Chair: Martin Bonsen
- Modeling and assessing students` problem solving competence in chemistry
- An Investigation of Turkish Students’ Most Frequent Response Types in Translating among Various Representations of Fractions
Rüdiger Tiemann Jenny Koppelt
Gonul Kurt Erdinc Cakiroglu
09 SES 07B, Performance Issues in Different Subject Domains (Part 7)
Thursday, 2008-09-11, 15:30-17:00, Room: AK2 137, Chair: Martin Bonsen
- 1002 How Do Portuguese Students Perform In Reading – Analysis Of The Released Reading Items From PISA 2000, 2003 and 2006
- Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings From International Comparative Assessment Studies (Part 7)
Carlos Pinto Ferreira Carlos Pinto-Ferreira Anabela Serrão
Tjeerd Plomp Pekka Antero Kupari
09 SES 07A, Tools and Methods in Assessment
Thursday, 2008-09-11, 15:30-17:00, Room: AK2 139, Chair: Tjeerd Plomp
- Employing formative assessment in the classroom
- Toward Effective, Learning-Based Formative Assessment Systems
- The Role of Feedback
Linda Elizabeth Harris
Joan L. Herman
Inês Duarte Bruno Leonor Santos
09 SES 08A, Assessment in Reading and Writing
Friday, 2008-09-12, 08:30-10:00, Room: AK2 139, Chair: Jan-Eric Gustafsson
- A Multivariate Reanalysis of the IEA 10-Year Trend Study of Reading Literacy in 9 countries
Monica Rosén Jan-Eric Gustafsson
09 SES 09A, Assessment in Language Subjects.
Friday, 2008-09-12, 10:30-12:00, Room: AK2 139, Chair: Tobias C. Stubbe
- Mapping language teachers’ conceptions of student assessment procedures: A three-way empirical inquiry
- Good Practice in [Language] Testing and Assessment – A Swedish and European Perspective
- Patterns in English Language Proficiency – some Differences and Similarities between Seven European Countries
Mats Å. Oscarson Britt Marie Apelgren
Gudrun K. Erickson
Lisbeth Åberg-Bengtsson
09 SES 10A, Examination Practice within Teacher Education Praxis: Meaningful & Valid
Friday, 2008-09-12, 14:45-16:15, Room: AK2 139, Chair: Rolf Lander
- Teachers’ Requirements in Relation to Knowledge Assessment
- The Attitudes of Jewish and Arab Pre Service Teachers toward the Phenomenon of Cheating in the Matriculation Exams in Israel
- Diagnosis of Pre-Service Physics Teachers’ Conceptions in Geometric Optics
Milena Ivanus Grmek Tina Rutar Leban Marija Javornik Krecic
Sliman khawalde
Derya KALTAKCI Ali Eryilmaz
09 SES 01 A, Assessment With Gifted and Talented Students
Monday, 2009-09-28, 09:15-10:45, Room: HG, HS 50, Chair: Wolfram Rollett
- Analytical and practical intelligence in the study of high ability
- Self-perception of socio-emotional competence in two samples of G&T: Portuguese and Spanish pupils
- Parents’ perception of socio-emotional competence in gifted and talented (G&T) pupils: A comparative study
- Trait Emotional Intelligence: age and gender
Daniel Hernandez-Torrano Laura Llor Marta Sainz Gloria Soto
Lola Prieto Marta Gomez Rosario Bermejo Carmen Ferrándiz
Mercedes Ferrando Carmen Ferrandiz Rosario Bermejo Leandro Almeida
Mercedes Ferrando Lola Prieto Mari-Carmen Fernandez Daniel Hernandez
09 SES 01 C, Assessment and Grades
Monday, 2009-09-28, 09:15-10:45, Room: HG, Elise Richter, Chair: Tobias C. Stubbe
- How should grade boundaries be determined in examinations? An exploration of the script features that influence expert judgements
- Changes in the structure of grades at individual and school levels over time
- Individual and Parent Related Influences on Coping with the Transition from Elementary to Secondary School: Results of a Longitudinal Study
Nadezda Novakovic Irenka Suto
Inga-Lill Berntsson Kajsa Yang Hansen Christina Cliffordson Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Brigitte Rollett Ulrike Sirsch Harald Werneck Guido Nold
09 SES 01 B, Assessment of Teacher Competencies and Attitudes
Monday, 2009-09-28, 09:15-10:45, Room: HG, Marietta- Blau-Saal, Chair: Nils Berkemeyer
- KPSM - a potential analysis instrument for school leadership
- Validity issues in assessing teacher competencies
- Assessment for the development of professional competence
- Teachers' professional judgement: Recommendations regarding students' orientation
Stephan Gerhard Huber Hiltmann Maren
Sandy Taut Verónica Santelices
Justin Rami Francesca Lorenzi
09 SES 02 B, Assessment of Instructions and Learning
Monday, 2009-09-28, 11:15-12:45, Room: HG, Marietta- Blau-Saal, Chair: Birgit Eickelmann
- Teaching Style For A Successful Intelligence
- Assessment for learning: the use of feedback and portfolio
- Students' Evaluation of Instructional Quality – Analysis of Influences on Global Ratings
- Is teacher accountability possible? What influence does the teacher have over the pupil’s learning?
