Network: 10. Teacher Education Research
10 SES 01 D, Programmes and Approaches: Outside and inside teacher education
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: K5.07, Chair: Tadashi Asada
10 SES 01 B, Programmes and Approaches: Time for becoming a teacher
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: K5.20, Chair: Susann Hofbauer
- Gatekeeping Versus Learning – “Failures” and “Mistakes” as Something Undesirable or Something Essential During a Process of Becoming a Teacher.
- Meaningful Time for Professional Growth or a Waste of Time? A Study in Five Countries on Master's Dissertation/Thesis Work in Teacher Education
Jens Gardesten
Marta Kowalczuk-Walędziak James Underwood Amélia Lopes Linda Daniela Otilia Clipa
10 SES 01 C, Exploring Teachers' Perceptions and Attitudes
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: K1.04 Auditorium 3, Chair: Julia Planer
10 SES 01 A, Well-being of Teachers
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: K5.18, Chair: Anna Beck
- Online Workshops versus Face-to-Face Workshops during the Induction Phase
- Classroom Management Strategies of Student Teachers on Their Teaching Practice: Effect of their Cognitive Closure
Dafna Hammer-Budnaro
Katerina Lojdova Katerina Vlckova Lucie Škarková
10 SES 01 E JS, The Professional Learning Impact of Practitioner Inquiry
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 13:15-14:45, Room: K3.16, Chair: Ryan Dunn
- Analysing the Growth Trajectories and Experiences of Teachers Participating in Practitioner Inquiry
- The Role of Research in Learning and Teaching: Practitioner Enquiry as a Catalyst for Both Teachers’ and Students’ Metacognitive Development
Ryan Dunn John Hattie Terry Bowles
Kate Wall Steve Higgins Helen Burns
10 SES 02 B, Programmes and Approaches: Cooperation and collaboration
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: K5.20, Chair: Paul Cammack
- Conscription or Cooperation: Exploring the (De)Motivational Perspectives on Being Cooperating Teachers on School Placement
- Changes In Teacher Education. An Experimentation Through Mediated Cooperative Practices
- Collaborative and Reflective Learning and Teaching in Teacher Education
Catherine Furlong John White Alan Gorman
Patrick Geffard
Gunilla Karlberg-Granlund
10 SES 02 C, Exploring Teachers' Beliefs
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: K1.04 Auditorium 3, Chair: Rose Dolan
- Pre-Service Teachers' Beliefs About Ability And "The Learner"
- The importance of teachers’ implicit beliefs about students’ characteristics in teacher education. An exploratory study.
- A New Insight into Prospective Language Teachers’ Beliefs about Teachers’ and Learners’ Roles
Anna-Carin Jonsson
Valeria Rossini Luciana Neglia
Zeynep Ölçü Dinçer Cuneyt Dinçer
10 SES 02 A, Professional Knowledge & Teacher Identity: Ways of knowing
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: K5.18, Chair: Itxaso Tellado
10 SES 02 D, Teacher Educators’ Learning: Knowledge generation, policy change and professional agency
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 15:15-16:45, Room: K5.07, Chair: ML White
- Teacher Educators’ Learning: Knowledge Generation, Policy Change and Professional Agency
- U.S. Teacher Educators’ Professional Learning: Implications for Practice and Policy
- Teacher Educators’ Professional Learning, Policy and Curriculum Change in Primary Teacher Education in England
- Examining Policy and Teacher Educators’ Professional Learning: an Australian Perspective
Jean Murray Simone White ML White Päivi Kristiina Hökkä Dirck Roosevelt Viv Ellis Mariana Souto-Manning
Dirck Roosevelt
Jean Murray ML White
Simone White
10 SES 03 B, Programmes and Approaches: Digital settings
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.20, Chair: ML White
- Simulation Games in Teaching Practice: Are Video-Based Learning Platforms an Adequate Instrument to Foster the Professional Vision of Civics Teachers?
- Badging the ‘Soft Skills’ in Teacher Education
- An Exploration Of The Use Of Bio-Pedagogical Narratives And Video Stimulated Reflection In The Pedagogy Of Initial Teacher Education
- What is ‘Research’ in Initial Teacher Education: Teacher Educator Perspectives
May Jehle Maria Theresa Meßner
Mandia Mentis Wendy Holley-Boen
Cathy Gower
Rita Tavares de Sousa Amélia Lopes Pete Boyd
10 SES 03 A, Professional Knowledge & Teacher Identity: The role of research
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.18, Chair: Kirsten Darling-Mcquistan
- Early career teachers’ experiences of professional knowledge from the research-based teacher education in Finland
- Contrasts in Teacher Educators´ Discursive Positions; an Effect of Changes in Educational Policy Discourses?
