Network: 21. Emerging Researchers' Group (for presentation at Emerging Researchers' Conference)
ERG SES A1, Keynote: Theo Wubbels
Monday, 2012-09-17, 09:30-10:30, Room: FCEE - Aula Magna, Chair: Mustafa Yunus Eryaman
ERG SES B 15, Secondary schools
Monday, 2012-09-17, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCEE - S. 3, Chair: Daniel Fischer
- Effects of Enhancing Strategy Use for Secondary Struggling Readers on Their Reading Comprehension, Motivation, and Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies
- Secondary Student Movement: Present, Continuities and Ruptures since the return to democracy. Argentina 1983-2012
Lin Wu Martin Valcke Hilde Van Keer
Marina Leonor Larrondo Pablo Del Monte
ERG SES B 13, Music / Media / Art Education
Monday, 2012-09-17, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.8, Chair: Maria Hilbert
- Individual Vocal Studies in the Context of Future Music Teachers’ Education
- Identity Searching Within Broadcasters in Student Radios.
- Framing the Study on Art Museum Interpretation: Triangulation of Museological, Art Historical and Pedagogical Theories
Vaiva Juceviciute
Peter Dolník
Rajka Bracun Sova
ERG SES B 14, Higher Education
Monday, 2012-09-17, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.9, Chair: Jani Petri Ursin
- Investigating Organizational Socialization and the Factors That Predict Organizational Socialization of English Instructors at Turkish Universities
- Educational Borrowing in Practice: The Implementation of the Bologna Process in Cameroon
- The Relationship between Fears of and Attitudes toward Stray Dogs in a University Campus
- Contemporary German and English Undergraduate Students’ Understanding of ‘The University’ as an Institution
Fatma Ataman Yasar Kondakci
Elizabeth Agbor Eta
Busra Tuncay
Richard Budd
ERG SES B 01, Inclusive Education
Monday, 2012-09-17, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.1, Chair:
- Cooperation in Inclusive Education. Systems of Assistance for Children with Learning Difficulties. Lessons learned from a Bolivian pilot project.
- Critical Consideration of Participation in Three Different Educational Environments: (Preliminary) Results from a Research Project Focussing on Children with Disabilities
- Transition to Secondary School: The Views of Pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs
- Special Education Needs in Upper Secondary Schools: Resources and Organization. - A total Survey of Sweden
Simon Reisenbauer
Margarita Schiemer Michaela Kramann Michelle Proyer
Phil Ellender
Joacim Ramberg
ERG SES B 02, Didactics
Monday, 2012-09-17, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.2, Chair: Meinert Arnd Meyer
- Interaction of Teachers’ Explanations with Pupils’ Clarifying Strategies
- Becoming Transparent: Between Education and Learning
- Investigating Authenticity In Teaching
Zuzana Šalamounová
Kirsty Alexander
Merlin Thompson
ERG SES B 03, Research methods
Monday, 2012-09-17, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.3, Chair:
- Student as Researchers: Student Leadership of School ICT Policymaking
- Evaluating Attitudes and Usages of ICT in the Secondary Education Music Classroom
Patricia Davies
José Luis Guerrero Valiente
ERG SES B 04, Interactive Poster Session
Monday, 2012-09-17, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.4, Chair: Joana da Silveira Duarte
- Dialogues on Learning Beyond the Boundaries of the Digital School: Subjects, Imaginary, Multi-literacy.