Ramona Palos Laurentiu Maricutoiu
Leonor Santos Jorge Pinto
Bettina Fuhrmann
Eyvind Elstad Are Turmo Knut Andreas Christophersen
09 SES 02 A, Relationships in Reading Performance (Part 1)
Monday, 2009-09-28, 11:15-12:45, Room: HG, HS 50, Chair: Tjeerd Plomp
- On the validity of negatively worded items in a PIRLS 2006 context (symposium 852)
- Students` and Schools` Factors Adding to Explain the Reading Achievement of Children with a Migrant Background – an International Comparison (symposium852)
- Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies PART 1
- Reading Engagement of Fourth-grade Students Results from PIRLS 2006 for Students from Different Socio-economic Backgrounds (symposium852)
Wilfried Bos Rolf Strietholt Stefan Johansson Monica Rosén
Sabine Hornberg Tobias C. Stubbe Eurydice Bauer Tobias Stubbe
Tjeerd Plomp Marina Kuznetsova Sarah Howie Eurydice Bauer Tobias C. Stubbe Sabine Hornberg Andrejs Geske Martin Goy Rolf Strietholt Antra Ozola Wilfried Bos
Martin Goy Wilfried Bos Rolf Strietholt
09 SES 03 C, Testing Theory and Methodology
Monday, 2009-09-28, 14:00-15:30, Room: HG, Elise Richter, Chair: Tobias C. Stubbe
- Using Mixed-Methods to Explore Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusive Education: Methodological Implications
- Essential Benefits and Disadvantages of Using Discrete Bayesian Methods in Educational Research
- Application of spectral segregation index (SSI) as a measure of segregation at the individual level in peer networks
- Metaphors of Assessment: Do Theory and Evidence Collide or Collude?
Elsayed Elshabrawy
Petri Nokelainen
Mary-Anne Holfve-Sabel Anders Bengtsson
Maddalena Taras
09 SES 03 B, Performance Issues in Mathematics and Science
Monday, 2009-09-28, 14:00-15:30, Room: HG, Marietta- Blau-Saal, Chair: Wilfried Bos
- An Overview of TIMSS 2007: Design, Results and Subsequent Analysis(symposium870)
- Mapping TIMSS benchmarks against England’s national curriculum levels(symposium870)
- Big decrease in average mathematics achievement found for the Czech Republic in TIMSS 2007: what was the reason?(symposium870)
- Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies (PART 4)
- Inner Differentiation in Fourth Graders Mathematics Instruction, Mathematic Self-concept and the impact on Student Achievement (TIMSS 2007)(symposium870)
Oliver Neuschmidt Juliane Hencke Michael O. Martin Ina V.S. Mullis
Linda Sturman
Josef Basl Vladislav Tomášek
Tjeerd Plomp Michael O. Martin Ina V.S Mullis Vladislav Tomasek Josef Basl Linda Sturman Ursula Schwantner Juliane Hencke Oliver Neuschmidt
Ursula Schwantner
09 SES 03 A, Relationships in Reading Performance (part 2)
Monday, 2009-09-28, 14:00-15:30, Room: HG, HS 50, Chair: Pekka Antero Kupari
- The relationship between early childhood activities and reading achievement in low and high achieving countries in PIRLS 2006 (symposium852)
- Strong and Weak Points of Russian Fourth-graders Reading Literacy based on Results from PIRLS 2006 (symposium852)
- What causes the variance of achievement on school level? Findings from PIRLS 2006 and TIMSS 2007(symposium871)
Sarah Howie
Marina Kuznetsova
Birgit Suchan
09 SES 04 C, Assessment in Elementary and Primary Education
Monday, 2009-09-28, 16:00-17:30, Room: HG, Elise Richter, Chair: Martin Goy
09 SES 04 A, Relationships in Mathematics Performance
Monday, 2009-09-28, 16:00-17:30, Room: HG, HS 50, Chair: Tjeerd Plomp
- Trends in math performance in Flanders – an analysis of the impact of student grouping on mean performance based on PISA-results(symposium869)
- Evidence in Education– other test of the mathematical literacy(symposium869)
- Mathematics curriculum in Latvia and PISA assessment(symposium869)
- Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies (PART 3)
- TIMSS 2007: Factors associated with attainment in England(symposium870)
Inge De Meyer Nele Warlop
Paulina Korsnakova
Andris Kangro Rita Kiselova
Tjeerd Plomp Rita Kiselova Nele Warlop Anabela Serrão Paulina Korsnakova Andris Kangro Almar Miðvík Halldórsson Inge De Meyer Helena Carvalho Dragica Pavlovic Babic Alexandar Baucal
Linda Sturman Graham Ruddock
09 SES 05 B, Relationships in Reading Performance (Part 3)
Tuesday, 2009-09-29, 08:30-10:00, Room: HG, Marietta- Blau-Saal, Chair: Pekka Antero Kupari
- Cultural and linguistic diversity in reading literacy achievement: a multilevel approach(symposium864)
- Comparative Analysis of Teaching and School Organization Practices in schools which demonstrated high and low results in PIRLS-2006)(symposium864)
- Analysis of factors of Russian students’ progress in PIRLS-2006: a comparison with PIRLS-2001(symposium864)
- Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies (PART 2)
Andrea Netten Hans Luyten Ludo Verhoeven
Tatyana Timkova Marina Pinskaya
Yulia Tiumeneva Isak Froumin
Tjeerd Plomp Ruth Zuzovsky Christina Wallner-Paschon Isak Froumin Yulia Tiumeneva Tatyana Timkova Marina Pinskaya Andrea Netten
09 SES 05 A, The Acquisition of Language Competencies of Children (Age 4-15) with Social and Migrational Disparities: Results of Empirical Studies (Part 1)
Tuesday, 2009-09-29, 08:30-10:00, Room: HG, HS 50, Chair: Inge Blatt
- Efficacy of Additional Web-based Computer Treatments for Kindergarten Children with Poor Emergent Literacy Skills(symposium1275)
- How young preliterate children use pictures to understand a story(symposium1275)
- ICT for Reading Literacy at School and Kindergarten in Japan(symposium1275)
- The Acquisition of Language Competencies of Children (Age 4-15) with Social and Migrational Disparities: Results of Empirical Studies
Verna Van der Kooy - Hofland Adriana G. Bus
Marian J.A.J. Verhallen Adriana Bus
Wakio Oyanagi
Andreas Voss Michael Pfeifer Sarah Frahm Barbara Pagel Inge Blatt Wakio Oyanagi Marian J.A.J. Verhallen Verna Van der Kooy - Hofland Adriana G. Bus
09 SES 06 C, International Large-Scale Assessments: Heterogeneity Issues
Tuesday, 2009-09-29, 10:30-12:00, Room: HG, Elise Richter, Chair: Renate Schulz-Zander
- Immigrant Student Investigation in PISA 2006: A Call for a More Nuanced Examination
- Gender Differences in Mathematics, Science, Reading, and Civic Education: An Updated Analysis and Synthesis
- Looking For a European Indicator for Learning to Learn – Learnings from an Eight Country Pilot Project
Steve Song Peter Robert
Xin Ma
Sirkku Kupiainen Karin Bakracevic Erich Svecnik Jarkko Hautamäki
09 SES 06 A, The Acquisition of Language Competencies of Children (Age 4-15) with Social and Migrational Disparities: Results of Empirical Studies (Part 2)
Tuesday, 2009-09-29, 10:30-12:00, Room: HG, HS 50, Chair: Sarah Frahm
- Effects of a language systematic approach concerning the acquisition of written language competencies: Case study in grade 1 and 2(symposium1275)
- Explaining primary pupils’ differences in reading achievement by teaching patterns and social background. Reanalyses with the PIRLS 2001-data(symposium1275)
- Orthographic competence as a reflexive language competence: Modeling the learning development of fifth-graders. Results of a German longitudinal study(symposium1275)
Barbara Pagel Inge Blatt
Michael Pfeifer
Andreas Voss Sarah Frahm Inge Blatt
09 SES 06 B, Performance Issues in Different Subject Domains
Tuesday, 2009-09-29, 10:30-12:00, Room: HG, Marietta- Blau-Saal, Chair: Tjeerd Plomp
- The social conditions ofyoung people's skills:analysis of the hierarchy of factors underlying the performance of Portuguese youths in PISA 2006(symposium869)
- Assessing school marks by external assessment: when school marks depends more on school than on student competencies(symposium869)
Helena Carvalho Patrícia Ávila Anabela Serrão Pedro Pacheco
Aleksandar Baucal Dragica Pavlović-Babić
09 SES 06.1, Network Business Meeting
Tuesday, 2009-09-29, 12:00-13:30, Room: HG, HS 50, Chair: Wilfried Bos
- Network 9 Business Meeting
Wilfried Bos
09 SES 06.5 B, International Large Scale Assessments in Science
Tuesday, 2009-09-29, 13:30-15:00, Room: HG, Marietta- Blau-Saal, Chair: Birgit Suchan
- Exploring students’ interests and attitudes towards science: Some results of the Austrian PISA-2006-study
- Highest and lowest performing students in Europe according to PISA 2006: their distinguishing features
Thomas Stern Franz Radits Patricia Jelemenskà
Laura Palmerio Bruno Losito Fabio Alivernini
09 SES 06.5 C, Assessment in Mathematics
Tuesday, 2009-09-29, 13:30-15:00, Room: HG, Elise Richter, Chair: Ursula Schwantner
- Effect of Grade Repetition on Mathematics Achievement: Findings from an additional Study of PISA 2003 in Germany
- Are educational standards in school yet? Competence orientated activities of teachers and students in mathematics
- Math achievement in German secondary schools: Individual learning rates and the effect of student and school level characteristics
Timo Ehmke
Jenny Frenzel Olaf Köller Claudia Pöhlmann
Carola Gröhlich Karin Guill Wilfried Bos
09 SES 06.5 A, National Reflections
Tuesday, 2009-09-29, 13:30-15:00, Room: HG, HS 50, Chair: Martin Goy
- Monitoring of education quality in Latvia(symposium869)
- About the equity in the educational system of Slovenia(symposium871)
- Educational Inequalities and Student Achievement in the Czech Republic(symposium871)