Gunilla Eklund Jessica Aspfors
Marie-Helene Zimmerman Nilsson
10 SES 03 C, Developing Professional Identities: Key concerns and values
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: K1.04 Auditorium 3, Chair: Graeme Hall
- Emotions and the Role of Teachers for their Students´ Aspirations
- Initial Teacher Education and the Formation of Teacher Identity: Findings from a Longitudinal Study
Corinna Geppert Tamara Katschnig
Maria Assunção Flores
10 SES 03 D, Programmes and Approaches: Reform and improvisation
Tuesday, 2017-08-22, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.07, Chair: Anna-Lena Lilliestam
- Measuring Student Teachers’ Development of Metacognition and Self-regulated Learning in Professional Dialogue
- The Matter of Teacher Agency in School Reform
Alan Huang Anna Beck Markus Klein
Amanda Cordova Bryan Duarte
10 SES 04 B, Programmes and Approaches: Teacher as researcher
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.20, Chair: Gaele Macfarlane
- Teachers Engaging in and with Research: Bonding, Bridging and Linking
- Pre-service Teachers Undertaking International Research: Developing Skills of Reflection
- Teacher Students' Perspectives to Teacher Education Paradigms and Possibilities to Develop Teacher as a Researcher Approach in Teacher Education
Anna Beck Ninetta Santoro
Jane Medwell David Wray
Laura Hirsto
10 SES 04 C, Developing Teacher Competencies: The role of beliefs, values and goals
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: K1.04 Auditorium 3, Chair: Alan Huang
- What Contributes to Being a Good ‘Assessor’? Predicting Student Teachers’ Competence in Educational Assessment by Personality, Socio-Demographic and Biographic Variables.
- Developing pre-service teacher agency
- Beliefs, Values anGoals as Aspects of Teachers’ Intercultural Competence: Empirical Evidence on their Structure
Christoph Schneider Rainer Bodensohn
Jane Abbiss Letitia Fickel
Bruno Leutwyler Danijela S. Petrović Milica Erić Tijana Jokic Blagica Zlatković
10 SES 04 D, Student Teachers' Perceptions and and Concepts
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.07, Chair: Rachel Jakhelln
- The Significance Of The Perspective Of Learners For The Role Concept Of Teacher Trainees In The Context Of Inclusion
- Teacher education for teaching content in English: self-efficacy beliefs and perceptions of Science and Mathematics pre-service teachers in Kazakhstan
- Relationship between Preservice Teachers’ Comprehension, Perception, and Motivation Regarding Journal Writing
Maren Oldenburg
Aisara Yessenova
Yoko Ichikawa Yuko Fukaya
10 SES 04 A, Authority, Discipline and Teacher as a Moral Agent
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.18, Chair: Susann Hofbauer
- The Characteristics of Teacher Authority in the Classroom and Reactions of Students
- Variety Of Ways Teachers, As Educational Leaders, May Cope With Discipline Problems In Their Classrooms
- The Teacher As A Moral Agent. Teaching As A Moral Practice
Gladys Merma Molina Diego Gavilán Martín
Betty Toussia Cohen
Chung Kim
10 SES 04 E JS, Professional Learning through Mentoring
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 09:00-10:30, Room: K3.17, Chair: Eimear Holland
- Participatory Action Research: A Vehicle for Empowering a Mentoring Community of Practice to Negotiate Power Blocks to Applying & Cascading their CPD: An Irish Perspective
- Understandings of mentoring in school placement settings within the context of Initial Teacher Education in Scotland: dimensions of collaboration and power.
- Mapping the Supports School Teachers Deploy to Resolve Situations of Task Uncertainty
Eimear Holland Kathleen Armour
Lorele Mackie
Kasper Munk
10 SES 04.5 PS, General Poster Session
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 12:00-13:30, Room: W4.corridor (Poster Area), Chair:
- Understanding Chilean Student Teachers’ Self-Directed Learning Using Digital Technologies
- Teacher Stress In Regular And Specialized Conditions Of Education Of Children With Speech And/Or Hearing Difficulties
- An analysis of students’ motivations for choosing teaching as a career – do STEM and Non-STEM teacher education students’ motivations differ?