- Educational academic careers in Europe with gender perspective - an empiric norwegian-german analysis
- Nature as a Concept in the German-speaking Discourse of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
- Induction Seminars for Newly Qualified Teachers: The Case of Estonia
Amalia Susana Creus Leticia Fraga
Anna Gstöttner
Almut-Maria Jäcklein
Liina Lepp Elina Reva
ERG SES B 05, Interactive Poster Session
Monday, 2012-09-17, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.5, Chair: Fiona Hallett
- Teaching and Research: The Two Worlds of Science Teacher University
- Prospective Special Educators’ Reflection on Experience and its Integration in Studies at the Higher Education Institution
- Self Assessment of Pre-Service Turkish Language Teachers During Their Teaching Practice
- Lack of Access to a Mobile Phone and the Emotions and Behaviors of Students
Carolina Martínez Galaz
Remigijus Bubnys
Gamze Çelik Zeynep Çetinkaya Edizer
Anita Karyń Anna Babicka-Wirkus Łukasz Wirkus
ERG SES B 06, Science Education
Monday, 2012-09-17, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.6, Chair: Volker Bank
- Preservice Science Teachers’ Epistemological Beliefs and the Quality of Science Teaching
- Secondary Science Teachers' Conceptions of and Approaches to Teaching and Learning Science in Brunei
- Investigating the Science Process Skills in Popular Science Activity Books in Turkey
Dilek Karisan Mustafa Sami Topcu
Roslena PDIS Haji Johari
Hakki Ilker Kostur
ERG SES B 11, Mathematics Education
Monday, 2012-09-17, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.3, Chair:
ERG SES B 08, Early Childhood
Monday, 2012-09-17, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.8, Chair: Sabine Krause
- Educating Through and For Diversity in the Early Years: Possibilities of the Awakening to Languages Approach
- Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers’ Views about Possible Influences of “The School Readiness and Transition to Elementary School” Course
Monica Lourenço Ana Isabel Andrade
Berna Sicim Refika Olgan
ERG SES B 10, Learning Environments
Monday, 2012-09-17, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.2, Chair: Mustafa Yunus Eryaman
ERG SES B 12, Higher Education / Academic Performance
Monday, 2012-09-17, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.4, Chair: Laurent Cosnefroy
- The Role of Metacognitive Awareness in Academic Performance
- Navigating the Waters of 'Language Shock':Chinese First-Year University Students Coping with the Challenges of Academic Writing in Australia
Funda Aslan Burcu Ulutas Basri Atasoy
Catherine Montes
ERG SES C 15, Assessment
Monday, 2012-09-17, 13:30-15:00, Room: FCEE - S. 3, Chair: Martin Goy
- The Need to Search for Configurations
Corinna Geppert
ERG SES C 14, Scientific knowledge
Monday, 2012-09-17, 13:30-15:00, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.9, Chair: Meinert Arnd Meyer
- The Process in Acknowledging Knowledge and Scientificity
- The 8th Grade-Students' Knowledge about The Definition and The Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge
- Classroom and Early Childhood Preservice Teachers' Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs and Their Attitudes Towards Science Teaching
- Investigating the History of Science Content in Turkish Science and Technology Course Textbooks
Kristina Börebäck
Esra Savaş
Hakki Ilker Kostur
Hakki Ilker Kostur Fusun Eyidogan
ERG SES C 13, Media, creativity and career development
Monday, 2012-09-17, 13:30-15:00, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.8, Chair: Maria Hilbert
- "Exploring the Impact of Entrepreneurial and Creative Education Experiences across multi-disciplinary teams of students"
- The Undergraduate Experience of STEM Students from Various Social Backgrounds: From Pre-Entry Expectations to Persistence Motivation and Career Intentions
- Research on Textbooks and Educational Media at local context.
Marge Täks Frances Mitchell
Anna Maxim
Carmen Denébola Álvarez Seoane
ERG SES C 03, Early Childhood
Monday, 2012-09-17, 13:30-15:00, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.3, Chair: Maria Pacheco Figueiredo
- Early Childhood Teachers' Perceptions of and Practices in Integration of Environmental Education into Early Childhood Education
- Pre-service Teachers’ Attitudes towards the Profession of Early Childhood Education in terms of Gender Role
Zisan Guner Refika Olgan Jale Cakiroglu
Muhammet Ali Karaduman Refika Olgan
ERG SES C 04, Research Processes
Monday, 2012-09-17, 13:30-15:00, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.4, Chair: Fiona Hallett
- Views of Emerging Researchers on Educational Research Process
- Examining Doctoral Research Methods Learning In Context
Sezen Apaydin Halime Ozturk
Gregory Hum
ERG SES C 05, Interactive Poster Sessions
Monday, 2012-09-17, 13:30-15:00, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.5, Chair: Joana da Silveira Duarte
- Practicioners as University Lecturers
- First-generation Human Rights in Higher Education
- Cooperation Between Students from Higher Education and Vocational School
- Learning in music group
- The Evaluation And Comperison Of The Science And Pre-School Teacher Candidates’ Oppinions About The Child Rights
- Transforming Curriculum in Whose Image? Recognition of Taiwan's Nation-stateness in the Age of Globalization
Elina Reva Liina Lepp
Anna Babicka-Wirkus Łukasz Wirkus
Nina Lahtinen Auli Hietanen
Montserrat Campderros
Büşra Şahan Gamze Tezcan
Chen Ju Liu
ERG SES C 06, Mathematics Education
Monday, 2012-09-17, 13:30-15:00, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.6, Chair:
- Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Use of a Graphing Calculator While Working on Exponential and Logarithmic Tasks
- Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Mathematical Problem Solving Beliefs
- Using History of Mathematics in Learning and Teaching of the Concept of Variable
Merve Kaplan Erdinç Çakıroğlu
Merve Kaplan Seher Avcu Safure Bulut
Fadime Ulusoy
ERG SES C 07, Science Education
Monday, 2012-09-17, 13:30-15:00, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.7, Chair: Patrícia Fidalgo
- A Science Teacher’s Knowledge about Assessment Strategies: Liquid Pressure Topic
- Examining the Views of Pre-Service Teachers about Nuclear Power Plants
Dilek Karisan Ayse Senay Behiye Ubuz
Sinem Uner Huseyin Akkus
ERG SES C 08, Work organisation
Monday, 2012-09-17, 13:30-15:00, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.8, Chair: Ludger Deitmer
ERG SES C 09, Teaching and Learning
Monday, 2012-09-17, 13:30-15:00, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.9, Chair:
- The Reception of PISA in Slovenia: good results - weak impact and vice versa
- Pre-service English Language Teachers’ Views about Effective Communication
- The Role of the Mentor on the Experiences of New Teaching Staff in the English Further Education Sector
- The Problems That Novice Teachers Faced in The First year of the Profession
Urška Štremfel
Elif Öztürk Yılmaztekin
Nichola Kentzer
Ramazan Yirci İbrahim Kocabaş Turgut Karaköse
ERG SES C 10, Gender
Monday, 2012-09-17, 13:30-15:00, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.2, Chair: Sabine Krause
ERG SES C 12, Mathematics Education
Monday, 2012-09-17, 13:30-15:00, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.4, Chair:
- Historical Development of Place Value
- Development And Validation Of Origami In Mathematics Education Belief Scale
Deniz Mehmetlioglu
Okan Arslan Mine Isiksal
ERG SES C 01, Inclusive Education
Monday, 2012-09-17, 13:30-15:00, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.1, Chair:
- The Social Experiences And Belonging Of Children (Including Those With Behavioural Emotional And Social Difficulties) In Education
- Being Fathered and Being a Father: Examination of Two Generation Father Involvement
- “Nowhere Fits” – Dilemmas of School Placement for Parents of Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) Statements in an ‘Inclusive’ Europe
Samantha Child
Şenil Ünlü-Çetin Refika Olgan
Meanu Bajwa-Patel
ERG SES C 02, Equal Opportunities
Monday, 2012-09-17, 13:30-15:00, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.2, Chair: Alison Neilson
- Equal Schooling - Equal Opportunities? Finnish Ninth Graders’ Planned Educational and Occupational Trajectories from Three Perspectives.
- Perspectives and practices affecting the realisation of the strategy to achieve equal access to quality education for Roma
- Metacognition in Focus Enhancing Academic Performance and Creating Equality
Jenni Tikkanen
Rosa Drown
Ülle Säälik
ERG SES D 01, Network Workshop: Network 19 (Ethnography)
Monday, 2012-09-17, 15:10-16:40, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.1, Chair:
- Why Choose Ethnography?
Dennis Beach Sofia Marques da Silva
ERG SES D 02, Network Workshop: Network 24 (Mathematics Education Research)
Monday, 2012-09-17, 15:10-16:40, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.2, Chair:
ERG SES D 03, Network Workshop: Network 25 (Research on Children's Rights in Education)
Monday, 2012-09-17, 15:10-16:40, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.3, Chair:
- What Makes Educational Research With Children ‘Ethical’?
Victoria Coppock
ERG SES E, Emerging Researchers´ Group Meeting
Monday, 2012-09-17, 17:00-17:30, Room: FCEE - Aula Magna, Chair: Fiona Hallett
- Network Meeting
Fiona Hallett
ERG SES F15, Inter-cultural issues
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 09:00-10:30, Room: FCEE - S. 3, Chair: Sabine Krause
ERG SES F13, Adult learning
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 09:00-10:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.8, Chair: Ludger Deitmer
ERG SES F 01, Inclusive Education
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 09:00-10:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.1, Chair:
- Special Educational Needs Placements in Intial Teacher Training - Evaluating impact into the teaching profession
- The Impact of Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) on Teachers’ Abilities to Address Special Educational Needs in English Primary Schools
- Pedagogical Relation and Vulnerable Groups.
Greg Parker Georgina Spry Liz Symes
Saneeya Qureshi
Elena Giménez Urraco
ERG SES F 02, Didactics
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 09:00-10:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.2, Chair: Brian Hudson
ERG SES F 04, Philosophy
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 09:00-10:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.4, Chair: Volker Bank
- Struggling for Human in the Management Classroom: Tactics from “Critical Management Education”
- Individual Differences of School Leaders and their Relationship to Variables Connected to School Management
- Saviour Discourse and Ascribed Identity: An Ethnographic Study
Michał Zawadzki
Anna Kanape
Anneli Schwartz
ERG SES F 05, Educational Research
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 09:00-10:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.5, Chair: Des Hewitt
- An Emerging Network – Can Research for Education for Sustainable Development Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All?