- Towards Explaining Achievement: Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies (PART 5)
Rudolfs Kalvans Andris Kangro
Mojca Straus
Jana Strakova
Tjeerd Plomp Birgit Suchan Jana Strakova Mojca Straus
09 SES 07 A, Symposium: Issues in International Large-Scale Assessments
Tuesday, 2009-09-29, 15:30-17:00, Room: HG, HS 50, Chair: Tjeerd Plomp
- Effective Schools in Arab Countries: An Analysis of TIMSS 2007(symposium1042)
- Curriculum Coverage and Scale Correlation on TIMSS 2003(symposium1042)
- Plausible Values: What are they and why we need them?(symposium1042)
- Person and Item Parameter Recovery in Matrix Sampled Assessment Designs(symposium1042)
- Issues in International Large-Scale Assessments
Oliver Neuschmidt Leslie Rutkowski Juliane Hencke David Rutkowski
Juliane Hencke Eugenio Gonzalez Oliver Neuschmidt Leslie Rutkowski
Eugenio Gonzalez Matthias von Davier
Leslie Rutkowski Eugenio Gonzalez
Juliane Hencke Eugenio Gonzalez Leslie Rutkowski Oliver Neuschmidt Matthias von Davier David Rutkowski
09 SES 07 B, Relationships in Reading Performance (Part 4)
Tuesday, 2009-09-29, 15:30-17:00, Room: HG, Marietta- Blau-Saal, Chair: Andris Kangro
- Main factors of Russian students’ good performance in PIRLS-2006
- Home environment, motivational characteristics in reading, reading activities and gender in PIRLS 2006(symposium864)
Yulia Tiumeneva Isak Froumin
Christina Wallner-Paschon
09 SES 07.5, Assessment in Higher Education
Tuesday, 2009-09-29, 17:15-18:45, Room: HG, Elise Richter, Chair: Nadja Pfuhl
- Tertiary Sector Assessment through Academic Writing: the Assessment through Forms of Academic Writing of Business Experts and Translators
- Uncovering the Trainee's Perspective: Correlates of Special Education Students' Perceptions and Satisfaction with Field Experiences.
- Lost In Transition: Perceptions Of Assessment And Feedback From School To University
- Developing Students’ Conceptions of Learning Through Formative Assessment
Patrick Bonvin Mireille Walther
Alison Hramiak Helen Boulton
David Leat David Kinninment Anna Reid
09 SES 08 B, Assessment in Higher Education (I)
Wednesday, 2009-09-30, 08:30-10:00, Room: HG, Marietta- Blau-Saal, Chair: Nadja Pfuhl
- Sampling of study-related tasks as an admission test in higher education
- Comparability of Assessment of Students Studying for Two Degrees from Two Universities
Jenny Tanilon Paul Vedder Harm Tillema Mien Segers
Jeffrey Lockshin Oleg Zamkov
09 SES 08 A, Symposium: Rasch Measurement in Educational Contexts
Wednesday, 2009-09-30, 08:30-10:00, Room: HG, HS 50, Chair: Tjeerd Plomp
- Probability Models for the Analyses of Two-Way Categorical Observations(symposium1919)
- Robustness of the LRT to compare the LLTM with the RM(symposium1919)
- Rasch Measurement for Longitudinal Data(symposium1919)
Clemens Draxler
Rainer Alexandrowicz
Claus Carstensen
09 SES 09 A, Rasch Measurement in Educational Contexts (Part 2)
Wednesday, 2009-09-30, 10:30-12:00, Room: HG, HS 50, Chair: Sarah Howie
- The Analysis of Measurement Equivalence in International Studies using the Rasch Model(symposium1919)
- How Does Item Difficulty Differ Between German-Speaking Countries? A Closer Look at PIRLS Data Using DIF-Analysis (symposium 1919)
- The coherence of theory and measurement:the application of the Rasch measurement model to the investigation of ratio, and related concepts.(symposium1919)
Wolfram Schulz Julian Fraillon
Tobias C. Stubbe
Caroline Long
09 SES 10 B, Assessment in Secondary Education
Wednesday, 2009-09-30, 14:45-16:15, Room: HG, Marietta- Blau-Saal, Chair: Christina Wallner-Paschon
09 SES 10 A, Rasch Measurement in Educational Contexts (Part 3)
Wednesday, 2009-09-30, 14:45-16:15, Room: HG, HS 50, Chair: Tjeerd Plomp
- The interplay between theory and research: Using Rasch analysis to strengthen feedback to schools for improved learning(symposium1919)
- Using Generalized Rasch Models in Multidimensional Adaptive Testing(symposium1919)
- Advantage of Rasch model in analyzing tests (Symp 1919)
- Rasch Measurement in Educational Contexts
Sarah Howie Vanessa Scherman
Andreas Frey Nicki-Nils Seitz
Kari Törmäkangas
Wilfried Bos Sarah Howie Christine Hohensinn Nicki-Nils Seitz Andreas Frey Ronald Engelen Theo Eggen Clemens Draxler Carola Gröhlich Claus Carstensen Klaus D. Kubinger Caroline Long Andreas Voss Elsie Venter Kari Törmäkangas Tobias C. Stubbe Julian Fraillon Wolfram Schulz Heike Wendt Vanessa Scherman Rainer Alexandrowicz Martin Goy
09 SES 11 B, Assessment in Science
Wednesday, 2009-09-30, 16:45-18:15, Room: HG, Marietta- Blau-Saal, Chair: Martin Goy
- Assessing Scientific Literacy should include Factual Knowledge?