- Improve Public Education in the State of Rio de Janeiro: Ideas and Proposals by School Principals
- Designing Teacher Training for Nurturing Teacher Action and Changeability
- Personality Integrity, Social Support And Teacher Stress In Teachers Working In Specialized Educational Conditions
- Video Or Transcript? On The Effectiveness Of Video- And Transcript-based Classroom Management Courses On Pre-service Teachers’ Situation-specific Skills
- The Satisfaction of Religious Education Teachers with Initial Education in Croatia: The Survey Study about Teachers' Key Experiences during Initial Education
- Initial Teacher Training In Primary Education: Skills And Satisfaction
- Teacher education institutions’ sensitivity on diversity: Exploring institutional commitment, benefits, and impact on teaching in two colleges of education
Cristian Cerda José L. Saiz Pedro Hernandez-Ramos
Katarina Pavičić Dokoza Adinda Dulčić Koraljka Bakota Lidija Čilić Burušić Maja Ribar
Nina Glutsch
Esther Lück Sandra Mariano
Ikuko Goto Ryoko Kodama Kie Fujiwara
Koraljka Bakota Adinda Dulčić Katarina Pavičić Dokoza Lidija Čilić Burušić Maja Ribar
Charlotte Kramer
Denis Baric Josip Burusic
Carmen Nuria Arvelo Rosales Olga María Alegre de la Rosa Remedios Guzmán Rosquete
María Cristina Cardona-Moltó Renáta Tichá Brian Abery
10 SES 05 A, Professional Knowledge & Teacher Identity: Leadership
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.18, Chair: Shosh Leshem
10 SES 05 B, Programmes and Approaches: Assessments
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.20, Chair: Bruno Leutwyler
- Educational assessment as a mirror: Using clinical interviews to enact critical inquiry and reflections in pre-service teacher education
- A Factor Analytic Study of the “Intern Keys” Pre-Service Teachers’ Performance Assessment Tool
- Teacher Education, Inc.: Attempts at Privatizing Teacher Preparation Systems in Brazil
Noriyuki Inoue
Atakan Ata Kadir Kozan
Júlio Emílio Diniz-Pereira
10 SES 05 C, Reflectivity in Teacher Education
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: K1.04 Auditorium 3, Chair: Oliver McGarr
- Pre-service Teachers' Reflections on Critical Incidents: Exploring the Role of Available Resources in Considering Alternative Actions
- Pre-service Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Self-reflections About Their First Teaching Practices
- Measuring the Latent Construct of ‘Reflectivity’ in Quantitative Studies among Student Teachers: Challenges and First Results of Instrument Analyses
Kasper Munk Oliver McGarr
Gönül Kurt Erhan Merve Kaplan Koştur
Katrin Kreilinger Birgit Ziegler
10 SES 05 D, Teacher Education: The development of identity
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.07, Chair: Chousung Yang
- Subject-specific interests and competences of prospective students in teacher education programmes: Opportunities to integrate subject-specific questionnaires in self-assessments
- Gender and Initial Teacher Education Applicants in the Republic of Ireland: The Tension of Assumptions and Analyses
- Learning to become a TESOL teacher in Australia: A study of pre-service teachers’ relational identity development
Barbara Neunteufl
Kevin Davison Manuela Heinz Elaine Keane
Hoa Nguyen Hongzhi Yang
10 SES 05 E JS, Perceptions and Learning Opportunities of Beginner Teachers on Assessment
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 13:30-15:00, Room: W5.18, Chair: Martin Goy
- The implementation of the competency based assessment in the teacher training education: a study of a Spanish university
- Analysing Prospective Teachers’ Perceptions on Assessment and Evaluation Practices in Higher Education
- Preservice Teachers Learning How To Use Assessment For Equity
Enrique Alastor Garcia Cheikh-Lahlou Inmaculada Martinez Garcia
Reyhan Ağçam Ebru Kaya