- Embedded Researchers Go Global!
- Rethinking the Epistemic Foundation of Educational Research
Alison Neilson
Maija Salokangas Ruth McGinity
Elena Nobile
ERG SES F 06, Mathematics Education
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 09:00-10:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.6, Chair: Aidan Seery
- The Importance of the Social Relationship in Teaching Mathematics - An Ethical Choice to Meet Pupils' Differences
- The use of ICT in the mathematics education of secondary school students with ADHA
- 6th Grade Students' Conceptions of Reflective Symmetry in a Dynamic Geometry Environment
- Teachers Explore the Object of Learning - "How Can the Result in Division Sometimes Be Greater Than the Dividend?"
Ann-Louise Ljungblad
Nahikari Blanco De La Peña Núria Rosich Sala
Seçil Yemen Karpuzcu Berna Aygün
Pernilla Mårtensson
ERG SES F 07, Media/ digital literacy
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 09:00-10:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.7, Chair: Fiona Hallett
- A Review of Media Literacy Education: How is it Integrate into the Curriculum
- Developing Digital Literacy in Preschool
- Digital Competence: From global requirements to local regulations in Galicia (Spain)
Hui Zhang Chang Zhu
Karin Forsling
Almudena Alonso Adriana Gewerc Lourdes Montero
ERG SES F 08, Graduate employment
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 09:00-10:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.8, Chair: Palle Rasmussen
- “So What Are They Doing, The Graduates Who Got Jobs?”: Recent Graduate Transitions From University To Employment.
- Academic learning and professional skills: transition to work of higher education graduates in 'Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction'
- Social Pedagogy and Counseling Graduates in the Process of Learning Professional Role
Daria Luchinskaya
Arlinda Cabral Ana Soares Mendes Mendonça
Martina Kánská
ERG SES F 09, European education
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 09:00-10:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.9, Chair: Lejf Moos
- Knowledge Transformations And The Subjectivities Of Professionals In The Field Of Education: Greek Responses To European Policies
- School Choice Policy – Seeking to Balance Educational Efficiency and Equity? A Comparative Analysis of 20 European Countries
Menie Kourou Chronis Sifakakis Anna Tsatsaroni
Triin Lauri Kaire Põder
ERG SES F 10, Health
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 09:00-10:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.2, Chair: Daniel Fischer
ERG SES F 11, Child development
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 09:00-10:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.3, Chair: John I'Anson
- The Impact of Outdoor Activities on Children’s Development Scale for Preschool Teachers
- Interpretation of the interaction between teachers and students through the children's drawings – A drawing study: Drawing a family
- Children’s Awareness about their Own Rights
- How Early Childhood Education Relate to Narrative Skills
Simge Alkuş
Tanja Pavlič
Meltem Cengel Selcen Aydogan
Zeynep Akdag Zeynep Erdiller
ERG SES F 12, Global issues
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 09:00-10:30, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.4, Chair: Christine Winter
- Sustainability Awareness and Volunteering in the Global South
- Making Sense of ‘Global’ Responsibilities within Global Citizenship and Development Education
- The Impact of Participation in the Participatory Budgeting Process Towards the Empowerment and Development of Citizenship and Political Skills.
Sonja Richter
Chloe Blackmore
Inês Rodrigues Pedro Ferreira João Caramelo Isabel Menezes
ERG SES G 01, Writing For Your Research Community, Writing For The European Educational Research Journal
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCEE - Aula Magna, Chair:
- Writing for your Research Community, Writing for EERJ
Edwin Keiner Martin Lawn
ERG SES G 02, How to Make Your Thesis Shine
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 11:00-12:30, Room: FCT - Aula 1, Chair:
- How to Make Your Thesis Shine
Shosh Leshem Vernon Trafford
ERG SES H 15, Didactics
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - S. 3, Chair: Theo Wubbels
ERG SES H 14, Classrooms
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.9, Chair: Christine Winter
- Teachers on the Path to Professional Learning Community
- The Freegan Subculture as an Informal Learning Environment
Lucie Chaloupkova
Katerina Lojdova
ERG SES H 13, Higher Education
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.8, Chair: Fiona Hallett
- Reflective And Experiential Learning In Personal-Social Development
- Understanding Adult’s Perceptions and Interpretations of Adult Learning and Self-development. Some Empirical Findings
- Development of Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence in Higher Education: a comparative study between a European and an African University
Jan Nehyba
Adel Kiss
Marta Mendonca Gun-Marie Franberg Oleg Popov Eugénia Cossa
ERG SES H 01, Inclusive Education
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.1, Chair:
- The Assesment of Child Protection System in Turkey Through A Historical Perspective
- Emotional Capital Development at Primary School in Pakistan: Basis of an Education and Development for All
- Assessment: What Do They Want From Me?