- Science Process Skills Test for the Concept of Electricity
- The Effect of Peer Instruction on High School Students' Achievement and Attitudes toward Newton’s Laws of Motion
- Development and Use of Three- Tier Heat and Temperature Test: Sample of Turkish University, Master and PhD Students
Alice Rodrigues Mauricia Oliveira
Beril Yilmaz Senem
Hülya Eryılmaz
Ali Eryılmaz
09 SES 11 A, Rasch Measurement in Educational Contexts (Part 4)
Wednesday, 2009-09-30, 16:45-18:15, Room: HG, HS 50, Chair: Pekka Antero Kupari
- Application of the Rasch Measurement model in two Systemic Evaluation settings in South Africa (Symp 1919)
- Computerized classification testing with the Rasch model(symposium1919)
- Evaluating the impact of test administration aspects by means of the Rasch model-based Linear Logistic Test Model (LLTM)(symposium1919)
- From measurement of competence to measurement of competence development. Modelling reading achievement in longitudinal studies(symposium1919)
Elsie Venter
Theo Eggen
Christine Hohensinn Klaus D. Kubinger
Claus Carstensen Andreas Voss Carola Gröhlich Heike Wendt
09 SES 01 A, Assessing Students' Attitudes, Behaviours, and Achievement
Wednesday, 2010-08-25, 09:15-10:45, Room: P674, Porthania, Chair: Kristina Antonette Frey
- Differences on the Relationship between Activities Involvement, Self-concept Indicators and Academic Performance
- Exploring the Influences of Quality of School Life on Students’ Attitude and Behaviors Towards Learning and School Engagement
- Characteristics of Students without Reciprocal Friendship during School Work
Carmen Carmona Margarita Bakieva Purificación Sánchez Jesús M. Jornet
Zhonghua Zhang Chi-Kin Lee Huan Song
Mary-Anne Holfve-Sabel
09 SES 01 B, Assessment in Higher Education
Wednesday, 2010-08-25, 09:15-10:45, Room: P673, Porthania, Chair: Silvia Irimiea
- Assessment Of Critical Thinking Critically Assessed: Comparison Of Two Tests
- Ensuring Comparable Core Competences through Comparative Assessments – Experiences from a Pilot Project in Austrian Colleges of Business Administration
- Assessment Practices at Catalonian Universities: from learning to the competencies assessment
An Verburgh Jan Elen Sigrid Francois
Christiane Schopf Barbara Müllauer
Georgeta Ion Elena Cano Patricia Compaño
09 SES 02 B, Assessment: Methods and Applications I
Wednesday, 2010-08-25, 11:15-12:45, Room: P673, Porthania, Chair: Aleksander Baucal
- How well can teachers assess pre-university students’ research reports? Findings from an empirical study
- The Interrelations of Features of Questions, Mark Schemes and Examinee Responses and their Impact upon Marker Agreement
- Decision Rules in Competence Based Assessment for Vocational Education and Training
Irenka Suto Stuart Shaw
Irenka Suto Tom Bramley Beth Black
Marianne Hubregtse Huub Verstralen Theo Eggen
09 SES 02 A, Towards Explaining Achievement - Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies 1: Relationships in Reading Performance – Country Analyses
Wednesday, 2010-08-25, 11:15-12:45, Room: P674, Porthania, Chair: Pekka Antero Kupari
- Are Gender Differences in the PIRLS Results a Matter of Differential Item Functioning?