Mary Hill Fiona Ell Lexie Grudnoff Mavis Haigh Marilyn Cochran-Smith Larry Ludlow
10 SES 06 A, Professional Identity & Teacher Identity: Motivations
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.18, Chair: Marianne Maugesten
- Critical Aspects of Critical Events in Teacher Students’ Learning to Teach
- Student Teachers’ Narratives of Learning to Become a Teacher in Thailand
- Motivations for Choosing Teaching Career – Comparison of Finnish and German Teacher Students
- “Multiple Layers”: Re-conceptualizing the University Supervisor’s Role
Kyriaki Doumas
Denchai Prabjandee
Jani Petri Ursin Christian Harteis Katja Vähäsantanen Michael Goller Dagmar Festner
Laura Vernikoff Colleen Horn Kelsey Darity A. Lin Goodwin
10 SES 06 C, The Role of Mentors and Institutional Factors in Teacher Education
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: K1.04 Auditorium 3, Chair: Stella Mouroutsou
- Mentoring in Teacher Education: Mentors’ Self-Efficacy, Effort and Beliefs about Mentoring
- Complexity, Diversity and Ambiguity in Teaching and Teacher Education: Practical Wisdom, Pedagogical Fitness and Tact of Teaching
- Addition of New Constructs in the TPB Model in the Context of Early Childhood Teachers’ Science Teaching Behaviour
Eli Lejonberg Eyvind Elstad Trond Solhaug Lise Vikan Sandvik Knut-Andreas Christophersen
Martina Riedler
Gökcen Ermis Ceren Öztekin Jale Cakiroglu
10 SES 06 E, Dialogue and Professionalism in Teaching and Learning
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.02, Chair: Marit Ulvik
- Reforming and reifying educational practice through teaching and learning activities in teacher education classrooms: (Un)conscious resistance to imperatives for change.
- Fostering Enabling Dialogues in Professional Practice
- Master Theses And Teacher Professionalism In Teacher Education
Alexandra Gunn David Berg Mary F. Hill Mavis Haigh
Sally Windsor Jeana Kriewaldt Melanie Nash Jane Thornton
Kaare Skagen Knut Løndal Bodil Kleve Bjørn Smestad
10 SES 06 D, Engaging with Professional Standards and Educational Goals
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.07, Chair: Angelika Paseka
- Spatialised Metaphors of Practice: How Teacher Educators Engage with Professional Standards for Teachers
- Educational Goals and Motivations for Training as a Teacher of Student Teachers
- Beginning Teachers’ Regulation of Instructional Practices
Mary Ryan Terri Bourke
Heleen Simonsz
Iffet Elif Yetkin Ozdemir Pınar Yıldız Ramazan Gurel Erhan Bozkurt
10 SES 07 E, Professional Knowledge & Teacher Identity: Self-efficacy
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.02, Chair: Aileen Kennedy
- Predicting Performance And Motivation In Teacher Education – The Role Of Opportunities To Learn, Intrinsic Needs And Perceived Self-efficacy.
- “Improvisation” as a Key Curricular Concept in Professional Teaching
- Pre-service Secondary Teachers’ Use of Reflective Practice as a Way of Knowing.
Denise Depping Timo Ehmke
Magne Espeland Helga Aadland Trond Egil Arnesen
Stephen Day Anne Pirrie
10 SES 07 A, Professional Identity & Teacher Identity: Learning outside, in school, at home
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.18, Chair: Isabelle Nédélec Trohel
- How Is Education Outside The Classroom, Udeskole, Understood By Teachers?
- Creative, critical, digital: Connecting home and school literacies
- A Dominoes Variation To Support LKearning Disabled Or Underachieving Students
Karen Barfod
Kirsten Hutchison Anne Cloonan Louise Paatsch
Isabelle Nédélec Trohel Nathalie Trepanier
10 SES 07 B, Programmes and Approaches: Implementation and evaluation
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.20, Chair: José-Ignacio Rivas-Flores
- How Do Mathematics And Science Pre-service Teachers Acquire ‘Pedagogical Content Knowledge’ Within ‘Employment-based Teacher Training’ And What Factors Influence This?