Pelin Taskin
Rifat Abbas Khan Benedicte Gendron
Kaire Uiboleht
ERG SES H 02, Transition
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.2, Chair: Claudia Schuchart
- Educational transitions in primary and secondary education in highly stratified systems – a closer look at three European countries
- Career Aspirations of 6th Grade Students in Austria (longitudinal study)
- Orientation decisions concerning the transition from Primary to Secondary School: the affect of accountability
- The Influence of Teachers and Peers on Educational Decisions of Secondary School Students
Claudia Schuchart Ineke Pit-ten Cate Tamara Katschnig Bettina Scheidt Judith Glaesser Sabine Krolak-Schwerdt Sabine Glock Maria Markova Corinne Geppert Michaela Kilian
Tamara Katschnig Corinne Geppert Michaela Kilian
Ineke Pit-ten Cate Sabine Krolak-Schwerdt Sabine Glock Maria Markova
Bettina Scheidt Claudia Schuchart
ERG SES H 03, Higher Education
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.3, Chair: Virág Füzi
- The Concept of Public Responsibility in the European Higher Education Area
- A Comparative View on Conceptualizations and Models of Internationalization in the Higher Education Sector and its Subsector ‘Education/Teacher education’
- Expansion of Higher Education with Special Focus on Part-time Students - the Hungarian Case
Klemen Miklavic Jana Bacevic
Diana Wernisch
Zoltan Tozser
ERG SES H 04, Intercultural education
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.4, Chair: Patrícia Fidalgo
- Predictors of Educational Performance Gap between Natives and Migrants in 14 Countries
- Empirical Study of Social Mal-Adaptation of Returning Female Labor Migrants into their Sending Country: Facing Dilemmas in Ukrainian Context
- It Depends on the language
- The Motivation to Learn Foreign Languages among Finnish Students at the Upper Level of Comprehensive School
Evgeni Varshaver
Olena Koshmanova Maxymilian Dubniak
Annukka Muuri
Teija Kangasvieri
ERG SES H 05, Teacher education
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.5, Chair: Ian Menter
- Prospective Science Teachers’ Metacognitive Awareness
- Pre-service science teachers’ use of self-regulation strategies related to their academic performance and gender
- Predictors of Pre-Service Science Teacher Self-Efficacy
- How Do CLIL Pre-service Teachers Experience Their Own Professional Learning? Investigating Teacher Professional Learning in Content and Language Integrated Learning
Burcu Ulutas Funda Aslan Basri Atasoy
Burcu Senler Semra Sungur
Sundus Yerdelen Yasemin Tas Semra Sungur
Estefanía Almenta López Juan José Leiva Olivencia
ERG SES H 06, Mathematics education
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.6, Chair:
ERG SES H 07, Inter-cultural issues
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.7, Chair: Sonja Richter
ERG SES H 08, Employment / labour
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.8, Chair: Ludger Deitmer
ERG SES H 09, Transitions and education
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - Aula 2.9, Chair: Alison Neilson
- Action zone theory and classroom communication in Czech elementary schools
- Student Narratives of School-to-Work Transitions in England and Romania
- Transition between Primary and Lower Secondary Stage of Basic School from the Students’ and Their Teacher` Perspective
- Students' Perception and Opinion on Training in Working Context at a Vocational School
Jarmila Bradova
Reka Plugor
Marketa Holubova Katerina Novotna Karel Stary
Maria Teresa Lima de Oliveira Freitas da Fonseca
ERG SES H 10, Education systems
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.2, Chair: Mustafa Yunus Eryaman
ERG SES H 11, Technology
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.3, Chair:
- ‘SixthSense’ Technology for Lifelong Learning: Unlashing Unlimited Potentiality
- Developing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Scale Regarding Geometry
- Students' Expectations on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Instruction in a Kyrgyzstan University
Sayantan Mandal
Aykut Bulut Mine Isiksal
Gulshat Muhametjanova Kursat Cagiltay
ERG SES H 12, Student behaviour
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 13:15-14:45, Room: FCEE - Aula 4.4, Chair: Des Hewitt
ERG SES I, Keynote: Rob Koper
Tuesday, 2012-09-18, 15:15-16:15, Room: FCEE - Aula Magna, Chair: Mustafa Yunus Eryaman
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