- The Influence of Students’ Motivation and SES on the Equality of Teacher Ratings
- The Performance of Portuguese Students in Reading – Analysis of the Released Reading Items from PISA 2000, 2003 and 2006
- Towards Explaining Achievement - Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies 1: Relationships in Reading Performance – Country Analyses
Andrejs Geske Antra Ozola
Stefan Johansson Monica Rosén Stefan Johansson
Anabela Serrão Alzira Tavares Ângelo Ferreira Cristina Alves
Tjeerd Plomp
09 SES 02.5, Network Business Meeting
Wednesday, 2010-08-25, 13:00-14:00, Room: P674, Porthania, Chair: Wilfried Bos
- Network Business Meeting
Wilfried Bos
09 SES 03 B, Assessment: Methods and Applications II
Wednesday, 2010-08-25, 14:00-15:30, Room: P673, Porthania, Chair: Jaan Mikk
- A Latent Trait Analysis of Higher Education Infrastructure in Russia
- Reliability of a Competence Assessment Program
- How to assess competence when there is more than one correct answer?
Anatoly Maslak Nikolaus Bezruczko Andrey Danilov Tatyana Anisimova
Saskia Wools Theo Eggen
Sirkka Laitinen
09 SES 03 A, Towards Explaining Achievement - Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies 2: Relationships in Reading Performance – Multiple Comparisons
Wednesday, 2010-08-25, 14:00-15:30, Room: P674, Porthania, Chair: Tjeerd Plomp
- The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Achievement Gaps in Reading Literacy between Hebrew-Speaking
- Early Childhood Activities and Reading Achievement in Low and High Achieving Countries in PIRLS 2006
- Reading Instruction and Reading Engagement at Fourth Grade. Results from PIRLS 2006
- Towards Explaining Achievement - Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies 2: Relationships in Reading Performance – Multiple Comparisons
Ruth Zuzovsky
Sarah J Howie
Martin Goy Wilfried Bos Rolf Strietholt
Tjeerd Plomp
09 SES 04 B, Assessment: Methods and Applications III
Wednesday, 2010-08-25, 16:00-17:30, Room: P673, Porthania, Chair: Theo Eggen
- Identifying Translation-Related Sources of Differential Item Functioning in International Reading Literacy Assessments
- Investigation of Aberrant Response Patters across Subgroups Using Person-Response Curves
- Predicting Answer Switching Behavior from the Item Parameters in Multiple-Choice Tests
Inga Arffman
Ilker Kalender
Ramazan Basturk
09 SES 04 A, Towards Explaining Achievement - Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies 3: Relationships in Science Performance
Wednesday, 2010-08-25, 16:00-17:30, Room: P674, Porthania, Chair: Wilfried Bos
- Impact of School and Student Level Factors on Latvian Students’ Achievement in Science and Willingness to Choose Career in Science
- Influence of textbook content on fourth-grader science achievement in TIMSS
- ‘Socio-economic Effect in Greek Students’ Science Performance.
- Towards Explaining Achievement - Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies 3: Relationships in Science Performance
Andris Kangro Rita Kiselova
Andrejs Geske Rita Geske
Chryssa Sofianopoulou Vassiliki Bountziouka
Tjeerd Plomp
09 SES 05 B, Assessment in Elementary and Primary Education
Thursday, 2010-08-26, 08:30-10:00, Room: P673, Porthania, Chair: Jyrki Reunamo
09 SES 05 A, Towards Explaining Achievement - Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies 4: Performance Issues in Different Subject Domains (part 1)
Thursday, 2010-08-26, 08:30-10:00, Room: P674, Porthania, Chair: Tjeerd Plomp
- Achivements of Immigrant Students in Slovenia: Results from the PISA Study 2006
- Competencies in Mathematics and Science - Evidence from PISA 2006 and State Examinations
- The Long Tail – the Range of Achievement in PIRLS and TIMSS
- Towards Explaining Achievement - Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies 4: Performance Issues in Different Subject Domains
Anja Kolednik
Rudolph Kalvans Andris Kangro
Liz Twist
Tjeerd Plomp
09 SES 06 B, Assessing Social Competence in Childhood and Adolescence
Thursday, 2010-08-26, 10:30-12:00, Room: P673, Porthania, Chair: Karl-Heinz Arnold
- Assessing Social Competence: The Importance of Distinguishing between Self- and Other-oriented Social Skills (Germany)
- Assessing Social Competence: The Importance of Distinguishing between Self- and Other-oriented Social Skills (Swiss)
- Facing the Challenge: Approaching the Assessment of Social Competencies in a Large Scale Study (TIMSS 2007 Germany)
- Social Competence and Socio-emotional Well-being Among Children and Adolescents
- Assessing Social Competence in Childhood and Adolescence
Carola Lindner-Mueller Karl-Heinz Arnold Oliver Lauterbach Carsten John