- Evaluating the Link between the Methodology and the Practicum Components of an Undergraduate English Language Teacher Education Program
- How Humor Makes or Breaks Student-Teacher Relationships: A Classroom Ethnography in Belgium
Yve Posner Andy Hudson
Banu Cicek Basaran
Lore Van Praag Mieke Van Houtte
10 SES 07 D, The Role of Pre-service and Beginning Teachers in Diverse Contexts
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.07, Chair: Marianne Maugesten
- Job Demand Appraisals of Beginning Teachers – the Impact of Contextual and Individual Factors
- The Role of Pre-service Teacher Placements in Rural School Staffing: Testing Policy Ideas to Solve a Perennial Crisis
- Preservice Science Teachers’ Use of Multiple Representations of Physical and Chemical Change in Their Teaching Practice
Manuela B. Keller-Schneider Jasper Maas Uwe Hericks Elif Arslan
Hernan Cuervo Daniela Acquaro
Funda Savasci-Acikalin
10 SES 07 C, Enhancing the Quality of Teacher Education
Wednesday, 2017-08-23, 17:15-18:45, Room: K1.04 Auditorium 3, Chair: Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke
- Quality of Teacher Education: Could it Be Improved by Social Partnership?
- Developing Preservice Teachers’ Reflective Teaching Through Professional Dialogues With Overseas Peers
- The significance of academic literacies in learning mathematics when students are becoming teachers: Learning from an "excellent” teacher educator
Irena Zaleskiene Vaiva Juskiene
James Ko Ridwan Maulana
Kristin Helstad Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke Line Wittek
10 SES 08 C, Programmes and Approaches: (Re)View on programmes and measurements
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: K1.04 Auditorium 3, Chair: Itxaso Tellado
- Teacher Preparation Programs: A Systems View
- Measuring Quality In Initial Teacher Education
- Pedagogical entrepreneurship in Nordic teacher education.
Rose Dolan
Aileen Kennedy Paul Adams Emilee Rauschenberger
Michael Dal Mats Westerberg Janne Elo Eva Leffler Gudrun Svedberg
10 SES 08 A, Professional Knowledge & Teacher Identity: Inclusivity
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.18, Chair: Ainat Guberman
- Researching Inclusively to Bridge the Theory-practice Divide
- Professionalization of Teacher Students in the Field of Special Education in Sweden
- The emerging syndrome of student social anxiety and withdrawal from schooling: Implications for teacher education
Loraine McKay Gill Rutherford Emma-Lee Boulton Bonnie Rotolo Izabella Szymkowski Felicity Keys
Thomas Barow Girma Berhanu Dörte Bernhard
Jeanne Maree Allen Glenda McGregor Donna Pendergast Michelle Ronksley-Pavia
10 SES 08 B, Programmes and Approaches: Measuring training practices
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.20, Chair: Marita Cronqvist
- Digging Into Initial Teacher Training Practices In Catalonia
- Is it possible to explain how to explain? – Contrasting two different approaches
- Impact of Emotional Education programmes on the training of school teachers.
David Rodriguez-Gomez Julio Meneses Carme Armengol
Christiane Schopf Karin Nöbauer
Patricia Torrijos Fincias Adriana Gamazo Eva María Torrecilla Sánchez Fernando Martínez Abad Juan Pablo Hernández Ramos María José Rodríguez Conde
10 SES 08 D, Partnership-Based Mentoring and Minority Teacher-training
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.07, Chair: Jodi Roffey-Barentsen
- Early Career Teachers’ Professional Learning through Practitioner Enquiry: Investigating the Role of Partnership-Based Mentoring
- Exploring Pre-Service Teacher Mentoring Framework: Selected Cases of Kazakhstani Universities and Secondary schools
- Minority teacher-training in Transcarpathia
- Learning To Teach 'Finally': Reclaiming Agency And Its Limits in Teacher Education
Peter Mtika Dean Robson
Lyazat Gapbassova
Orsolya Joó
Anne Phelan Dion Rüsselbæk Hansen
10 SES 08 E, Replication, Quality and Teacher As Researcher
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.02, Chair: Blerim Saqipi
- Highly recommended and yet neglected: Replication studies as rare phenomena in the educational sciences
- Quality Through Increased Concentration of Student Teachers?
- Introducing Teacher As Researcher: Using Activity Theory To Understand The Challenge Of Standardization
Christine Demmer Oliver Böhm-Kasper Marc Bienefeld
Eva Leffler Gudrun Svedberg
Blerim Saqipi
10 SES 08.5, Network Meeting
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 12:00-13:00, Room: K5.18, Chair: ML White
- Network Meeting
ML White
10 SES 09 D, Reforming Teacher Educators’ Professionalism And Pedagogy: Looking for landmarks in a changing Europe
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.07, Chair: Julia Planer
- Reforming Teacher Educators’ Professionalism And Pedagogy: Looking For Landmarks In A Changing Europe
- Gender-Professional Identity Integration of a Turkish Male Preschool Teacher: A Case Study
Mieke Lunenberg Marit Ulvik Jean Murray Michal Golan Ainat Guberman
Pelin Taskin Nihan Demirkasımoğlu
10 SES 09 A, Professional Identity & Teacher Identity: Language education
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.18, Chair: Ratha Perumal
- A Case Study On Professional Identity Development During Practice Teaching
- The Practicum Phases as perceived by Teacher Mentors
Hanife Taşdemir Gölge Seferoğlu
Lynn Sheridan Hoa Nguyen
10 SES 09 B, Programmes and Approaches: Learning communities and professional dialogues
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.20, Chair: Gaele Macfarlane
- Teacher Education By Volunteering In Learning communities
- «Learning by Doing and Coaching»: Second Career Teachers’ Workplace Learning
- Developing effective Learning Circles: An account of how student teachers participated in a shared dialogue of a team teaching experience.
José-Ignacio Rivas-Flores Analía-Elizabeth Leite-Mendez Maria-Jesus Marquez-Garcia Pablo Cortes-Gonzalez
Andrea Keck Frei Mirjam Kocher Christine Bieri Buschor Reta Spiess
Susan Forsythe Fay Baldry
10 SES 09 C, The European Doctorate in Teacher Education: Transnational perspectives of teacher learning in an emerging Europe
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: K3.12, Chair: Michael Schratz
- The European Doctorate in Teacher Education: Transnational Perspectives of Teacher Learning in an Emerging Europe
- Europeanisation in teacher education: Perspectives of international policy experts and the case of Hungary
- HundrED. The number that holds the potential for teacher learning
- Gazing Back: Accounts from of a Polish primary school on the state of Inclusive Education within the EU
- Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions About Their Initial Teacher Education – A Case Study From Portugal
Helena Kovacs Vasileios Symeonidis Josefine Wagner Andras Fehervari Michael Schratz Gabor Halász
Vasileios Symeonidis
Helena Kovacs
Josefine Wagner
Andras Fehervari
10 SES 10 A JS, Language and Teacher Education
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: W4.24, Chair: Ratha Perumal
- Bringing the MT back from exile: Optimality in Monolingual EFL Environments
- Multilingual Resources in English Writing Instruction
- Use of Native Tongue in Specific EFL Classroom Situations: Attitudes of Pre-Service Teachers
Georgios Neokleous Ingunn Ofte
Ingrid Rodrick Beiler
Gülden Taner
10 SES 10 C, Teacher Educators: Research methods and perspectives
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: K1.04 Auditorium 3, Chair: ML White
- Composing a Narrative Pedagogy: The Use of Stories of Experience in Initial Teacher Education
- Pre-service Teachers’ Cognitive Reasoning: A Think Aloud Study of Scenario-based Decision-Making
- Promoting the Well-being of Teachers During Initial and Life Long Teacher Education
Emma Quiles Diego Martín Alonso Mª Dolores Molina Galvañ Ma Asunción López Carretero Susana Orozco Martínez Dani Gómez Ramos
Lynn Sheridan Sharon Tindall-Ford Tracy Durksen
Lorraine McCormack Des Hewitt
10 SES 10 D, Reflections and Considerations from the Practice
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.07, Chair: Anna Beck
- Understanding Reflective Practice: the Perspectives of Students and Newly-qualified Teachers
- School Principals’ Considerations in Evaluating Trainees in Education
- A Study of Pre-service Teachers’ Development through use of Action Research and Lesson Study
Anne Pirrie Stephen Day
Dafna Hammer-Budnaro Zipi Libman Hila Ackerman-Asher
Rose Dolan Anthony Malone
10 SES 10 E, Teacher Efficacy, Movement and Well-being
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.02, Chair: Rachel Shanks
- Which Inclusive Teaching Tasks Demand the Highest Teacher Efficacy in Primary and Secondary Schools?
- Tracking Teacher’s Movements In Physical Workspace In Relationship With Pupil’s Engagement. A Tool To Get Access To Professional Knowledge.