Sonja Perren
Kristina Antonette Frey Kristina Antonette Frey Wilfried Bos Martin Bonsen
Niina Junttila Eero Laakkonen Päivi Niemi Marja Vauras
Karl-Heinz Arnold
09 SES 06 C, Assessing and Evaluating Student Achievement in Different Contexts
Thursday, 2010-08-26, 10:30-12:00, Room: P617, Porthania, Chair: Priit Reiska
- An Analysis Approach to Pinpoint Underperformance in Educational System
- Prediction of Achievement of Primary School Pupils: Results of the First External Evaluation of Education in Croatia
- Assessing the Assessment
Xin Ma
Toni Babarovic Josip Burusic Marija Sakic Ivan Devic
Justin Rami Francesca Lorenzi
09 SES 06 A, Towards Explaining Achievement - Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies 5: Performance Issues in Different Subject Domains (part 2)
Thursday, 2010-08-26, 10:30-12:00, Room: P674, Porthania, Chair: Martin Goy
- Gender Differences in Science, Mathematics and Reading Achievement
- Linking Performance to Aspects of Content Contained within Test Items – an In-depth Analysis of Flemish PISA Mathematics and Science Performance
- Students’ Socio-economic Status and Academic Aspiration: the Case of Serbia
- Towards Explaining Achievement - Findings from International Comparative Achievement Studies 5: Performance Issues in Different Subject Domains #2
Mojca Straus
Inge De Meyer Inge De Meyer
Dragica Pavlovic Babic Aleksander Baucal
Tjeerd Plomp
09 SES 07 C, Relating Student Performance to Grades, Motivation and Socio-Economic Status
Thursday, 2010-08-26, 15:30-17:00, Room: P617, Porthania, Chair: Jana Straková
- Changes in the variances of school marks and SES effect between schools and individuals – a multi-level multi-group analysis
- Effects of grades on student motivation and learning in compulsory school
Kajsa Yang Hansen Jan-Eric Gustafsson Christina Cliffordson
Alli Klapp Lekholm
09 SES 07 B, International Large-Scale Assessments of Student Performance I
Thursday, 2010-08-26, 15:30-17:00, Room: P673, Porthania, Chair: Josef Basl
- Modeling Student Achievement in EU Countries: Path Analysis Evidence From PISA 2006
- Predictors of Attitudes about Science of Students in PISA 2006: A Comparison between Europe and Asia
- Factor Structure of PISA 2006 Correlates
Helena Carvalho Pedro Pacheco Patrícia Ávila
Piyathip Tinnaworn Isabel Menezes
Jaan Mikk Karin Täht
09 SES 07 A, Modelling Longitudinal and Trend Data (part 1)
Thursday, 2010-08-26, 15:30-17:00, Room: P674, Porthania, Chair: Tobias C. Stubbe
- How do Portuguese students perform on Mathematics since grade 4 to grade 6?
- Modelling Longitudinal Orthography Data with IRT – Results of an Intervention Control Study in Germany (HeLp 2007/08)
- Modelling Social Disparities in Student Achievement Growth: Multilevel Applications of Growth Curve and Simplex Models
- Modelling Longitudinal and Trend Data I
- Modelling Longitudinal and Trend Data – An Introduction
Carlos Pinto Ferreira Olívia Sousa Anabela Serrão
Sarah Frahm Stephan Jarsinski Andreas Voss
Gabriel Nagy Rainer Lehmann Jürgen Baumert
Wilfried Bos
Wilfried Bos Miriam Marleen Gebauer Wilfried Bos Tobias C. Stubbe
09 SES 08 B, International Large-Scale Assessments of Student Performance II
Thursday, 2010-08-26, 17:15-18:45, Room: P673, Porthania, Chair: Pekka Antero Kupari
- An Exploration of Trends in Science Achievement Between Male and Female of Several Countries Based on TIMSS Data
- The Impact of the School Culture, the School Climate and Teaching Approaches on Student Outcomes in Civic and Citizenship Education
- Teaching-Types In The German-speaking Community Of Belgium. In-depth Analyses Of A Follow-up Study To PIRLS
Masoud Kabiri Elham Shavand Gharbi Mahmood Ghazi Tabatabaei
Bruno Losito Paola Mirti Assunta Marano Gabriella Agrusti
Claudia Dohe Anke Walzebug
09 SES 08 C, Issues in Language and Literacy Assessment
Thursday, 2010-08-26, 17:15-18:45, Room: P617, Porthania, Chair: Ruth Zuzovsky
09 SES 08 A, Modelling Longitudinal and Trend Data (part 2)
Thursday, 2010-08-26, 17:15-18:45, Room: P674, Porthania, Chair: Miriam Marleen Gebauer
- Choosing between the 1-, 2- and 3-PL Model in a Trend Study
- Linking Reading Literacy Tests for a 35 Year Trend Study. Analyses of the Bridge Items
- Measuring Trends in Mathematics and Science Achievement in an Evolving World
- Modelling Longitudinal and Trend Data II
Rolf Strietholt Rolf Strietholt Monica Rosén
Rolf Strietholt Rolf Strietholt Monica Rosén
Pierre Foy Ina V. S. Mullis Michael O. Martin
Wilfried Bos
09 SES 09 C, Findings from Longitudinal and Intervention Studies of Student Performance