- Well-being And Psychological Contract Among School Teachers
Kuen Fung Sin Chih Nuo Chao Tsz Tsun Lai Mingxia JI
Isabelle Sarrade
Luciana Castelli Jenny Marcionetti Alberto Crescentini
10 SES 11 C, Teachers' Perceptions and Insights
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: K1.04 Auditorium 3, Chair: Julia Planer
- Class Teacher Students’ Understanding of the Development of their Responsibility during Bachelor´s Degree Studies
- Teaching Career Motivation Among Mothers Of Children With Special Needs
- Becoming a Teacher Educator in Thailand: Negotiating Identity and Tensions
Ulla Maija Valleala Leena Lestinen Päivikki Jääskelä
Erez Miller Miri Shushan Keren Hajbi
Denchai Prabjandee
10 SES 11 B, Programmes and Approaches: Inter- and Transcultural experiences and contexts
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.20, Chair:
- • Enabling Preservice Teacher’s Intercultural Competence Through Community-based Learning
- Transcultural Capacity and Teacher Education: the impact of international placement experiences on the global readiness of pre-service teachers
- Educating Exemplary Professionals in Inclusive Education in Australia: Would the UDLFramework Apply in European Tertiary Contexts?
Letitia Fickel Jane Abbiss Te Hurinui Clarke Liz Brown
Niranjan Casinader Allie Clemans
Roselyn Dixon Karen Trimmer Kathleen Tanner
10 SES 11 D, Politics and Recognition for Beginning Teachers
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.07, Chair: Susann Hofbauer
- Career Change Intentions of Novice Teachers in the Czech Republic: The Role of Out-of-school Factors
- Transition or transformation? Early career teachers’ experiences with their first workplace and the dialectic of recognition
- Beginning Teachers’ Micropolitical Experiences: Implications for Teacher Educators
Eva Minarikova Miroslav Janík Svetlana Hanusova Tomas Janik Tomas Kohoutek Klara Ulicna
Rachel Jakhelln Gerd Stølen
Nathan Brubaker
10 SES 11 A, Teachers as Agents of Change and Mentors
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.18, Chair: Jean Murray
- Educative Mentoring Within Mentoring Relationships: A Case Study Of Successful Dyads
- The Motivation Of Education Professionals To Participate In Online Professional Learning Communities
- Care and Wellbeing as Key Concerns and Values in Student Teachers' Developing Professional Identities?
Sharon Tindall-Ford Lynn Sheridan
Pascale Mompoint-Gaillard Jón Torfi Jónasson Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir
Maeve O'Brien
10 SES 11 E, Collaboration, Messiness and Hybrid Learning Space
Thursday, 2017-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: K5.02, Chair: ML White
- Research-Based Teacher Education and Practices: Learning how Researcher and Teacher Communities Can Collaborate
- "Surfing The Wave(s) Of Messiness" Within A Piece Of Teacher Educator Collaboration
Dragica Pavlovic Babic Aleksandar Baucal Francesco Arcidiacono Nevena Budjevac Sanja Blagdanic
David Powell
10 SES 12 B, Programmes and Approaches: Strategies - Settings - Tools
Friday, 2017-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.20, Chair: Angelika Paseka
- ‘Focus on the Learner’ in Teacher Education: PAR as a Strategy to Enable Student Voice in Schools
- The Effect of History of Science Based Laboratory Instruction on Primary School Pre-Service Teachers' Ability and Affective Learning Domains
- Learning Processes Of Teacher Students In An Inquiry-Based Learning Setting
Ben H.J. Smit Wilfried F. Admiraal Amanda K. Berry
Hakki Ilker Kostur
Jan-Hendrik Hinzke Angelika Paseka
10 SES 12 C, Learning To Teach Across Specialisations: Understanding and responding to teaching out-of-field phenomenon
Friday, 2017-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: K1.04 Auditorium 3, Chair: Guenter Toerner
- Learning To Teach Across Specialisations: Understanding And Responding To Teaching Out-Of-Field Phenomenon
- The Reasons Out-Of-Field Teachers In Mathematics Apply For A Professional Development Course
- Education For Specialists Or Generalists?: Initial Teacher Education Of Primary School Teachers In Germany
- The Changing Identity And Practice Of Early Career Teachers Who Teach Across Discipline Boundaries
Linda Hobbs Steffen Lünne Raphaela Porsch Christopher Speldewinde . . Anne Price Coral Campbell Guenter Toerner
Steffen Lünne
Raphaela Porsch
Christopher Speldewinde Linda Hobbs Coral Campbell
10 SES 12 A, Electronic Portfolios in Teacher Education as Tools for Reflexive Development of Competence and Deep Learning
Friday, 2017-08-25, 09:00-10:30, Room: K5.18, Chair: Dorit Bosse
- Electronic Portfolios in Teacher Education as Tools for Reflexive Development of Competence and Deep Learning
- Empirical analysis e-portfolio tasks the education of English teachers in Basle
- Podcasts as Tool for Fostering Reflective Competences in Teacher Education
Annette Busse Dorit Bosse Stefan D. Keller . . Caroline Theurer
Stefan D. Keller
Annette Busse Dorit Bosse
10 SES 13 B, Advancing Professionalism in Teaching: Professional standards and teacher quality
Friday, 2017-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.20, Chair: Margery McMahon
- Advancing Professionalism in Teaching: Professional Standards and Teacher Quality
- Teacher professional standards in Scotland: a model in need of development?
- Standards in Portugal: a key reference for assessing teacher performance
- Professional Standards and Teacher Quality: The Russian Perspective
Margery McMahon Maria assuncao Flores fernandes Roza Valeeva Aileen Kennedy
Margery McMahon
Maria assuncao Flores fernandes
Roza Valeeva
10 SES 13 A, Professional Development and Dialogue
Friday, 2017-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: K5.18, Chair: Sandra Girbés-Peco
- Improvisation, A Tool For Building A Bridge Between Theory And Practice In Teacher Education?
- Writings on improvisation in teacher education A review of literature on professional improvisation in teacher education
- Reforming and Reimagining within Teacher Education
Knut Steinar Engelsen Marit Kulild
Kari Holdhus Sissel Høisæter
Crystal Chen Laura Vernikoff Rachel Roegman Emilie Reagan A. Lin Goodwin
10 SES 13 C, Second Class Teachers? – Practices of Further Education and Employment of Teachers with Refugee Background
Friday, 2017-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: K1.04 Auditorium 3, Chair: Fabio Dovigo
- Second Class Teachers? – Practices of Further Education and Employment of Teachers with Refugee Background
- How to accomodate Syrian teaching force as a tool of emergency education in Turkey: Challenges and expectations
- Of Teacher Lows and Missed Opportunities - The Paradox of Non-Inclusion of Refugee Teachers in Austria
- Is it better in the North? - Work Options for Refugee Teachers in Sweden
Seyda Subasi Michelle Proyer Tatjana Atanasoska Fabio Dovigo Elena Makarova
Seyda Subasi
Michelle Proyer
Tatjana Atanasoska
10 SES 14 B, Self-Study Methodology: An inspiring and ambitious approach for practitioner research in Europe
Friday, 2017-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.20, Chair: Marit Ulvik
- Self-Study Methodology: An Inspiring And Ambitious Approach For Practitioner Research In Europe
- Developing Research-rich Teaching Practices As An Experienced Teacher Educator
- Teacher Educators Developing A Discourse On Self-study Of Practice
- Who Am I? Renegotiation Of roles And Relationships Through Self-study Methodology
- Facilitating Self-study Research: A Story Of Four Tour Guides
Mieke Lunenberg Elizabeth White Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir Kirsten Darling-Mcquistan Marit Ulvik Rose Dolan Jónína Vala Kristinsdóttir Karen Rut Gísladóttir Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir Paul van den Bos Janneke Geursen Amanda Berry
Elizabeth White
Hafdis Gudjonsdottir Jónína Vala Kristinsdóttir Karen Rut Gísladóttir Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir
Kirsten Darling-Mcquistan
Mieke Lunenberg Paul van den Bos Janneke Geursen Amanda Berry
10 SES 14 A, Innovation And Reform In Teacher Education: Historical perspectives on change and transformation
Friday, 2017-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: K5.18, Chair: Ann Childs
- Innovation And Reform In Teacher Education: Historical Perspectives On Change and Transformation
- Innovation in Teacher Education: Collective Creativity In The Development Of The Oxford Internship Scheme
- The Development Of Knowledge For, About And By Teachers Educators: A Recent History
- The Historical Struggle Over Governance And Reform In Teacher Education
- The American Teacher: Competing Conceptions Of The ‘Teacher’ In The Early Normal School Era, 1839-1870
Ann Childs Viv Ellis Anja Swennen Tom Are Trippestad William Davis Sven-Erik Hansén
Ann Childs Viv Ellis
Anja Swennen
Tom Are Trippestad
Alyssa Getzel
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