Friday, 2010-08-27, 08:30-10:00, Room: P617, Porthania, Chair: Pasi Tapio Reinikainen
- Differential Effects of Classroom Heterogeneity on Reading and Maths Achievement of Secondary Students in Germany
- Assessing Value Added in Compulsory Education With Hierarchical Linear Models
- Educational Standards in Germany – final results of an intervention study
Katja Scharenberg Wilfried Bos
Esther Lopez José Luis Gaviria Timo Kuosmanen
Jenny Frenzel Olaf Köller Claudia Pöhlmann
09 SES 09 A, Social Disparities in Educational Research (part 1)
Friday, 2010-08-27, 08:30-10:00, Room: P674, Porthania, Chair: Tobias C. Stubbe
- Social Disparities in Educational Research – Theoretical Issues and Empirical Findings
- Educational Achievement of Roma Students in Czech Basic Schools – Findings from PISA 2009
- Social Disparities in Educational Research I
Tobias C. Stubbe Magdalena Buddeberg
Jana Strakova Jana Paleckova Jana Straková Vladislav Tomášek
Tobias C. Stubbe
09 SES 09 B, The EERQI Project: European Educational Research Quality Indicators
Friday, 2010-08-27, 08:30-10:00, Room: P673, Porthania, Chair: Martin Goy
- The EERQI-Project: European Education Research Quality Indicators
- The EERQI-Project: European Educational Research Quality Indicators - Sustainability Plan
- The EERQI-Project: European Educational Research Quality Indicators: the results of the peer-review exercise
Ingrid Gogolin
Virginia Moukouli
Christian Rudelt Verena Stumm
09 SES 10 B, International and National Assessments of Student Performance
Friday, 2010-08-27, 10:30-12:00, Room: P673, Porthania, Chair: Irmela Tarelli
- Competencies in Mathematics and Science - Evidence from PISA 2006 and State Examinations
- Differences in reading between boys and girls
- A Comparison of the Family and School Impacts on the Student Achievements in PISA and the Unified State Exam
Rudolph Kalvans Andris Kangro
Ulf Fredriksson Monica Eklund Ulf Fredriksson Karin Taube
Yulia Tyumeneva Yulia Kuzmina
09 SES 10 A, Social Disparities in Educational Research (part 2)
Friday, 2010-08-27, 10:30-12:00, Room: P674, Porthania, Chair: Tobias C. Stubbe
- The Explanatory Power of ‘Poverty’ in Educational Research
- Measuring Equity in Reading Achievement Across PIRLS 2006 Countries Using the Relative Risk-Percentage Equity Index
- Social Disparities in Educational Research II
Magdalena Buddeberg Tobias C. Stubbe
Kathleen L. Trong
Tobias C. Stubbe
09 SES 10 C, Cultural Diversity in Educational Experience: The Kind of Research Evidence that Matters (part 1)
Friday, 2010-08-27, 10:30-12:00, Room: SUOMEN LAKI -SALI (PIV), Porthania, Chair: Paulus Julius Smeyers
09 SES 11 C, Issues in Computer-Based Assessement
Friday, 2010-08-27, 14:45-16:15, Room: P617, Porthania, Chair: Wilfried Bos
- Measuring Change in Something that Changes: The Case of Digital Competence
- Innovative Items: Comparison of the Reliability of Scoring Methods of Multiple-Response Items, Matching Items, and Sequencing Items
John Ainley Julian Fraillon Wolfram Schulz Chris Freeman
Theo Eggen Tecla Lampe
09 SES 11 A, Social Disparities in Educational Research (part 3)
Friday, 2010-08-27, 14:45-16:15, Room: P674, Porthania, Chair: Tobias C. Stubbe
- Effects of School and Family Background on Science Literacy and the Interest in Natural Sciences-related Educational and Occupational Careers
- Key Hypothesis Regarding the Influence of Family SES on Reading Achievement - Evidence from Eastern European Countries in PIRLS 2006
- The Contribution of Home Literacy Environment to Explaining Social Disparities in Reading Achievement. Analyses for PIRLS 2006 Germany
- Social Disparities in Educational Research III
Josef Basl
Daniel H. Caro
Irmela Tarelli
Tobias C. Stubbe
09 SES 11 B, The Development of Regional Modules for International Civic and Citizenship Education Study
Friday, 2010-08-27, 14:45-16:15, Room: P673, Porthania, Chair: Mei-Hui Liu
- Comparing Three Regional Modules for ICCS 2009: European, Latin American, and Asian Regional Modules
- Constructing the Questionnaire of the Asian Regional Module for ICCS 2009
- The Development of the Asian Regional Module Framework for ICCS 2009
- The Development of Regional Modules for International Civic and Citizenship Education Study
Mei-Hui Liu Li-hua Chen
Li-yun Wang Li-yun Wang
Shiowlan Doong Shiowlan Doong
Mei-Hui Liu
09 SES 11 D, Cultural Diversity in Educational Experience: The Kind of Research Evidence that Matters
Friday, 2010-08-27, 14:45-16:15, Room: SUOMEN LAKI -SALI (PIV), Porthania, Chair: Paulus Julius Smeyers
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